Sentences with phrase «establish attachment research»

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In fact, most research suggests that when dependencies are met appropriately such as the need for attachment and attention, these, in fact, develop a sense of security and establishes confidence and self - esteem.
The research found that participants with anxious attachment style not only believed in general notions of conspiracy but also specific established conspiracy theories, such as that Princess Diana was assassinated by the British Secret Service.
The components of Relational - Based Interventions we have discussed in this article simply highlight the importance of what has been established in the existing resilience research by drawing upon attachment theory to identify a purposeful framework for relational work with young people living in care.
There is, in other words, nothing in any research indicating, inter alia, that children need «fathers» if those relationships already have not been established, or anything in any research that suggests children benefit from anything more than to maintain those relationships they already have (if, presumably, these already are significant attachments — not all are, e.g. the daycare worker from last year.)
John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth established attachment theory while researching the behavior of infants and young children, and how they develop a «secure attachment» or an «insecure attachment» with each parent.
It has also been found consistently throughout the resilience research that growing up with an early established and secure attachment to the caregiver is important for the development of a capacity to trust, and for the stimulation of emotional regulation and mentalising capacities (e.g. self - reflection)[35, 38].
Consistent with attachment theory and previous research establishing separate links between attachment, couple conflict, and intimacy, we hypothesized that couples» intimacy would mediate links between attachment and conflict, with greater attachment security predicting higher intimacy, which in turn would predict more constructive conflict.
Forty years of primate research has firmly established that early disruption of the social attachment bond reduces the long term capacity to cope with subsequent social disruptions and to modulate physiological arousal.
Attachment theory and research has established for itself a central place in the study of human social and affective development.
The PACT approach uses established and modern research in neuroscience and human attachment theory to understand and address our challenges in staying present and open to our partner.
An extensive body of research over the past two decades and more has established a clear link between secure patterns of attachment in infancy and early childhood and later social adaptation.5 Secure attachment has been associated with better developmental outcomes than non-secure patterns in areas that include self - reliance, self - efficacy, empathy and social competence in toddlerhood, school - age and adolescence.
A growing corpus of research has established that traumatic early - childhood experiences and insecure attachments are both independent and interrelated risk factors for developing substance abuse disorders.
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