Sentences with phrase «establish proof points»

The case study outlines Delaware's involvement in the RSN Sustainability Work Group and three sustainability lessons learned by the State Education Agency (SEA): focus on what works, establish proof points for the SEA technical assistance role, and don't forget to communicate.

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In 1837, the first editor of Washington's Collected Works wrote: «If a man who spoke, wrote, and acted as a Christian through a long life, who gave numerous proofs of his believing himself to be such, and who was never known to say, write, or do a thing contrary to his professions, if such a man is not to be ranked among the believers of Christianity, it would be impossible to establish the point by any train of reasoning.»
However, I'm awarding a point each for the latter two deaths, because (a) they're established characters and (b) we got to see bloody proof of their deaths.
If true, this establishes yet another independent proof point that school spending is not the primary barrier to educational opportunities for our poorest children.
We have as proof the words of the artist in numerable interviews, in which he pointed out repeatedly the importance of the role of the individual viewer in establishing the meaning of his experiments.
Whilst such certification may not be capable of constituting conclusive proof of traditional ownership, it may provide an appropriate starting point for establishing a presumption of traditional ownership.
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