Sentences with phrase «established mechanism used»

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«Mechanisms cancer cells use to establish metastatic brain tumors revealed by research.»
One of the goals of the Center for Chromosome Biology is to establish screening techniques using small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to find new targets for anticancer drugs, as well as gain a better understanding of fundamental cancer mechanisms.
China will look into establishing a nation - wide trading system for pollution permits as part of efforts to use market mechanisms to help clean up its environment, the country's top environment official said.
BEIJING (Reuters)- China will look into establishing a nation - wide trading system for pollution permits as part of efforts to use market mechanisms to help clean up its environment, the country's top environment official said.
If you believe, for example, that granulosa cells and other very early features of ovarian ecology set up the polarities that ultimately determine the quality of a human egg, as Albertini does, then certain techniques widely used in IVF may be subtly perturbing the very mechanisms that eggs use to establish a plan to build an embryo and maximize the chances that it will develop properly.
A researcher in the UPV / EHU's Department of Communications Engineering has developed the Ladon security protocol, an efficient mechanism to authenticate, authorise and establish the end - to - end keys (keys for communication between the terminal used by the doctor and the patient's device), which offers revolutionary features for sensors of this type.
Irena Salina, director of the award - winning documentary film, FLOW, about the world's dwindling water supplies, thinks it can be done if world leaders, international banks, the United Nations and other governmental organizations establish cooperative agreements for the use of bodies of water, including groundwater, and economic mechanisms to make sure those who need access to water can get it.
The expansion of science advice mechanisms ranging from informal personal interactions, through voluntary or requested reports created by well - established networks of academies, such as the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and related regional networks such as EASAC, to the formal advisory structures of both legislative and executive bodies, has also made more apparent the fundamental responsibilities that follow the provision, communication and use of advice.
Using recombinant proteins and a sensitive protein interaction assay, we establish the binding interdependencies of all the other known RH5 complex components and conclude that the RH5Nt - P113 interaction provides a releasable mechanism for anchoring RH5 to the merozoite surface.
A genome wide transcriptome dataset of the embryonic zebrafish heart with high spatial resolution was established and used to identify a novel mechanism regulating pacemaker function.
ESAs represent a new educational choice mechanism, establishing a government - authorized savings account, and the use of debit cards, which allow parents to receive and control a portion of their children's dedicated public education funding.
Establish mechanisms for providing high - quality and consistent support — including facilitation and professional development — to all districts in the state in the effective use of data to improve the learning of all students and groups of students, such as students with disabilities?
First established as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (otherwise known as the «stimulus» legislation), and now continued as a regular Department program in the fiscal 2012 year, i3 was intended to shift the innovation ecosystem toward greater quantity, rigor and diffusion of innovation, to thread innovation into the way the Department itself works (including the use of a «field scan» mechanism) and to align funding for the «supply» of innovation with the «demand» the U.S. Department of Education had created through other federal programs.
Microeconomics is the field that analyzes the market mechanisms that establish relative prices of goods and services and allocate limited resources among alternative uses.
Establish a Treasury conduit to administer (but not guarantee) property appreciation rights on restructured mortgages, again encouraging voluntary restructuring, using the Treasury conduit as a coordinating mechanism (additional details below).
Through the examination of different methods the artists turn their gaze inwards — exposing, examining, and playing with the production mechanisms which nations uses to establish and distinguish their identity, culture, and heroes.
Having established that the global temperature monthly anomalies plummeted by -0.75 C in the last 10 months using RSS data, can you explain the mechanism for that cooling?
The program makes use of the compensation mechanism established in Switzerland's CO2 Law.
Importantly, we also find that, to advance linkage, the 2015 agreement should: define key terms, in particular the units that are used for compliance purposes; establish registries and tracking mechanisms; and include default or model rules, from which nations are free to deviate at their discretion.
Examples of rural adaptations will include modifying farming and fishing practices, introducing new species, varieties and production techniques, managing water in different ways, diversification of livelihoods, modifying infrastructure, and using or establishing risk sharing mechanisms, both formal and informal.
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol offers incentives for establishing energy plantations and financing sustainable biofuel use.
The GCOS Cooperation Mechanism (GCM) was established to identify and make the most effective use of resources available for improving climate observing systems in developing countries, particularly to enable them to collect, exchange, and utilize data on a continuing basis in pursuance of the UNFCCC.
Jan developed recommendations to the Puget Sound Partnership on the use of innovative financial mechanisms for the recovery of the Puget Sound ecosystem, worked with the Puget Sound Restoration Fund to establish a payments for services pilot for nitrogen removal by shellfish in Puget Sound, assisted BC Hydro develop performance measures for their long term environmental goal, and led studies evaluating impacts of flow alteration on aquatic ecosystems for King County.
In some senses, the Kyoto Protocol has «failed» insofar as it didn't establish sufficiently effective mechanisms that states genuinely trying to cut their emissions could use.
Voluntary cooperation and the use of market mechanisms are an integral part of the new international climate change regime established through the Paris Agreement (PA) at the UNFCCC twenty - first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21).
The hope is that Bill 17 will allow the best use and best results for established disciplinary mechanisms to protect the public.
Member States which intend to establish closer cooperation between themselves may be authorised, subject to Articles 43 and 44 of the Treaty on European Union, to make use of the institutions, procedures and mechanisms laid down by this Treaty, provided that the cooperation proposed:
• Securing financial and technical assistance available to owners and their communities seeking to redevelop brownfield properties or complete clean energy and conservation projects • Establishing cleanup criteria, institutional controls, financial assurance mechanisms, and other measures required under CERCLA and RCRA • Developing strategies to meet TSCA remediation and disposal standards for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and authorization to use encapsulation and similar abatement methods for PCBs, asbestos, and other building materials • Completing the analysis and application proceedings required for projects» regulatory requirements, including wetlands and other EH+S permitting • Scoping and completing impact assessments and reviews required under the National Environmental Policy Act • Completing surveys and identifying mitigation plans addressing Endangered Species Act concerns
In order for the group health plan to disclose protected health information to a plan sponsor, the plan documents under which the plan was established and is maintained must be amended to: (1) Describe the permitted uses and disclosures of protected health information; (2) specify that disclosure is permitted only upon receipt of a certification from the plan sponsor that the plan documents have been amended and the plan sponsor has agreed to certain conditions regarding the use and disclosure of protected health information; and (3) provide adequate firewalls to: identify the employees or classes of employees who will have access to protected health information; restrict access solely to the employees identified and only for the functions performed on behalf of the group health plan; and provide a mechanism for resolving issues of noncompliance.
Already in the United States, the Defense Department has established a clear policy: It reserves the use of lethal force for human operators, and requires safety mechanisms to be built into autonomous systems to keep them from selecting and targeting humans independently.
Concern was also expressed that the consultation mechanisms established in the Shepparton trial site were being used by service delivery agencies to «bid» for extra funding and to have other funding reallocated to their organisations.
We pull from two established developmental theories including both the externalizing pathway and the internalizing pathway to substance use disorders, which together highlight how early embedded risk in the form of emotion regulation deficits can explain mechanisms underlying the development of addiction and comorbid psychiatric disorders.
Initiatives may include establishing institutions such as ethics and review committees, creating mechanisms of information sharing, and monitoring governments» use of public funds and implementation of policies.
For direct infringement liability, something more than mere ownership of the mechanism used for infringement must be shown; a party must instead establish a connection between the infringing behavior and the ownership of the mechanism.
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