Sentences with phrase «established social hierarchy»

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«Your brain is wired not only to figure out where you sit in the professional and social pecking order against others, but to reinforce your position in that pecking order,» says writer Steve Errey, who continues: «When you get wrapped up in establishing or maintaining status, the moment your place in the hierarchy drops you're going to feel pretty horrible... Don't get into the status game — there are no winners.»
Snyder - Mackler and colleagues first placed monkeys into groups of five and observed the social hierarchy they established, while conducting tests on gene expression and immune system function.
Without social media, teenage - centric style norms were created by merging cultural influencers with must - have pieces (separated by brand hierarchy) to establish a relevant aesthetic.
This can lead to hierarchies established according to consciousness and powered by the consciences of the individuals taking part in the social system.
It is definitely a subversive practice to disguise a girl as a boy, even if the intent of the individual family or bacha posh is something other than an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, and hierarchy.
In multi-dog or pet households, dog social pack behavior needs a clearly established hierarchy
Animals that live in social groups establish a social structure within the group called a dominance hierarchy.
Like most animals who live in groups, dogs tend to establish their own social structures, which is viewed as a dominance hierarchy that serves to maintain order, reduce conflict and promote cooperation among pack members.
Animals that live in groups, like dogs, establish a social structure within the group called a dominance hierarchy.
The puppy becomes progressively more aware of his environment, such that by the end of the third week, littermates begin to establish important social relationships, which are the harbingers of the social hierarchy of adult dogs.
Based on the outcomes of social challenges among group members, a dominance hierarchy or «pecking order» is established (see our handout: «Dealing With Dominance In Dogs»).
It is very important that puppies stay with their mom and siblings for as long as possible during these periods and get to develop very important social skills of relating to each other and establishing a pecking order or hierarchy.
The art critic Harold Rosenberg, wrote in 1959, said that the purpose of the «the art colony on Tenth Street» was to «transmute the ranks established by social class into a hierarchy based on talent or daring.»
At the core of his work is a focus on the social practices embedded in both new and old technologies, the ways these practices either challenge or reinforce established categories and hierarchies, and the politics of visibility these practices engender and operate within.
These findings are in contrast to the fact that «decades of research has established that individuals positioned higher in a system of stratification report better health relative to those lower on the social hierarchy,» the researchers write in The Status Health Paradox.
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