Sentences with phrase «established the theory as»

Also, the field of science has a tendency to establish theory as fact even when they can't agree on most of its own principles.
By the end of the war, the theory of general relativity was complete, Einstein corrected his prediction and Arthur Eddington did the experiment in 1919 that established the theory as one of the foundations of physics.

Not exact matches

As a result, many studies have failed to establish the reliability of this theory, and it should therefore only be used in conjunction with other methods, not alone.
Yet if Feyerabend is correct, and an unpopular new theory can ignore or reject experimental data long enough to get its footing, how much longer can an old and creaky theory, buttressed by the reputations and influence and political power of hundreds of established practitioners, continue to hang in the air even when the results upon which it is premised are exposed as false?
I use the term theory as a well - established scientific concept based on multiple lines of evidence (as stated in a previous post).
All one can do is make gestured theories as to just how these three cosmological orders were established.
He applied his own theory about justification as establishing a covenant of grace to the marriage union, and argued that «God draws a husband and wife into a covenant relationship with each other.»
In the field of biology, evolution may be «just» a theory (as some politicians painfully point out), but it is the theory subscribed to, for good reason, by every real scientist in every established university in the Western world.
The core of this chapter on «The Theory of Feelings» (III.1) seems to be the analysis of the first three categoreal conditions (1.4 - 7), prefaced by the pivotal section in establishing the shift from datum to data as the starting point of concrescence.
Neither should we choose any of the numerous works in which Whitehead establishes mathematics as derivative from the abstract theory of classes or intuitive set theory, because in these works he acknowledges the paradoxes in set theory that drove him to affirm for a time Russell's logistic thesis that mathematics is the «science concerned with the logical deduction of consequences from the general premises of all reasoning» (MAT 291).
Again, according to his theory of causality that establishes that a substance has at least as much reality as its effect, his idea of God can not be more perfect than God, who, as the cause, must surely exist.
Deontological and utilitarian theories can be seen as different versions of an ethics of duty wherein one is supposed to have a disposition to choose for the sake of what is antecedently established as right.
Where the magisterium does not reject a secular doctrine as directly or indirectly opposed to Revelation, it can only note the degree of probability attributed to the theory by secular science, state this and take it into account for the purpose of its own reflections, but can not establish and pronounce upon it.
Gardner lists five ways in which these paranoid tendencies manifest themselves: (1) the pseudo-scientist considers himself a genius and (2) regards his colleagues as ignorant blockheads; (3) he believes himself unjustly persecuted and discriminated against; (4) he focuses his attacks on the greatest scientists and the best - established theories; and (5) he often employs a complex jargon and in many cases coins words and phrases (neologisms) of his own.
Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution So let me EDUCATE you all: THEORY: «a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well - established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.&Theory, Theory of Evolution So let me EDUCATE you all: THEORY: «a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well - established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.&Theory of Evolution So let me EDUCATE you all: THEORY: «a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well - established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.&THEORY: «a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well - established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.»
Further, as already indicated, I would add that this second condition does not need to be met at the moment the thought is articulated; otherwise, all creative advances in thinking, which break beyond established beliefs and theory, would be discarded as incoherent and even irrational.
The second condition, coherence, is that the thought should be consistent with an established system of theories and generally accepted beliefs.2 Coherence, as I take it, is consistency or fittingness with more relations and a set of consequences.
I will agree with CJAs point that Catholics do in general accept the established theories of science as God's plan for the ordering of the world.
Using words like «most likely» and «more reasonable» demonstrate that you view these theories as theories and not as established facts.
As a theory, radical empiricism had been established as pragmatically workable and true through his own writings on psychology, philosophy, and the philosophy of religioAs a theory, radical empiricism had been established as pragmatically workable and true through his own writings on psychology, philosophy, and the philosophy of religioas pragmatically workable and true through his own writings on psychology, philosophy, and the philosophy of religion.
By the turn of the last century, a three - source hypothesis (J, E and P) in Genesis was thought to be in its major lines and by its major proponents at least as well - established as the Copernican theory.
Wow... it's almost as though evolution, as a firmly established scientific theory accepted by members of all religious beliefs, isn't being used effectively to indoctrinate children into atheism!
Despite the number and importance of the facts that it explains, the theory of Noogenesis is still far from having established itself as a stronghold in the scientific field.
Again, and as usual you claim observations to be evidence for your pet theory without establishing a causal relation between the two.
On the other hand, it is important to notice that Whitehead's theory, consciously developed as a cosmology, is helpful precisely toward establishing perspectives which until now have been strange — as well as perspectives on supposedly familiar states of affairs which, however, are now to be made newly «visible.»
Evolution is a fact inasmuch as we rely on any established scientific theory as fact and involves little if any coincidence.
A more inductive set of arguments (what might be termed «structural contingency» theories) focuses on the opportunities and constraints that may impinge on the activities of religious groups as a result of the organizational relations among state officials, elites, and established religious bodies.
Evolution isn't a scientifically established fact, and however sensible it might appear as a biological theory, it hasn't been, and will never be proved; it is unprovable in principle.
Because the Faith «vision» essentially depends on two corner stones: theory of evolution (which is not the same as an established fact) and the «revelation» to Mrs. Holloway (the authenticity of which can not be demonstrated).
The theory is that this generation wanted time to experience life prior to committing to a lifelong relationship but there are those who believe that having their fun and freedom wasn't as important as getting established before settling down was.
«The secretary of state acknowledges that clauses 2.43 and 2.44 of the Funding Agreement, and clauses 23E and 23G above do not prevent discussion of beliefs about the origins of the Earth and living things, such as creationism, in Religious Education, as long as it is not presented as a valid alternative to established scientific theory
The British Humanist Association (BHA) has welcomed a new revision of the model funding agreement for Free Schools by the Government in order to preclude «the teaching, as an evidence - based view or theory, of any view or theory that is contrary to established scientific and / or historical evidence and explanations.»
It does not accord with the scientific consensus or the very large body of established scientific evidence; nor does it accurately and consistently employ the scientific method, and as such it should not be presented to pupils at the Academy as a scientific theory.
Charles Darwin established evolution as a viable theory by articulating its driving force, natural selection (Alfred Russel Wallace is recognized as the co-discoverer of this concept).
To do so, the researchers used and developed established methods such as analytical mathematics for the kinetics of gas properties and the Monte Carlo method — a stochastic method based on the theory of probability.
Dr Arnaud Wisman and Dr Nathan Heflick, of the University's School of Psychology, set out to establish in four separate studies whether people lose hope when thinking about death — known as Terror Management Theory — under a range of different conditions.
The research found that participants with anxious attachment style not only believed in general notions of conspiracy but also specific established conspiracy theories, such as that Princess Diana was assassinated by the British Secret Service.
The first and most celebrated confirmation of this theory came in 1919, when astronomers established that the mass of the sun causes a beam of light to curve, as Einstein had predicted.
Cahn went on to establish another theory of material behavior, known as the theory of three - dimensional spinodal decomposition, which has helped others develop better - performing metals, glass, polymers, and thermal materials with unique properties.
Established theory does allow the tetraneutron to exist — though only as a ridiculously short - lived particle.
It's a theory of all of the particles we observed, and with the exception of gravitation, all of the forces that act on them; it's a theory that was developed in the 1960s and 1970s and then through a series of experiments in the 1970s and 1980s, it became well established as part of the standard canon of scientific knowledge.
Worse, Lentini says, many investigators set out trying to prove an established theory of the crime, rather than ruling out hypotheses with the help of models and experiments, as Torero does.
All contrasts were limited to the brain locations within the supplementary motor area and the parahippocampal gyrus, as defined in the Harvard — Oxford Cortical Structural Atlas (available in FSL software), and a threshold was established, with gaussian random - fields theory, at a cluster - level z value of more than 2.3 (corrected P < 0.05).
A hallmark of the theory is the uncertainty principle, which established that there are features of the microworld — such as the position and speed of a particle — that can not be simultaneously determined.
Researchers do have a well - established theoretical understanding of how perfectly structured versions of these insulating metal oxides function under a variety of conditions, such as in strong electric fields, but there was no such theory to describe the materials when they contain common types of defects, according to Yildiz.
In this context, mind - wandering may also be known by its equivalent in learning theory as a seeking or foraging response, and is a well - established instinct common in all mammals.
As one astronomer wrote, these newly discovered planets «spell the end for established theories of planet formation.»
The film posits that Guevara is the master strategist behind the Cuban revolution as well as the orchestrator of the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis, a theory which does offer up some fascinating possibilities of Guevara's hope to establish a Latin America superpower.
As long as research data is obtained through hypotheses posed in testable terms and nested in a body of established theory; as long as the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortAs long as research data is obtained through hypotheses posed in testable terms and nested in a body of established theory; as long as the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas research data is obtained through hypotheses posed in testable terms and nested in a body of established theory; as long as the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas long as the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform efforts.
In the second major blow in as many months to the forces seeking to subject evolution to greater skepticism and scrutiny in science classrooms, the Ohio state board of education has voted to strip language from its academic standards that encourages students to «critically analyze» the established biological theory.
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