Sentences with phrase «establishing the theory of»

I will agree with CJAs point that Catholics do in general accept the established theories of science as God's plan for the ordering of the world.
If Plato did not do this it is because, in his time, no one had any well established theory of the ever - active atoms which Epicurus shrewdly guessed make up both organic and «inorganic» parts of nature.
French mathematician Yves Meyer has won the 2017 Abel Prize for his «pivotal role» in establishing the theory of wavelets — data - analysis tools used in everything from pinpointing gravitational waves to compressing digital films.
Cahn went on to establish another theory of material behavior, known as the theory of three - dimensional spinodal decomposition, which has helped others develop better - performing metals, glass, polymers, and thermal materials with unique properties.
Worse, Lentini says, many investigators set out trying to prove an established theory of the crime, rather than ruling out hypotheses with the help of models and experiments, as Torero does.
«In East Asia there are long established theories of how Neolithic populations changed the landscape so profoundly that monsoons stopped penetrating so far inland,» explains Wright, also noting in his paper that evidence of human - driven ecological and climatic change has been documented in Europe, North America and New Zealand.
With so little in common with the familiar Solar System planets, these newcomers [extrasolar planets] spell the end for established theories of planet formation.11
As one astronomer wrote, these newly discovered planets «spell the end for established theories of planet formation.»
She was struck by the master's willingness to go against the established theories of Neo-Plasticism.
«In East Asia there are long established theories of how Neolithic populations changed the landscape so profoundly that monsoons stopped penetrating so far inland,» explains Wright, also noting in his paper that evidence of human - driven ecological and climatic change has been documented in Europe, North America and New Zealand.
Career coaching and career mentoring Established theories of career decision making Counselling theories to inform career counselling and coaching practice New and emerging approaches Using narrative approaches in career counselling and career coaching Working with diversity Career development in organisations Models for structuring career conversations Developing skills and techniques for career counselling and coaching Supporting career learning and development in a range of contexts Using digital technologies and creative approaches in careers work Becoming a critically reflective practitioner Appendices References
The program is based on well - established theories of behavioural change including social learning theory and the social - neurobiological factors involved in child self - regulation.
Infant intersubjectivity is a well - established theory of how infants learn about self, others, and the world, and its relevance in how older children re-learn such fundamental psychological realities when their original learning was embedded in experiences of abuse and neglect is also worth serious consideration by those who provide treatment to such children.

Not exact matches

«It seemed a plausible assumption that if we could demonstrate the existence in individuals or organizations of the ability to foretell the elusive fluctuations, either of particular stocks, or of stocks in general, this might lead to the identification of economic theories or statistical practices whose soundness had been established by successful prediction.»
The idea that psychology drives stock market movements flies in the face of established theories that advocate the notion that markets are efficient.
As a result, many studies have failed to establish the reliability of this theory, and it should therefore only be used in conjunction with other methods, not alone.
This applies to game theory in the group thought that establishes the commonality, «If I have a black - hat link profile and my competitor has a black - hat link profile, we can only all go down in flames, so likely none of us will».
In theory, the EU could swiftly introduce additional tariffs on «certain imports» from the US But in reality, it would take weeks because the European Commission needs to notify the World Trade Organization it is going to impose restrictions and establish the list of goods and services on which the measures will be applied.
Yet if Feyerabend is correct, and an unpopular new theory can ignore or reject experimental data long enough to get its footing, how much longer can an old and creaky theory, buttressed by the reputations and influence and political power of hundreds of established practitioners, continue to hang in the air even when the results upon which it is premised are exposed as false?
I use the term theory as a well - established scientific concept based on multiple lines of evidence (as stated in a previous post).
Also, the field of science has a tendency to establish theory as fact even when they can't agree on most of its own principles.
But the Bible clearly establishes that nothing of the sort occurred (for evolution is a mindless theory).
Having established his core argument, and its foundations in natural law theory, Duddington proceeds to a series of practical discussions of the way in which Christianity can be mobilised in order to shed light on difficult contemporary political issues.
Relativity theory showed that the established notions of time and space must be radically rethought.
In our recent history, the most influential quasi-Kantian effort to establish a moral basis for democracy is John Rawls» A Theory of Justice.
BTW Copernicus barely had any data to establish his «hypothesis», what I speak of are current theories and there is a BIG difference.
He applied his own theory about justification as establishing a covenant of grace to the marriage union, and argued that «God draws a husband and wife into a covenant relationship with each other.»
In the field of biology, evolution may be «just» a theory (as some politicians painfully point out), but it is the theory subscribed to, for good reason, by every real scientist in every established university in the Western world.
In science, the word theory refers to a well - supported, well - established framework for understanding a set of observations (e.g., the theory of gravity, the theory of relativity, germ theory, etc).
In contrast with this ideal of democracy established in common dedication to a given order of worth and excellence is another concept of democracy growing out of the interest, or satisfaction, theory of value.
Darwin continually emphasized the difference between his two great and separate accomplishments: establishing the fact of evolution, and proposing a theory — natural selection — to explain the mechanism of evolution.
The core of this chapter on «The Theory of Feelings» (III.1) seems to be the analysis of the first three categoreal conditions (1.4 - 7), prefaced by the pivotal section in establishing the shift from datum to data as the starting point of concrescence.
The theory that human beings in pursuit of their own interests will automatically establish a harmonious society, provided everyone has an equal voice in political affairs, is no more true than the corresponding thesis in economic affairs.
The theory that each occasion creates itself by realizing an aim internal to it, however, requires that the germ of this aim be initially established at that spot in the temporal world by God; otherwise the occasion's self - creation could never commence, since nothing can come from nowhere.
Neither should we choose any of the numerous works in which Whitehead establishes mathematics as derivative from the abstract theory of classes or intuitive set theory, because in these works he acknowledges the paradoxes in set theory that drove him to affirm for a time Russell's logistic thesis that mathematics is the «science concerned with the logical deduction of consequences from the general premises of all reasoning» (MAT 291).
Again, according to his theory of causality that establishes that a substance has at least as much reality as its effect, his idea of God can not be more perfect than God, who, as the cause, must surely exist.
We can thus work from the side of theory to establish relevance to practice.
It may be possible to develop these and similar lines of thought to establish what for brevity's sake I will call a self - generated or psychological theory of the disciples» belief that their leader was in some sense still alive and present with them.
Deontological and utilitarian theories can be seen as different versions of an ethics of duty wherein one is supposed to have a disposition to choose for the sake of what is antecedently established as right.
Where the magisterium does not reject a secular doctrine as directly or indirectly opposed to Revelation, it can only note the degree of probability attributed to the theory by secular science, state this and take it into account for the purpose of its own reflections, but can not establish and pronounce upon it.
Gardner lists five ways in which these paranoid tendencies manifest themselves: (1) the pseudo-scientist considers himself a genius and (2) regards his colleagues as ignorant blockheads; (3) he believes himself unjustly persecuted and discriminated against; (4) he focuses his attacks on the greatest scientists and the best - established theories; and (5) he often employs a complex jargon and in many cases coins words and phrases (neologisms) of his own.
A highly competent and generally successful study, Hall's work attempts to establish the fundamental connection between Whitehead's cosmology and sociology by utilizing the «primary analogate» (root metaphor) approach to interpret Whitehead's speculative metaphysical scheme in the context of his theory of culture.
The reason why it is still a scientific theory is because it has never been disproved by a single contrary result of well - established data.
The source of these difficulties, I believe, is his theory of analogy, the attempt, in connection with his neoclassical theory of religious language, to establish a third stratum of meaning, or set of concepts and terms, distinct both from the set of plainly formal, strictly literal concepts and terms, on the one hand, and from the set of plainly material, merely symbolic or metaphorical concepts and terms, on the other.
A theory in its technical usage is something that is more or less verified or an established explanation accounting for known facts or observations, like the theory of relativity or how evolutionary biology is a theory.
Definitions The noun, theory has two main classes of definitions for our consideration within the English language, something that is concrete and well - established and something that is speculative, like a hypothesis.
But that is inconsistent with the theory itself which says that physical laws were beginning to be established AFTER the first unit of Planck time (a minuscule fraction of a second AFTER the big bang).
Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution So let me EDUCATE you all: THEORY: «a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well - established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.&Theory, Theory of Evolution So let me EDUCATE you all: THEORY: «a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well - established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.&Theory of Evolution So let me EDUCATE you all: THEORY: «a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well - established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.&THEORY: «a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well - established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.»
We do not need to construct a qeneral theory of civil society in the context of contemporary political philosophy: that could lead to an endless discussion of different positions and the myriad attempts in the with the practical question of the role of Christian communities in attempts to refurbish, or newly establish, participatory democratic societies across the globe.
The second condition, coherence, is that the thought should be consistent with an established system of theories and generally accepted beliefs.2 Coherence, as I take it, is consistency or fittingness with more relations and a set of consequences.
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