Sentences with phrase «estate risk taker»

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The risk taker, for example, tends to make risky investments such as real estate investment trusts, options, currency trading, and high yield bonds.
Be it a new risk - taker, an amateur in the market or a good professional, real estate investment this year is going to boom and so are the profits.
â $ œWhat we should probably do is go split up investment banking from banking, have banks be deposit - takers, have banks make commercial loans and real estate loans, have banks do something thatâ $ ™ s not going to risk the taxpayer dollars, thatâ $ ™ s not too big to fail, â $
Fortunately, most real estate salespeople are risk takers.
We are a digital collective of future leaders, risk takers and pioneers in real estate tech.
Whether you are a conservative investor or a risk taker, buying notes puts you in control of your real estate transactions and your personal wealth planning.
NFL Hall of Famer - turned - real estate entrepreneur Emmitt Smith says you have to be a responsible risk - taker to get what you want.
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