Sentences with phrase «estimated average household income»

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The method employed by the IRS used to estimate the total amount of underreported income of all nonfarm sole proprietorships, or gross tax gap, rather than the average amount of underreporting of households led by unincorporated self - employed individuals.
As a share of total household sector disposable income, the cash flow effect in this scenario is estimated be less than 0.2 per cent on average per annum over each of the next three years (Graph 7).
The average white legislator lived in a household income that was 10.7 times their county's living wage, based on cost of living estimates created by a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.
The participants were asked to estimate the distribution of annual household income for their social contacts and also for the entire US population — in one study, they estimated what percentage of people fell into each one of 11 income bands; in the other study, they estimated the average income of people within each income quintile.
In this affluent sample (all but two came from homes with household income greater than $ 60,000), 28 % and 61 % aged 6 — 8 and 9 — 12 respectively did not meet the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for zinc.
Also, the average teacher salary is 51 percent higher than Chicago's median household income, which is estimated at $ 46,877.
Time to buy was derived from average home price divided by average estimated household income.
Time to buy was derived from average price divided by average 2012 estimated household income sourced from Canadian Demographics.
With a media household income of $ 72,250, about $ 20,000 a year more than the statewide average and an estimated median home price of $ 412,000, Petaluma is a historic city with character and success written all over it.
Average home value for owner occupied primary residence, 2000: $ 227,200 Homeownership rate, 2000: 55.4 % Average household income, 1999: $ 47,067 Population, 2004 estimate: 2,931,714 % of people living in same home for 5 + years, 2000: 45.1 % Average commute time from home to work (minutes), 2000: 25.3
In contrast, households in the bottom quintile experienced an average growth of about 1 percent per year in their inflation - adjusted after - tax income over the same period, making that income 46 percent higher in 2013 than it was in 1979, CBO estimates.
The estimated median household income is $ 81,041 and homes average a value of $ 417,000.
The average grant was estimated to cover less than half of the average home heating costs for a household this winter, meaning that many low - income families and seniors had fewer resources available to meet other basic needs.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that a 15 percent cut in emissions from a base year would raise annual average household energy costs by almost $ 1,300 (in 2006 «constant» dollars), or roughly 3 percent of income for the bottom four fifths of the population.
Estimates for Minnesota show some alarming costs, including gross state product losses of $ 4 â $ «12 billion, average household income losses ranging between $ 3,400 and $ 8,000 per year, heating, fuel and electricity costs more than doubling, and job losses between 33,000 and 74,000.
For the gasoline part of carbon taxes, we estimate that around two - thirds will be paid by above - average - income households (calculated by summing: the first and second quintiles» shares of gasoline expenditures in the pie chart above, plus half of the middle quintile's share, yielding a total of 66 %; data are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics» Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2014).
The estimated household income is $ 53,000, and with a home selling for just $ 243,000 and rent averaging a mere $ 868 monthly, it's easy to see why the cost of living in Hershey is so low.
With a media household income of $ 72,250, about $ 20,000 a year more than the statewide average and an estimated median home price of $ 412,000, Petaluma is a historic city with character and success written all over it.
As a result, the estimated median household income in 2015 was less than half the state average.
The estimated median household income is $ 81,041 and homes average a value of $ 417,000.
The tax estimates were evaluated for a hypothetical family of three and for the average tax rate at household incomes of $ 25,000, $ 50,000, $ 75,000, $ 100,000 and $ 150,000.
The median household income in the area is estimated at $ 79,350 a year, according to the 2006 - 2008 American Community Survey, $ 27,175 above the national average.
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