Sentences with phrase «estimated number of calories»

The value obtained from this equation is the estimated number of calories a person can consume in a day to maintain their body - weight assuming they remain at rest.
Three - quarters of those surveyed by phone correctly estimated the number of calories they should consume daily, but this was true of less than half of those surveyed at point - of - purchase.
You can use an exercise calculator (here's one I like) to estimate the number of calories you burn from a wide variety of exercises.
Dieters and exercisers can use three common methods to estimate the number of calories they burn each day.
You can use a free site like to estimate the number of calories in your meals, and then you will know how much protein, carbohydrate, fat, and calories you are eating each day.
Refer to the following chart to estimate the number of calories that your pets» require.
It also counts flights of stairs, and estimates the number of calories you've burned.

Not exact matches

Using previously published systems for estimating the physical intensity of different jobs, they calculated the number of calories burned by the American workforce in different eras.
Input the number of drinks you had and our calculator will show you an estimate of the standard drinks, calories and cost.
It seems to me that the people I know underestimate the number of calories consumed and over estimate calories burned.
This will provide you with an approximate estimate of the number of calories your body requires to maintain its current weight, provided you aren't doing any resistance training.
Increase the total daily caloric intake back to your current estimated caloric bodyweight maintenance level, or the number of calories you need to maintain your present body weight.
If you don't know your current calorie maintenance level (the number of calories you require daily in order to maintain your current weight), you can estimate it by using one of the following options...
This tool will give you a good estimate of how many calories you should consume daily but I've found that, sometimes, the numbers can be way too high for people outside of the average population which most of these calculations are based on.
These processes for determining the number of calories you need to build muscle are a «quick and easy» estimate.
If you're moderately active, meaning you exercise around 30 - 60 minutes per day at a moderate to high intensity, the number of calories you burn through exercise will be around 15 - 30 % above your resting metabolic rate.3 You'll learn how to estimate the calorie needs of people with higher energy expenditures in a moment.
Whatever your estimated maintenance level is, you'd now add about 250 calories (for guys) or 125 calories (for girls) to it and start to consume this number of calories every day.
It can be difficult to get a good grasp on food proportions and the calories they contain — which is why counting calories (as well as any other approach) is not for everyone — but if you meticulously measure and track the number of calories in some of your typical meals, it quickly becomes easier to accurately estimate without having to actually measure or weigh your food each time.
Instead of estimating your maintenance intake and then subtracting an arbitrary number, you set your calorie intake with fat loss in mind from the beginning.
Either type of estimate, net or gross, is okay to use so long as you know which one it is and what the numbers mean with respect to your overall caloric balance (read the Calories Explained article learn more about caloric balance).
Take your body weight and multiply it by 16 or 18 and this is going to give you an estimate of the number of calories you need to consume.
This Calorie Deficit Calculator will determine the estimated total number of calories you need to maintain your current weight based on your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and your level of activity.
Estimates of the number of calories your pet needs begins with his or her basal metabolism, then is adjusted according to exercise, illness, etc..
It can even estimate the number of floors you have climbed with its altimeter as well as the calories you have burnt with your physical activity.
As well as heart rate monitoring the band will also estimate calories burned, monitor sleep, measure steps, distance, and count the number of floors climbed with an integrated barometric altimeter.
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