Sentences with phrase «estrus very»

A female cat will tell you she is experiencing estrus very visibly and vocally.

Not exact matches

While cats have a «heat cycle,» also known as «estrus,» similar to the menstrual cycle of humans, very little, if any blood is ever present.
Although most dogs have no problems going through estrus these hormonal changes can be very stressful to some individuals.
Cats in estrus become very affectionate and vocal, demand attention and roll frequently.
So, the conclusion of the estrus - laxity question is (again) that true laxity does not hide from the distraction procedure, that it very well might be hidden in the leg - extended view, and that the role of hormones in canine hip joint laxity (whatever it might be in other species and anatomical locations) is not present, or is immeasurable.
For example, male aggression toward females - something that appeared rather common even in the reproductively successful island foxes - is virtually unknown for other canid species, in which males tend to be very solicitous to females, especially during estrus and pregnancy.
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