Sentences with phrase «estrus when»

She will do so during the estrus when she starts to flirt with the male.
The entrance to the uterus is the cervix, which remains tightly closed, except during estrus when it can allow bacteria that are normally found in the vagina into the uterus.

Not exact matches

By contrast, these females retained a normal level of social interest in other females during estrus, and in male mice when not in estrus.
When the researchers disrupted the activity of these neurons, female mice lost interest in male mice during estrus and spent about the same amount of time with them as with a plastic Lego block.
When an alpha male took over the tribe, the females would simulate estrus, the period of ovulation, to copulate with him and convince him that he was the father of their offspring, thereby gaining his protection.
A female dog will mate when she is in estrus (or in heat).
The question then becomes what should one look for to figure out when estrus is occurring, because the puppy should then be removed from other dogs in the household and protected so she does not accidentally attract and get pregnant by wandering in - tact males.
The period when a dog is on heat is divided into several stages, these being the proestrus, estrus and diestrus cycles.
Simply make certain your intact male isn't allowed to wander and keep your intact female on leash for a few weeks when she is in estrus.
Ferrets have paired musk producing glands beside the anal opening, which secrete when the animal is angry, excited, or in estrus (heat).
But un-neutered females (queens) do it too — especially when they are cycling through their heat periods (estrus).
About 1 — 2 days into estrus, luteinizing hormone is released, causing the eggs to drop from the ovaries into a position when they can be fertilized.
First estrus generally occurs when an unspayed female dog is between six and 24 months old.
When a female goes into heat (also known as estrus), males simply follow their instinct to pass on their genes without any concern for the genetic ramifications.
Although male cats don't go into heat, unneutered ones do become aroused when they smell the presence of a female experiencing estrus.
A mass protrusion from the vaginal area (canine vaginal prolapse or vaginal hyperplasia) can be described as vaginal tissue protruding from the vulva, commonly caused by edema (fluid retention) from estrogen produced in estrus (when your dog is in heat).
A cat's heat cycle, also known as the feline estrus cycle or reproductive cycle, is a cycle when a cat is sexually receptive and fertile.
Estrogen is the hormone released during the estrus cycle has been reported as an important factor in the development of various ovarian, uterinal and cervical cat tumors, which can be prevented by spaying cats when young; preferably before the first heat cycle.
Cats will have their first estrus cycle, or «heat» when they reach puberty.
However, when a female dog is nursing puppies, her body is technically undergoing estrus — so if a male comes around, she can become pregnant again.
When dogs continue to go through estrus (heat) without being bred, their progesterone levels remain elevated for eight to ten weeks — this thickens the lining of the uterus in preparation for pregnancy.
In a normal, healthy uterus, the environment isn't susceptible to bacteria, but when the lining continues to thicken with every estrus, some dogs will have a tendency to produce cysts that can start to expel large amounts of fluid.
Ideally, you should have your female spayed before her first estrus cycle, so a spay is generally done when they're six months.
The estrus, or menstrual, cycle of most female canines begins when dogs reach the age of 6 months.
Knowing the signs of estrus lets you know when your dog is in heat and enables you to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Some veterinarians say that the intervention can only be performed when the female dog is around 5 or 6 months old, before the first appearance of the estrus cycle.
Other useful information includes the pet's vaccine status and reproductive status, (i.e. when was its last estrus or heat cycle).
Symptoms of vWD can include any of the following: • Hemorrhagic diarrhea (bloody stools) • Hematuria (blood in the urine) • Recurrent shifting lameness from bleeding in the joints • Bleeding from gums, noses, ears, vagina or penis • Prolonged bleeding when nails are trimmed too short • Prolonged estrus, excessive or lengthy bleeding after whelping • Still births with evidence of hemorrhage (puppies will exhibit excessive cord bleeding or may have a blue color in the abdominal area • Hematomas or blood blisters resulting from minor injury • Severe bleeding from even minor surgery
Females are sterlized if the aggression has not appeared before the first heat and if when the aggression appears is clearly associated with the entry into estrus, pseudopreganancy or preganancy, and the aggression reduces when these conditions are no longer present.
A female cat can go into heat, or estrus, and become pregnant when she's just a few months old.
Finally, when a female cat is about to go into estrus, more commonly known as heat, she will knead her paws to signal to male cats that she is able to mate.
When cats reach the age of puberty or estrus, they also become more likely to stray from home.
Other reasons for a dog's hip - extended radiographs looking «better» at a later date might include a thickening of the joint capsule, the first film having been taken when a bitch was in estrus or close to whelping date (a controversial and unverified assumption), and anesthesia used the second time and not the first time.
When a mother begins the weaning process, she comes into estrus and mates.
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