Sentences with phrase «etc. are pedophiles»

You don't here people saying all coaches, boy scout leaders, teachers etc. are pedophiles.

Not exact matches

The percentage of catholic priest pedophiles is between 20 and 200 times that of the entire population, whether you are in America, Australia, England, etc...
Again, I can assume that the ministers that are directly harming people, i.e. pedophile priests, etc...
(And stop molesting little boys you damn pedophiles... is there any priest / minister / rabbi etc...
Must watch out for men who: are felons or have a police record of some sort, are gay (not that there is anything wrong with that if they are open about it), abuse drugs, abuse other women, abuse alcohol, abuse helpless animals and children, are prone to psychopathy, hate women in general and / or are excessively critical of women, have severe personality disorders such as narcissism, are control freaks, are non communicative, are unable to commit to one woman, are pedophiles, are sex addicts, etc..
Somilarly, all defenders of people who were falsely accused in pedoplilia are pedophile mafia, those who are against lynching of suspected pedophiles are pedophiles themselves etc..
The lowlife scum of the earth are here: crooked cops, mobsters (of the generic Italian - American and Russian variety), pedophiles, pimps, spousal abusers, etc., etc., ad nauseam.
A common reaction to the expression of concerns such as the above is «I don't care, it doesn't concerns me, because I'm not a murderer, pedophile, terrorist, etc.
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