Sentences with phrase «eternal life then»

If you have trusted Christ for eternal life then you have it.
Did these believers who already have eternal life then lose their salvation?

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Before the «Dispensation of Grace» of God, by which we are saved through «Faith in Jesus Christ» as Lord and our personal Savior, Jesus Christ fulfilled the «Law of God» on our behalf during His ministry on earth, died on the «Holy Cross» for the «Remission of Our Sins» once and for all, descended to hell and defeated death, then rose from the dead on the third day bringing us «Eternal Life» and «Reconciliation» with God the Father!
Well if you're not serving Jesus then you're working for the devil who cares for no one, but there's still time for you to serve the lord and shun the devil, give your life to Christ my friend and receive eternal life don't be blinded by Satan and say that Jesus is not real, he is real and you know he «s real, deep down inside you know he exists, and the bible proves it know matter how you try to deny it.
But if we dare to say «we found Him» — then, our «religion» should be enriching all people, giving to all people, open to all people, speaking of eternal life, and not condemning any.
Regardless of some pagan uses in the past, Easter today is the day to remember and be thankful for a God who sent is only begotten son, who was without transgression, to die for our sins and then be raised from the dead that all who believe in Him may have eternal life.
If eternal life is the main reason you've accepted Christ into your life, then, as so many others have, you have missed the point of Christianity.
Finally, read the commentary of the Apostle John on the discussion between Jesus and Niccodemus, «For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should never perrish, but have eternal life,» and then you will see and understand what God's love looks like.
The Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law on our behalf, died on the Holy Cross for the remission of our sins (became sin and curse for us) descended to hell and defeated death (keys of which were held by Satan,) rose from the dead on the third day bringing us eternal life and reconciliation with God the Father, then ascended to Heaven promising us the Holy Spirit and preparing the place for us.
Then they will understand that physical death is the beginning of eternal life in paradise.
From a human point of view it seems ridiculous that a human being could torture, maim, and kill others relentlessly during her lifetime or that he could sexually abuse child after child with no remorse and then upon a sincere deathbed confession of Jesus Christ as Savior, be granted eternal life, no questions asked.
I have bad news for you then, we do live as eternal spirits, the reason for our life and our destiny can be found in Spiritism.
@STLBroker: As opposed to the theists who think they know the entire universe was created just so they would have somewhere to stand while an all powerful being gazes lovingly at them then grants them eternal life?
In other words, if their is no God, and no eternal consequences, then life is a party!
Then you've missed out on the greatest thing you could ever imagine: eternal life in heaven.
God created Adam from a handful of dirt and his spouse from a rib; Talking snakes; trees that bear fruit, that imparts knowledge and eternal life; a global flood, that required a pair of each organism on earth, be stuffed onto a boat; people who lived hundreds of years; a man who was swallowed by a fish, only to be spit up 3 days later, unhurt; a tower god was afraid might reach heaven; a woman who is turned into a pillar of salt; talking donkeys; unicorns; satyrs; a leviathan god creates and then does battle with; a zombie messiah, who was actually god incarnate; zombie Saints who left their graves and wandered about the town; belief in a circular, flat earth.
If the gospel is not preached with conviction — the convictions that humanity is in need of salvation and that Jesus is the Savior who liberates us into the fullness of our humanity and gives us eternal lifethen the gospel will not be believed.
A God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice, and invented hell - mouths mercy, and invented hell - mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!
When we receive His forgiveness and His gift of eternal life, then we are indeed born again.
And if we believe the promise, if we believe what God has said, if we believe in Jesus for eternal life, then we have received the free gift of grace.
If a person goes to church, reads their Bible, and calls themselves a Christian, but has never believed in Jesus for eternal life (John 3:16; 5:24; 6:47), then they have not received the indwelling Holy Spirit.
People believe in Jesus Christ for eternal life, the receive the seal of the Holy Spirit in their lives, but then we tell them they can just sit around and relax.
For if those with faith come up short we have lost nothing for we were happy in hoping for eternal life, but if those without faith come up short then they have to face the reality that they rejected God and they missed out on the greatest opportunity, plus they probably were never truly happy in this life.
If you confuse purification gospel truths with the presentation truth, then you might think it is necessary for a person to repent of their sin or believe in the future judgments in order to receive eternal life.
So if people are totally depraved (see the link list below) so that they can not even believe in Jesus for eternal life or respond positively to God in any way, then God must unilaterally give eternal life to certain people.
If you have believed in Jesus Christ for eternal life, then you are saved, and it is no longer possible for you to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.
But then, through time and prayer and Bible study, he came to the conclusion that eternal life is freely given to all who simply and only believe in Jesus Christ for it.
But if this is true, then how is eternal life by faith alone and not of works?
But when Christians think that baptism is required to gain eternal life, then it also becomes important to make sure that the baptism is done in the right way with the right words.
While I believe in eternal security, I still get the question, «What about someone who grew up a Christian, lived as a Christian for years, then quit, denounced Christ, and hasn't followed him since?»
Of course, when we realize that baptism is NOT required for eternal life, then this entire debate fades away into meaninglessness, but we already talked about this...
Forgiveness and eternal life are then two unrelated events in one's life.
Since the gospel is about way more than just receiving eternal life but is also about how God's people are to live their lives in this world, then the goal of living out the gospel is not primarily to rescue people from hell so they can go to heaven when they die.
So often, it seems that such is the presentation of the Good News — if you will conform outwardly to this shape, this liturgy, this behavior... then... you will have eternal life.
then we now have another question: «Has the condition for receiving eternal life changed?»
John is not saying that if we do not walk as Jesus did then this means we do not actually have eternal life.
Here then is where we arrive at the point: Just as God calls people to respond to His Word with obedience and righteousness through the exercise of their choices (non-meritorious though they might be) and fully expects them to be able to do so, in the same way, God calls people to believe in Jesus for eternal life, and fully expects them to be able to do so (cf. John 3:16; 5:24; 6:47).
If we can understand how Jewish people were saved prior to the death and resurrection of Jesus, then we can begin to answer how other people around the world may be able to receive eternal life before they have heard about Jesus.
In fact it would be a greater blessing from the Christian perspective because I would then get to inherit eternal life and be with my Savior, whom I long to see.
If you have not yet trusted in Christ as Savior then receive Him, be willing to follow Him as He leads you, and ask God's forgiveness through faith in Christ and you will have eternal life.
Where the Eternal does not come to heal such a sufferer, what happens, with the aid of cleverness, is about as follows: first, the sufferer lives for some years by an earthly hope; but when this is exhausted and the suffering still continues, then he becomes superstitious, his state of health alternates between drowsiness and burning excitement.
But if the Book of Life contains the names of people who have eternal life, then when Revelation 3:5 talks about blotting someone's name out of the book of life, does this mean it is possible to lose eternal lLife contains the names of people who have eternal life, then when Revelation 3:5 talks about blotting someone's name out of the book of life, does this mean it is possible to lose eternal llife, then when Revelation 3:5 talks about blotting someone's name out of the book of life, does this mean it is possible to lose eternal llife, does this mean it is possible to lose eternal lifelife?
But when we understand that the gospel contains both truths, about how to receive eternal life and properly live this life, then we can stop arguing about the role of faith and works in the gospel and see that both have their proper place with proper results.
IF the placement is intentional (and not accidental), then it strongly implies there is «judging» after the Virgins go to the Wedding Feast, and before the Final Judgment to «eternal punishment» or «eternal life».
It's a wonderful clever way to never have to prove anything, «just die and you'll see»... but make sure you give plenty of your gold to the Priests... for they inform God upon your death that you have paid your monetary dues on earth as a Christian and then ~ * boom * ~ eternal life.
The basis of your belief system appears to be that, you will go to a place of eternal fire and torture, unless you accept that 2000 years ago god sent a piece of himself to Earth in human form (Jesus) knowing in advance that this Jesus would live, be crucified, died, then come alive again, then ascend to heaven to rejoin himself, and that this was the only way that humans could be cleansed of the evil that is inherent in them because a rib woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat an apple.
If you have believed in Jesus for eternal life, then you have it!
Any return to the first promise as itself more normative was then termed, simply, «judaizing,» and was regarded as a rejection of the new promise of eternal life through Jesus» resurrection.
t its most fundamental level, Christianity requires a belief that an all - knowing, all - powerful, immortal being created the entire Universe and its billions of galaxies 13,720,000,000 years ago (the age of the Universe) sat back and waited 10,000,000,000 years for the Earth to form, then waited another 3,720,000,000 years for human beings to gradually evolve, then, at some point gave them eternal life and sent its son to Earth to talk about sheep and goats in the Middle East.
So now, the author of Hebrews says, if these Hebrew Christians return to the sacrificial system, then there is not sacrifice there which can offer forgiveness of sins or eternal life.
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