Sentences with phrase «eternal reality»

We should tune our all the short - term numbers and focus in on that one highly compelling eternal reality.
C.f. M.Levering, Sacrifice and Community: Jewish Offering and Christian Eucharist (2005), p. 90: «In teaching human beings about eternal realities in accord with the manner of human knowing through sensible things, God works through the visible sign to make present the invisible reality».
The «Age to Come «is identified with that order of eternal reality whose shadows or reflections form the world of phenomena.
But what chance does the Father have to appear as a God of supreme loyalties and divine ideals in the souls of men who give little or no time to the thoughtful contemplation of such eternal realities?
The trinitarian history of God's saving work affects eternal reality.
This implies that we human beings do not have the ability or right to change or manipulate this immutable and eternal reality based upon our own desire, whims or peccadilloes.
We must be willing to recognize that the world in which we live is an order which everywhere expresses, although in varied mode and degree, the one eternal Reality who is present and active throughout, but in no sense identical with, the creation; and, in consequence, that in Christ there has appeared the focus of this process and the crowning manifestation of God as self - expressive in it.
Catch phrases — many of academic origin (supply and demand, economies of scale, stimulus and response, IQ, schizophrenic, identity crisis, reinforcement, social skills, computer model, the selfish gene, and so on ad infinitum)-- are accepted uncritically by most literate people as representing eternal realities.
Deep familiarity with the Bible enables us to penetrate the Kultursmog of the present and see things in the light of eternal reality and the divine gifts of creation and redemption.
Vorhanden, which Heidegger uses of the peculiar mode of being characteristic of inanimate objects, as contrasted with responsible human Dasein, I have translated by «tangible», as in Bultmann the antithesis is not so much between Vorhandensein and Dasein as between the tangible realities of the visible world and eternal realities, very much like the Pauline contrast of kata sarka and kata pneuma.
Through this practice he discovered «the eternal reality within.»
The religion of the mind ties you hopelessly to the past; the religion of the spirit consists in progressive revelation and ever beckons you on toward higher and holier achievements in spiritual ideals and eternal realities.
These indeed are the ideals of the Christian ages, or some of them, or at least they sound very like them, but in the Christian Ages they were all deeply rooted in something bigger and grander, in something that was no mere ideal but an eternal reality.
16Here, see my «Nobo's Eternal Realities and the Primordial Decision,» Process Studies 26 (1997), 205 - 217.
«14 He adds,»... we must break once for all with the idea of death as simple destruction of an individual... individuals are eternal realities... «15 Using the illustration of a book he says, «Death is the last page of the last chapter of the book of one's life... «16 And he comments,»... death, like «finis» at the end of a book, no more means the destruction of our earthly reality than the last chapter of a book means the destruction of the book.
The upper point stands for God in his «primordial» aspect, abstractly understood as the eternal reality whose awareness conceptually includes all the possibilities («eternal objects») denoted by the extreme left point of the horizontal line; this includes the abstract, aspects or patterns of all that might come to pass in the created order, envisaged as possibilities for actualization.
Nevertheless, every thoroughgoing metaphysics must assume or assert some eternal reality or realities, whether it be God in classical theism or the material universe in Marxism or the God - inclusive - of - the - world of Hartshorne.
The form is of course in part determined by the character of the eternal reality which it symbolizes and to which it witnesses.
Jesus was not announcing a future event or referring to a future order when he spoke of the kingdom; he was referring to an eternal Reality which, nevertheless, was then and there making itself known — that is, was present and active within history — in a way both unprecedented and unduplicable.
It was an eternal reality — above and beyond time altogether — although it was revealed in time and active in time, supremely in Jesus» own life and work.
That is to say, it is a religion which finds its center in what purports to be a revelation of eternal Reality to man.
In Jesus Christ, prepared for through the long preceding development of Jewish religion, and His meaning apprehended through the long centuries of subsequent Christian experience, man is given a vivid and striking disclosure of the eternal Reality; and given it not through the retailing of information but through the whole content of a Life.
So it is that in our worship, when we seek to relate our little human lives to the eternal Reality of God, we reflect that by which in fact we truly live.
He trimmed his justifications to «the particular,» refusing to give his loyalty to universal or eternal realities; it was this discipline that gives to his thought an odd ring, even today.
People do not identify the institution with the eternal reality to which it points, and they judge the church — embracing or rejecting it — on the basis of whether they experience that reality mediated through it.
These belong, indeed, not to the sphere of temporal occurrences at all, but to the sphere of ultimate and eternal reality.
It sounds so basic, but it remains true: Without God's grace, we can only produce narcissists who are more focused on their own successes and failures than on the eternal reality of God's love for his people.
It does not exist when seen as part of the seamless whole of infinite, eternal reality.
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