Sentences with phrase «eternal security say»

Those who reject eternal security say that it is everlasting as long as we obey.

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I do believe in eternal security, so I would say that although we are citizens of the Kingdom of God through faith in Jesus, we can still live according to some of the rules (and consequences) of the Kingdom of Darkness.
Donald Cole, who used to host the Open Line Bible Answer Call in Radio Show says that without fail, he receives at least one, sometimes as many as five questions about eternal security during every single show.
Now at some time in the eternal security debate, after all this talk about grace, someone says something like, «I think you're taking this grace thing a little bit too far.
After I tell some Christians that I believe that God foreknows those whom He can convince / persuade to make a free will decision to accept Christ as their savior and that I believe in eternal security of the believer, they say that God can only eternally secure a believer if God removes the person's free will capacity to accept or reject Christ after the person accepts Christ as his savior.
It would not have occurred even to Paul's original readers that he was teaching eternal security with anything he said.
I say that I do not, but I DO believe in eternal security.
I say «No, but I do believe in eternal security
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