Sentences with phrase «eternal souls»

He'll announce that he knows exactly who has one, and warn that everyone who does is putting their eternal souls in serious jeopardy.
3) If Jesus was truly concerned about our «eternal souls», then why doesn't He simply convince us rather than «hardening» our hearts?
Bill Maher is framing his accusation against God with this assumption (held by those «Christians» in his life): that all «the wicked» judged by God in the flood, will also (and so much worse) spend the remainder of their eternal souls in ETERNAL punishment.
Instead of you being concerned about the welfare of these eternal souls as to wondering whether or not they will get the chance for salvation, you get hung up on that somehow because not everyone will get that chance in their mortal lives that somehow that means that God is biased; that in my beliefs as to how God gives out those opprotunities that it doesn't meet to your specifications, then that automatically means that God is biased, when in my beliefs the point is that no matter how you slice it everybody whehter in this life or afterwards will get a chance at learning about the gospel and make their own choices as to whether to follow the gospel or not.
People's eternal souls are far too precious to play around with).
But, if you were wise... You would THANK JESUS CHRIST for placing His Followers here, because we truly (like Him) care for your ETERNAL SOULS and want to see you SET FREE FROM THE LIES OF THE FLESH, LIES OF THE WORLD, LIES OF SIN, LIES OF THE DEVIL.
If doesn't matter if all these groups believe they are praying to the same god as long as some of them think others do it incorrectly enough to risk the eternal souls of their members.
In the name of the Father, Zeus, the Lord thy God... please forgive mortals and spare their eternal souls.
Though families and work policies and governments and even history may change with the physical battles, this spiritual battle is a battle for eternal souls.
Or, better still, replied another group, these things don't count; only eternal souls matter.
Why try to change a world that is so obviously of inferior spiritual significance compared with the salvation of eternal souls for heaven?
The Bible however has answers to how to live eternally we are created to be eternal souls, where we chose to live will entirely depends on us.
While an admonition such as «Remember, O man, that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return» sounds like the solemn - admonitory, the point of the memento mori is to contemplate worldly death in order to fit oneself for otherworldly life in communion with other eternal souls, not somehow to find comfort in the commonality of our mortal lot.
I try not to worry what other people think about eternal souls or allegorical references in literature.
Your eternal soul is at stake.
We all have an eternal soul that will live forever, and we choose just where that will be.
Perhaps you would do well for your eternal soul to step back from your brashness and restudy what the Catholicism is all about.
I will be praying for Kerry Egan, that she is saved, because with such a lack of concern for someones eternal soul I would question her salvation ever being real, but if she is saved, then she will have to stand before a Holy God one day at the judgement seat of Christ and give an account of what she has done for Him, I pray that she may yet grab this opportunity she has to change the course of so many souls, before its too late!
How about this: Any Christian preaching to a child that their eternal soul will burn in Hell if the child doesn't join their «team» is a child abuser.
If you believe that we have an eternal soul how can you tell if they don't have one as well?
Their understanding of s@xuality was skewed by the belief that there are supernatural forces that hold, not just an opinion on the subject, but holds their eternal soul at stake for this notion of sin.
He gave you the gift of life and an eternal soul - you have a choice on this earth how to live your life and that will be how you will also spend eternity — with God or without Him.
His eternal soul has been reincarnated many times since, recently as Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and Albert Einstein who is «the key» (74) to the reincarnation question.
Stop trying to save my eternal soul then; if I burn in hell for who I love so be it.
I hope that when my earth - body dies and my eternal soul is uploaded into the heavens via God's Galactic Internet that my file folder is judged as appropriate for download into a mansion that is more heavenly than this one, but that does not change that life in this mansion is what it is.
So, while I certainly appreciate your, what I believe to be a «sincere» gesture with your quotes from the book of Luke to... «save my eternal soul,» I only wish you peace in your life... and should there happen to be an after - life... and... it happens to be exactly as you think, maybe you can put in a good word for me with St. Peter at the Pearlies!!!
Recently i read something that if it is true is very scary not only is it wrong but trying to cast demons out of christians could be a serious sin with the possibility of the loss of your eternal soul wow thats heavy.
Individuals far more learned than you — Socrates, Plato, Paul, Einstein, etc. — all believed in the existence of God, the eternal soul and the afterlife.
If an eternal soul can't be perfected and enter into Heaven, then where else can it go?
When we are doing something that could jeopardize our eternal soul, we should want someone (like Fr.
I have no more reason to suspect that I have an eternal soul than I have to suspect that the Dark Lord split himself into several horcruxes.
one of the hardest things to do is let go of your parent's religious beliefs, to let go of the fear, to face the rest of your life with the realization that you are NOT that special and that no magic sky god is going to save your eternal soul, forever.
Unless there is a God who has a purpose for your life and your eternal soul, everything you do here is irrelevant.
God created Adam in His image, meaning with an eternal soul and freewill among other things, and eventually Adam chose to turn against God.
It is clearly designed to build followers, who believe their eternal soul relies on doing what the church says (doesn't work on everyone, most people take what they need form the church and keep their own ability to make decisions in their lives, but that doesn't change what the system is designed to do).
But at least I never ask for money, let alone your undying devotion or eternal soul.)
I didn't feel ready to answer questions about Jason's eternal soul and how I was trying to win him back to God, so I just ignored it.
They'd be less concerned with other more superficial ideas of «morality», because no one's risking their eternal soul.
The creation «let it be and it was so» is the regeneration of life, salvation out of darkness and the redemption of the eternal soul.
It makes more sense to have an eternal soul that lives life after life, to learn new experiences than it does to have one life, die and then float around singing praises to a god that can't be bothered to even visit for 2000 years.
If someone thinks that the spread of something (a disease, economic system or religion) endangers not only the life but eternal soul of their children and grandchildren they will usually believe that fighting and even killing is worthwhile to protect against this greater harm.
You're right about the fact that human created the concept of eternal soul «after death.»
- In short God is bigger than we give credit for so we are all on a life journey that will leave no doubt where our eternal soul would find rest.
Do you do it out of fear or obedience, or do you do it freely without fear that your eternal soul is on the line.
The real question is: If you life was to end today and you were standing before the Lord of the Universe, would your eternal soul be ready?
You can speculate all you want about the eternal soul, but no matter how hard you believe, rocks won't be food, and sand wont be water.
I guess you've sacrificed your eternal soul for the church, bravo.
Dualists, on the other hand, believed that man's eternal soul was imprisoned in a temporal body.
It is not logical or reasonable to assume without any evidence whatsoever that this «eternal soul» (not making a claim just can not think of a better term for self awareness without time or space constraints) is constrained to our time line or space as it did not originate from there.
You do not fear death because you can not understand or feel the eternal soul of man.
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