Sentences with phrase «eternal things»

Here is the bottom line on how to set priorities and how to live with purpose: Make eternal things priority.
In Aristotle's words, «With eternal things to be possible and to be are the same.»
Eternal things do not compare to the mortal.
He considers the team a training ground to learn how to care for others and find joy and purpose in investing in eternal things, such as sharing the gospel of Jesus with others.
The more the present day is marked by noise — deafening noise — about ephemera, the more Benedict's silence about eternal things becomes profound in contrast.
If Machiavelli seems a decent guide to Christian politics, it is only because Americans are uniquely tempted by the liberal civil religion he touted — a backward, Hobbesian monster of a thing, wherein civic virtue shapes Christian practice instead of vice versa, trading eternal things for temporal ones.
The premise (10) is said to be «implied by Aristotle's dictum» that with eternal things, to be possible and to be are the same.
Does it value temporal or eternal things?
It's all about the nuptial meaning of things, great things, eternal things.
«With eternal things, to be possible and to be are the same.»
And here I thought the kingdom of God was strictly an eternal thing - only accessible after death.
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