Sentences with phrase «eternal universe»

Not only could this create the future of internet and blockchain based gaming, but by enabling the creation of eternal universes that see multi-game spanning DApps and collectible provably scarce items, Loom Network could be creating what will be an immense financial incentive to both develop and play in these new universes.
I believe in a past eternal universe why don't you Chad?
You mention attempts to save the «cyclic» eternal universe model by allowing each iteration to be larger than the last,...
Hawking believes in a past eternal universe if you count time that is a spatial dimension before the origin.
An example of an argumentum ad populum:» again, absolutely NO ONE believes in a past eternal universe».
Nor would we have to think that an eternal universe would be without a cause because somehow a cause must be prior in time to its effect.
The eternal universe may be in an infinite cycle of expansion outward until gravity finally overcomes it and it all compresses back together to a point where it Big Bangs again...
Sure, you'll live a relativistically short life in the grand scheme of the atheistic viewpoint of the eternal universe by being smug, self - assured and maybe even sporting a nice tan while you're at it, but, in the end, you die.
Either admit that it's as plausible to have an eternal universe in one form or another that we can only trace back to the big bang or accept that it's just as implausable to have an eternal God that has always existed as it is an eternal universe.
Jaki believed that many scientists» resistance to general relativity's finite universe was due to the attractiveness of the Greek idea of an eternal universe (ibid.
In his Physics, he developed a philosophy of nature (which he called second philosophy) that was a combination of metaphysics as well as empirical science, e.g. his geo - centric model of an eternal universe.
[14] Many 19th - century philosophers advocated an eternal universe, conceived of as an infinite series of cycles (Stanley L. JAKI, Science and creation: from eternal cycles to an oscillating universe, Edinburgh, Scottish Academic Press, 1974, p. 309 s, 311 3, 319 - 322, names, in particular, Schelling, Engels and Nietzsche).
Belief in the creation of the world in time, contrary to Artistotle's belief in an eternal universe, led Buridan to the concept of inertia, which isbasic to the understanding of local motion, itself the starting point of physics and hence of all modern science.
If the fuel of the universe has been used eternally, that fuel will eventually be depleted; but the evidence is that the cosmological gas gauge, while moving toward «empty,» is yet a long way from being there — a condition incompatible with an eternal universe.
The dogma of creation in time contradicted the Aristotelian belief in an eternal universe, and the analysis of motion in the light of creation led John Buridan to develop the concept of inertia that lies at the foundation of dynamics.
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