Sentences with phrase «eternal verities of»

Out of all the hundreds and hundreds of articles that have appeared in the Networker over the past four decades, we've chosen a small sampling that captures the magazine's most journalistic side, conveying not so much the eternal verities of our profession, but the sense of reading a first draft of the field's history.
«it was nevertheless a staggering achievement which was firmly rooted in sport's eternal verities of desire, spirit, honest effort, sound organisation and inspired light touch leadership, albeit liberally sprinkled with the magic dust of goals, guile and superhuman endeavour as supplied by the outstanding triumvirate of, respectively, Vardy, Mahrez and Kante» so we lack all of these stuffs in our team that's why we win nothing, so you have answers but you are just being deluded.
It is an eternal verity of politics that any new policy is met by wonks explaining why other policies would have been better.

Not exact matches

Compared with these eternal verities the present human scene gives no more than a hint of unimagined realities.
He has no sure knowledge of the eternal verities, but he holds them by faith, and looks in faith to the God whose Word of life he has heard in the man Jesus and he says:
Our loss is that they couched the eternal verities in language which was then the jargon of the laboratory, and is the jargon of the laboratory no longer....
Adaptation and process, interaction with the forces of the environment, are the key elements in the religious scholars» quest, not eternal verities or external revelations.
For those who look to eternal verities for directly applicable political solutions, he observes: «The deposit of wisdom in the Bible and in the classic books does not contain a systematic and comprehensive statement of moral principles from which it is possible to deduce with clarity and certainty specific answers to concrete questions.»
Despite this eternal verity, there is presently a surge of interest in death and in the speculation about what, if anything, occurs after death.
One knew what good was: the spirit or the mind in pursuit of the eternal verities.
Whether you see these as comforting lies or eternal verities, they are part of how we help kids make sense of the world.
While one might well reply that Ingres's Apotheosis of Homer is as irrevocably bound to the same historical moment as Courbet's Studio, even though it attempts to establish universal values and eternal verities, in the case of Ingres's work this is despite rather than because of the intentions of the artist; one might almost say that as far as Ingres was concerned, to be of one's time was a measure of failure rather than of achievement.
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