Sentences with phrase «eternity past»

Any concept of eternity past with GOD without beginning is tough.
God imagined the entirety of creation in eternity past before He ever spoke the first «Let there be...» of His epic story, creating every micro and macro part of His infinitely complex, undeniably beautiful and «good» creation.
Well if God hardened Pharaohs heart in eternity past then I guess He made the devil rebel as well.
As a result, we are totally dependent upon God to initiate salvation for us, which He did in eternity past by choosing to save some, without any condition or merit on the part of those whom He chose (Unconditional Election).
In this case, we once again see that the salvation - by - grace package originated with God in eternity past, is received by human faith (not by works), and is not something that we dreamed up, but is a gift of God to all people.
And this despite his professed belief in metaphysical timelessness: «Time does not exist,» he wrote to Apollinaire in July 1916, «and on the great curve of eternity the past is the same as the future.»
Eternity past before creation seems like and awfully long time.
While the Bible tells us this universe and especially man are unique creations of God, there is no telling what He created in eternity past, nor what He will continue to create in the future.
God only died for His, predestined elect family from eternity past.
Election is not about how God, from eternity past, chose who would receive eternal life and who would be condemned to hell forever.
If God is as the Calvinist insists, then they are right: we mere humans can not question God's judgment or challenge His choices from eternity past to choose some for redemption and others for reprobation.
First, it is important to note that in the surrounding context, there is nothing anywhere about some sovereign decree of God regarding whom He has chosen from eternity past to redeem and reconcile to Himself in eternity future.
Paul shows that all those whom God foreknew from eternity past will ultimately and finally be glorified with God in eternity future.
In Romans 8:29 - 30, Paul looks at our future glorification in eternity from the perspective of God in eternity past.
He knew and saw this sin from eternity past and forgave it anyway out of His grace.
The whole purpose in creation and of our salvation is to accrue to the glory of God: In the counsels of eternity past, before creation, the Father proclaimed His love for the Son, and desired to express that love by giving Him a gift; that gift was in the form of a redeemed humanity — love often shows itself in gifts, and divine love gives divinely, and without limits.
God's love, righteousness, grace, mercy, and wrath are the same today as in eternity past, and will be the same in eternity forward.
Except I'll add that the thing doing the determining is the sovereign will of God, determined in His own councils in eternity past.
Only one Person is eternal from eternity past, and that is God Himself.
Jesus Christ is our saviour not our destiny that has been pre + marked in eternity past.
For if, as Calvinists teach, God, in eternity past, chose some people to be the beneficiaries of His grace so that they, out of all the people of the world, might alone receive eternal life from Him, then Israel, as God's elect people, should all unconditionally receive eternal life from God.
In eternity Past, Present and Future, FATHER IS FATHER To His SON.
Mary prepared Jesus a spiritual feast, something He could enjoy and feast on just two days before He endured the worst hours in his entire existence — from eternity past to eternity future.
In Romans 8:28 - 30, Paul is not talking about an eternal decree from eternity past about to whom He would give eternal life, but rather, God's plan from eternity past to bring those who believe in Jesus into conformity to the image of Jesus Christ, which does not fully occur until glorification (cf. Eph 1:4; 4:1; 5:27; Col 1:22 - 23).
Paul's point in Romans 8 is that God determined from eternity past to bring us to glorification despite our many weaknesses and failures.
Paul wanted them to know that God knew all about these things from eternity past, and it didn't stop Him from initiating His plan to rescue and redeem the world, and since God predestined such a plan, He will take care of everything necessary to bring it to completion, which will result in our glorification (cf. Romans 8:31 - 39).
Instead, Paul is saying that God decided in eternity past to make sure that everyone and anyone who joins His family by faith will finally and ultimately be brought into conformity to Jesus Christ at their glorification.
The basic explanation of Unconditional Election is that God, in eternity past, had an eternal decree by which He predetermined all things that would happen.
Remember that the Creator has an eternity past.
In eternity past, God did not choose who He would unconditionally and irresistibly bring into His church, but rather, decided that all those who believed in Jesus and in so doing became members of His church, to them He would give the task of being a blessing to the world by sharing serving one another, declaring God's grace, and loving others just as He has loved us.
The Ephesian teaches us that time does not exist and that on the great curve of eternity the past is the same as the future.
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