Sentences with phrase «ethanol subsidies»

"Ethanol subsidies" refers to financial support or incentives provided by the government to promote the production or use of ethanol fuel, which is derived from crops such as corn or sugarcane. These subsidies often involve the government providing financial assistance or tax benefits to ethanol producers, aiming to encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Full definition
With ethanol's demands on corn crops, the increased prices of corn have meant that decreasing farm subsidy payments have been more than double the cost of ethanol subsidies.
He'll be running against a guy who has been against ethanol subsidies for years.
Imagine if instead of spending over $ 2 billion a year in direct ethanol subsidies, we directed that money into conservation measures.
Be sure and thank your legislators for corn - based ethanol subsidies.
«Direct cash payments to corn growers would be more economical than attempting to boost farm income through ethanol subsidies,» the report concluded.
Jacques Diouf, its head, reserved most of his reprobation for the U.S.'s billions of corn ethanol subsidies (roughly $ 12b in 2006), which he said were depriving developing countries of food, reports The Guardian's Julian Borger.He accused the U.S. of diverting close to 100 million tons of cereals from human consumption to «satisfy a thirst for fuel for vehicles.»
Food and livestock industry groups have made their own calls to end ethanol subsidies, arguing that the policies have led to a rise in the price of feed and basic food commodities.
The Trump decision to permit year - round 15 - per - cent blends may be a shell game of another kind, since it's expected to be coupled with a transfer of ethanol subsidies from U.S. domestic consumption to exports, a move that could decimate ethanol use in the U.S..
In Iowa last month, possible Republican candidate Newt Gingrich derided «big - city attacks» on ethanol subsidies.
And both of those were about federal ethanol subsidies (one to Ted Cruz, one to Ben Carson).
But clean energy with hundreds of thousands of new jobs is still in our future, and the administration has already begun by supporting further ethanol subsidies, which the «best science» — and not mere politics — has proven to be a boon to the environment.
As a business owner in renewable energy, I'd wager to say that most business - minded environmentalist think ethanol subsidies are a giant waste of money and damage the environment to boot.
The denial of market forces in the US by all politicians, in favor of market farces like ethanol subsidies, in a way emphasis the effectiveness of prices as one instrument.
Just one day after the Senate voted to keep costly ethanol tax breaks in place and Climate Progress headlined a news roundup «Ethanol Subsidies Here to Stay,» the Senate voted overwhelmingly this afternoon to end the $ 5 - billion - a-year incentive for ethanol production.
The efforts we've made to criminalize the act of checking out are scandalous and in a different world, one without ethanol subsidies or ear marks, we might see an end to it.
I've seen similar logic used to disparage ethanol subsidies in the United States, and accusations our corn ethanol policies have caused food shortages in poor countries.
Ethanol subsidies once included a high tariff and generous tax credits, both of which expired at the end of 2011.
Stripped of original language that would have eliminated a small ethanol subsidy, Senate Bill 888 was rearmed as a guided missile aimed at... Complete story»
9) Unfortunately, if people were to adopt carbon sequestration through tree cultivation on a major scale, it would have exactly the same effect as the US ethanol subsidies, in that it would drive up food prices, reduce global food supply, and lead to people in Africa starving.
A decade ago we were plowing money into ethanol subsidies as one response to climate change.
«Eliminating or reducing ethanol subsidies and trade barriers are important steps we can take to reduce the budget deficit, improve the environment, and lessen our reliance on imported oil,» the senators wrote to the Democratic majority leader, Senator Harry Reid, and the Republican minority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell.
Regardless, dropping ethanol subsidies is probably a smart idea — corn ethanol is a huge water and energy suck, some speculate its production has led to food shortages, and is generally far from the fuel of the future it was once hoped to be.
A measure that would remove roughly $ 6 billion in annual ethanol subsidies just passed the U.S. Senate, signaling, among other things, a shift in public attitude towards the once - heralded alternative fuel.
For example, pressuring American lawmakers to end corn ethanol subsidies that do little to fight climate change and cause distortions harmful to the poor in the global food market can help reduce some development pressure in the Amazon.
Although direct ethanol subsidies were eliminated in 2011, Congress has retained a mandate requiring that the gasoline supply contain increasing amounts of ethanol.
Along with EV charging, Ebell said the inclusion of ethanol subsidies in the amended resolution could spell trouble for the effort if it is brought up again in New Orleans.
In another stroke of luck, New York dairy farmers have been well - positioned in recent years because they tend to grow much of their own feed corn, putting them at a competitive advantage over their larger California competitors: West Coast dairies are struggling with the high price of corn brought on by international demand, drought conditions and ethanol subsidies.
Second, the U.S. should end its misguided corn - to - ethanol subsidies.
The World Bank has called for an end to ethanol subsidies.
Yes, reporters can do better, but it's not an open secret that the greatest promoter of ethanol subsidies was powerful Republican senator Bob Dole:
For different reasons, sugar subsidies, ethanol subsidies, corn and wheat subsidies, really just about any farm subsidies that aren't based on preventing soil erosion.
(Read here for more on this: «Sanity Alert: Senate Votes to End Billions in Ethanol Subsidies.»)
Perhaps the biggest irony in all of this is that our tax dollars via the ethanol subsidies keep groups like the RFA in business.
The provision is the latest installment of the ethanol subsidy, a handout that has cost American taxpayers billions of dollars during the last three decades, with little to show for it.
Letter in support of the Ethanol Subsidy Repeal Act, which would end 30 years of tax credits for conventional ethanol and end the tariff on imported ethanol.
«Until cellulosic ethanol production is feasible, or corn - ethanol technology improves, corn - ethanol subsidies are a poor investment economically and environmentally,» Jackson explained.
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