Sentences with phrase «ethical argument»

By the time a law hits the books, all the legal and ethical arguments in the world can't make a difference.
This popular support has been generated not by ethical arguments but by emotional reactions to the horrifying ways some people are dying.
He offers a historic, legal and ethical argument which is miles above those from his colleagues.
To understand the modern American abortion debate, one needs to know much more than just the relevant competing ethical arguments.
But given the potent ethical arguments against corruption, not to mention the potent legal penalties for being caught engaging in it, it's a problem that needs to be tackled head - on.
It's a haphazard ethical argument about making the correct life decisions.
There's a surprising focus on the hypothetical ethical arguments that would arise should human iPSCs be made into function eggs and sperm (which has not been done yet, and may not even be possible).
But that said, ad blocking is a widespread reality these days and — ethical arguments aside — Adblock Plus says it is making it easier to reach the people who have adopted its tools.
In episode 301, the third season premiere, the mischievous magicians examine the historical, religious, medical and ethical arguments associated with circumcision.
I asked Carl Safina, the marine biologist, ocean campaigner and author, whether he thought utilitarian or ethical arguments dominated the film.
But I noted that the core of the film is still about humans» relationship with other species, and that the fundamental ethical arguments about which we choose to kill, and how we kill them, are still a prime challenge — whether we're discussing bison or dolphin or the great whales being shot with exploding harpoons at sea.
If you combine the information and warnings from scientists with completely compelling ethical arguments (and indeed, with basic common sense), and if you then examine ExxonMobil's actions and statements in that light, you can readily and strongly conclude that ExxonMobil's stance is, indeed, flatly unethical.
All in all, how do we actually GET these crucial ethical arguments, and their implications, into the dialogue — indeed, as a first step, even into the informed dialogues among scientists, scientific organizations, and political and business leaders, not to even mention into the media's consciousness and coverage?
In particular, there has been no coverage of the specific ethical arguments for climate change legislation in the mainstream media except with a very few infrequent exceptions.
And so ethical arguments may be no stronger then self - interest based arguments for some things, but they are actually indispensable for understanding what is wrong with certain arguments made against adopting climate change policies.
Why Taking Ethical Arguments Off the Table Is Like A Soccer Team Unilaterally Taking The Goalie Out of the Net.
Are Ethical Arguments for Climate Change Action Weaker Than Self - Interest Based Arguments?
Animals Australia's representative on the AWAC provided crucial input on the scientific and ethical arguments against confining sows in tiny stalls.
However, it may be more useful to first focus on whether human iPSCs can even be successfully used in the clinic before diverting attention to this hypothetical ethical argument, which is much further down the road.
«I get the ethical argument against bribery, and I agree.
But in order to say anything useful about ethical issues in the marketplace, you first need to understand something about how markets work, how they fail, and what the ethical argument for their existence is.
The usually gentle Gustafson accused churches of failure to recognize the complexities of social issues, neglect of «sound theological and ethical arguments» and dogmatic refusal to recognize «the...
An article in The Telegraph (16 July 2013) informs us that Stephen Wilkinson, professor of bioethics at Lancaster, has produced a report that found «no reason to expect harm to future children or wider society if these techniques were made available for «social» reasons... We didn't find any ethical arguments sufficient to justify a blanket ban on... sex selection.»
The ethical arguments for and against euthanasia / PAS have remained largely unchanged for centuries.
The usually gentle Gustafson accused churches of failure to recognize the complexities of social issues, neglect of «sound theological and ethical arguments» and dogmatic refusal to recognize «the probability of reasonable dissent.»
As Alexis de Tocqueville saw, moral ideas and sentiments rooted in religious traditions and institutions are necessary to sustain the ethical argument and civic friendship of public life in a republic such as ours, whose fate finally rests on the habits of the heart of its citizens.
«Corporations must have the freedom to make business decisions and hide behind an ethical argument as they deem fit for the corporations they run.»
The ethical argument for a positive answer is that, speaking globally, there is still a woeful shortage of goods, even of necessities.
The unresolved questions about outcomes reveal the necessity for theological and ethical arguments.
«It is shameful that Republicans have used this tragedy and the deaths of our fellow Americans for political gain,» Cummings continued, hinting at the ethical argument Democrats will make — with fresh grist — against the majority.
There can be no ethical argument against such explicit authorship, Stemwedel of San José State agrees.
The ethical argument becomes even more problematic when we are discussing the removal of a body from scientific exploration, whether for reburial or otherwise.
«It is also necessary to assess the ethical arguments for and against it — for example, those concerning justice, intrinsic value, cultural value and hubris,» he writes.
The ethical argument is straightforward: Early detection can lead to a better outcome.
In addition to the financial benefit, Bountra adds, «there is an ethical argument; we are exposing patients to molecules other organizations know are going to be ineffective».
With the support of Joseph Fins, chief of the department of medical ethics at Weill Cornell, who articulated the ethical arguments for why these patients must be studied and treated, they used PET to look at four more people in vegetative states.
Specifically, a lot of the ethical arguments against hESCs are outdated or ill - founded.
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