Sentences with phrase «ethical behaviour while»

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A recent study by two assistant professors at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management found that while consumers» overall behaviour is shifting toward greater social responsibility, the rise in ethical, or green consumption hasn't made people more altruistic.
While it is true that schools have both a legal and ethical duty to ensure the safety of pupils and staff, when it comes to shaping the behaviours and attitudes of the citizens of tomorrow, attention needs to be paid to encouraging children to become risk - aware and not risk - averse.
This is what I call the Judith Delusion — bemoaning motivated reasoning, arguing for professional standards and ethical behaviour, while simultaneously committing all those sins to achieve her «desirable story line».
Our goal is to help clients achieve their operational, financial and strategic objectives while ensuring legal and regulatory compliance and fostering a culture of ethical behaviour and integrity.
However, while these concerns could be of great importance to any lawyer, junior or otherwise, an important consideration above all else is this: We have chosen to enter a profession that holds us to a high bar when it comes to ethical standards, choices and behaviour — a valuable consideration for in - house counsel, particularly when faced with internal pressures.
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