Sentences with phrase «ethical beliefs»

Finally, the majority held that ethical tensions are inherent to medical practice, but the law is clear that consent is required irrespective of ethical beliefs.
We conducted two studies of consumer ethical beliefs and a third managerial survey.
We don't try to answer all ethical questions because different ethical beliefs may reach different conclusions about what justice requires.
Women with a secure style reported more ethical beliefs than those in the other two groups.
However, in those cases in which the issue does exist, the Commission will define religious practices to include moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong which are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views.
The dismissing women reported the greatest overall indifference to ethical transgressions and the secure women expressed the most ethical beliefs.
While death can be a difficult subject, keeping ethical beliefs and environmental convictions in mind while tending to end - of - life arrangements can create a meaningful send - off — not to mention a lower - impact one.
And one way of making Ragnar sympathetic to a contemporary audience — and to challenge the cliché of the brutal, ignorant, bloodthirsty, and rapist Viking — was quite simple: to show him as, at heart, a family man with strong ethical belief.
Evans next identifies various narratives that have the potential to either close the lines of communication» primarily because they invoke abortion» or open the possibility of true conversation among people of conflicting ethical beliefs by keeping that issue in the background.
I recently had a chance to speak with Dr. Jonathan Haidt, a psychologist and professor of business ethics at New York University - Stern School of Business, whose book, The Righteous Mind, discusses the emotional justification of modern - day ethical beliefs and political divides.
Despite my deeply rooted ethical beliefs around not eating animals and eating in alignment with my values and intuition, the science doesn't lie.
Practicing socially responsible investing means selecting the companies or mutual funds for your portfolio based on your own ethical beliefs.
Beyond purely pictorial values, the basic rationalism of his method and the mood of ideal calm in his paintings have certain moral implications; they seem to embody an underlying ethical belief in the rational principle which governs the world of artistic form and natural life.
The EEOC defines «religion» as «includ [ing] moral or ethical beliefs as to right and wrong that are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views», but that does not seem to encompass metaphysical beliefs (e.g. about reincarnation, who created the universe...).
An integrative model is developed that links parental and peer support with adolescents» self - worth motives, their materialistic tendencies, and their consumer ethical beliefs.
Based on the two studies, the results indicate that ␣ among male consumers, the dismissing participants reported the greatest overall indifference to ethical transgressions and the secure participants expressed the most ethical beliefs.
Atheist can have all manner of ethical beliefs and even, as many atheist buddhists do, mystical religious beliefs.
Those who are Buddhists will follow one set of laws, secular humanists on, Utilitarians on, Unitarian Universalists one (with a lot of variation), etc. «Atheism» in itself says nothing at all about one's ethical beliefs.
The ethics committee at the Hurley Medical Center in Flint, Michigan weighed in on August 9, 1993, opining that to honor the parents» desire to continue Baby Terry's treatment «would be contrary to medical judgment and to moral and ethical beliefs of physicians caring for the patient» (my emphasis).
Spiritualism does not mean jettisoning all moral and ethical beliefs.
But of course everyone has ethical beliefs and every university offers ethics courses.
I love your ethical beliefs
«USDA provides schools with the flexibility to offer milk substitutes that meet federal nutrition requirements to accommodate students» nondisabling allergies, culture, religion or ethical beliefs,» a spokeswoman said.
However, I still have to respect my ongoing food sensitivities and ethical beliefs, so I pretty much eat «paleo» now, without consuming dairy or gluten, and including minimal grains and legumes in my diet.
(I currently don't shop from any fast - fashion brands, the reason of which is a combination of my ethical beliefs and stance on the issues I discuss on my blog, but also because I have a teen budget and simply don't want to support the way fast - fashion brands work with the very little disposable income I have.)
Not only is it against my ethical beliefs, who would want to be the other woman?
The 60 - year - old star said: «Representation — those tireless men and women who represent us truly — our desires, our dreams, our individual strengths, and our ethical beliefs: to them, we owe a great deal.
The body responsible for the national curriculum, the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), agrees that a national curriculum should encourage students «to learn about different religions, spirituality and ethical beliefs».
Some pet parents avoid doing it because of moral and ethical beliefs (e.g. overpopulation) while some breeders discard some of their dogs from their breeding program.
The reason for choosing such diets vary widely and may include fears due to pet food recalls in recent years, picky appetites of dogs and cats refusing to eat conventional commercially available diets, ethical beliefs, hot topics in human nutrition and medical necessity.
Based on their political or ethical beliefs, some librarians might object to being placed in such a service relationship.
In fact, it can include «non-theistic «moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong which are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views.»»
Therapeutic practices and ethical beliefs of professionals working with adolescents in residential treatment.
What causes adolescents to develop consumer» ethical beliefs?
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