Sentences with phrase «ethical claim»

People who build homes, factories or offices, or who produce various types of goods and services, have a solid ethical claim to what they have created.
Using the language of rights is a way of making the strongest possible kind of ethical claim, a way to draw a line in the topsoil, as it were.
According to the aforementioned Mintel report, millennials are results - driven, but they also prioritize natural ingredients and ethical claims such as cruelty - free, environmentally friendly and ethically sourced.
Even more than other states that claim to value democracy and social justice, Israel needs to maintain the image of successfully upholding ethical claims in its social and political systems.
If it is not apparent already, I am suggesting that a commitment to mitigation policies has a reduced ethical claim because of the unknowns and unknowables involved, whether those unknowns concern the future of the environment or the future of the poorest citizens on Earth.
analyzes the difference in type of discourse between»... those who claim cognitive significance for ethical claims and those who claim ethical and religious and metaphysical significance for logical discourse.»
You just derived an ethical claim from a scientific theory.
It is therefore the primacy of the ethical claim which assimilates Church and world to one another.
He could find them only in the moral demand, the ethical claim, made by the living God upon all mankind.
The importance of all this is that the recognition of intrinsic value in creatures besides ourselves makes an ethical claim upon us to recognize our obligation toward them.
a) science makes no ethical claims here.
No dimension of my life can dodge the ethical claim, because I am always present in what I do or in what happens to me.
New products with ethical claims, such as fair trade, also are increasing, although a little more slowly; 7.9 % of new products featured such ethical claims in 2015 compared with 6.7 % in 2014.
According to GlobalData figures, 75 % of consumers globally believe that leading an ethical and sustainable lifestyle is important to their wellbeing, while brands / ranges with natural, fresh and ethical claims are succeeding in reinforcing their position through sustainable packaging.
Political scientists are (typically) not interested in moral or ethical claims.
Ethical Consumer gives an additional product sustainability (PS) mark to certified organic brands as we think it acts as an independent check on a company's ethical claims.
It would make it harder to hide environmentalism's political and ethical claims, perhaps, but it would be no guarantee, either of that or a bit more reflection on certain claims and why they exist, not just in the climate debate, but more widely also.
But the quote is correct that given the values, factual uncertainty weakens the ethical claim.
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