Sentences with phrase «ethical position»

The older ethical position of code morality has been challenged by the values of situation ethics.
Any moral or ethical positions require additional philosophical bases.
But what if the allegations can't be dismissed as simply a contrary ethical position?
I have concluded that the position of the defendant, and the legal and ethical position of defence counsel, are less difficult to maintain than many lawyers think.
Although the majority based their conclusion on his right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions, the partially concurring and dissenting opinions and the judgment as a whole provide an interesting insight into the way freedom of conscience challenges are to be approached in a secular society where religion holds less sway than individual ethical positions on certain issues.
This activist element is a vital alternative to some of the more extreme ethical positions in reactionary ecological ethics.
Those directly involved in and affected by scientific research can best discern and explicate the insights of Christian faith in terms of specific ethical positions.
In doing so, Common Practice New York aims to develop new knowledge and further a discourse on ethical positions for the presentation of art and ideas in the twenty - first century.
By playing with the spectator's expectations of catharsis, it forces them to respond both emotionally and intellectually and to take a more ethical position in relation to the film by rationally contemplating their emotional response.
Will it be a community holding common ethical positions, or will it admit a wide diversity of views (but having first learned how to converse in a way that brings about real progress)?
That resoluteness is vital for all who love freedom of religion — which depends in America on the Roman Catholic Church holding the line on key ethical positions.
What I find so preposterous about MANA's position is that they «demand» scientific, evidence based precision for obstetric interventions, but their stated ethical position is that birth is a mystery and death and bad outcomes have to be accepted in the process of «letting go» and «healing».
What if exterminating people based on their skin colour was a valid ethical position that people with enormous brains like me should debate and engage with?
Different ethical positions about inequality aversion (η; see previous post) and pure time preference (δ) are clear instances of such irreducible heterogeneity.
But, to pre-suppose the experimental outcome, and to exaggerate the risk to defend a narrowly constructed ethical position is... well it's Bush - like.
during milan design week 2018, the exhibition «vegan design — or the art of reduction» curated by maria cristina didero surveyed the work of the isreali creative in the context of «veganism», and his compliance with the rules of this specific ethical position.
In doing so, Common Practice New York hopes to develop new knowledge and further a discourse on ethical positions for the presentation of art and ideas in the twenty - first century.
What formal mechanisms are available in the nation for citizens, NGOs and other interested organizations to question / contest the nation's ethical position on climate change?
And notably, the ethical positions you cite (toward which such biblically minded Christians now look in retrospect with «disgust» — as you put it) were found to be * biblically * untenable.
This is related to another concern about Glover's ethical position.
They believe their ethical positions are backed up by reason, rather than a god, but they are strong ethical positions nonetheless.
Yoder takes seriously Niebuhr's own insistence on the particularity of all theological and ethical positions.
For a discussion of four theological - ethical positions that represent a continuum in current theological understandings of homosexuality, see James F. Childress, The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1986).
In his analysis of religion, Otto identifies three universal and elemental aspects: the devotion to truth or reality, the commitment to an ethical position and the awareness of the Mysterium Tremendum.
An ethical position that condemns homosexuality as a violation of natural law must turn to a nonbiblical philosophical position — but not to Pauline material — for its content.
In times when other forces determine the interpretations of events, nature, human life and what have you, more than religious ones do, it is, in my view, a temptation to find philosophical, theological and ethical positions that can disengage Christians from intentional interactions with alternatives.
It is also so often driven by a frustration of the lack of availability of products that suit an individual's particular nutritional or ethical position.
It has sparked internecine fights about identitarian rights to speech and ethical positions, and encouraged any half - intelligent person to take a long, hard look at their own value systems.
The resulting images are both revealing and obscured, an aesthetics of withholding that enabled Weil to carve out an ethical position within the confines of still photography.
Butt explains that the latest acts of censorship has led to the need to restructure the program if it is to continue: «The decision to close the Laboratory program for now has come out of an ethical position.
If anything, it is an ethical position, embedded in the world and the materials and relations of which it is so richly, and at times, Kovanda reminds us, surreptitiously composed.
The real and unacceptable extremism occurs when an ethical position is based on incorrect facts and drastic, potentially more damaging, action is demanded.
Ramus (2002) and Thomas et al. (2004) have observed that internally - generated efforts to improve procedures (e.g., following an ethical position held by an influential champion, responding to the desire to reduce costs or risks, or attempting to attract potential clients) can push systems toward sustainability.
«For these people who feel so passionately about this, their ultimate authority is a report from a group of scientists, and they're saying «this is where we stand, forget about our moral concerns, forget about our ethical positions, forget about whether we are Right, Left or centre, forget about whether we are Christians or Buddists, no, none of that matters.»
My ethical position is that it is far better -LSB-...]
My ethical position is that it is far better to fix errors that are found than play around thinking about cute names for follow - on blog posts.
I have no problem with voices loudly opposing iron seeding experiments - if those voices present an ethical position and do not masquerade as scientists speaking of measured risk.
These different measures are sometimes used by different countries to assert various policy / ethical positions on climate change (Banuri et al., 1996, p. 94).
In the context of the relationship between the defendant and the state in a criminal prosecution, it is also critical to examine the ethical position of the criminal defence lawyer.
Especially in relation to all the ethical positions in your company has got in - relation to all workplace relations and governance.
Where possible, select a personal acquaintance that has a strong professional or ethical position, such as a police officer, lawyer or other well regarded profession.
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