Sentences with phrase «ethical system»

Other ethical systems aim at coming to a knowledge of good and evil but say nothing about why this should be a particular emphasis in ethics.
Thus it is not a ready - made theological or ethical system which is the norm.
A major part of the problem is that simply saying no to sex until after the wedding is an insufficient ethical system.
That's one reason why democracy seems an essentially ethical system: It gives us the means to create a better society in which we can become better individuals.
Either one accepts the basic Western ethical system of respecting other human beings as subjects and extends that respect to other creatures that are also recognized as subjects, or one asks much more fundamental questions about the assumptions of Western thought, rejects ethical thinking of this sort altogether, and develops a new sensibility more like the one Shepard finds among primal peoples.
While investing in ethical systems and materials may require more costs up front, it can have a massive payoff (in addition to being the ethical choice): According to the study, 73 percent of consumers say they're willing to pay more for a product that promises total transparency.
Confucianism has a perfect ethical system based on the five human relations; it teaches that man should faithfully search for reason for human actions and should refine and control himself; should carry on his ancestral traditions and teach them to succeeding generations; should die to preserve his virtue; and should be just without partiality.
The School ADvance support team includes skilled analysts with extensive experience in helping districts design viable and ethical systems for measuring, analyzing and attributing student growth Participants in the School ADVance Implementation Network and / or the GrowthPLUS Support Network can learn how to:
if you want a better set of ethics, try Humanism, an atheistic ethical system far more compassionate than anything offered by the various christian cults.
Within the past decade, there have been several attempts to categorize ethical systems arising from process metaphysics in their relation to ethical theory in general.
One can not do justice to Charles Hartshorne's ethical system without taking seriously his particular understanding of experience as creative synthesis and his demand that one constantly confront the question of God.
Legal ethicists Thomas and Mary Shaffer, however, have convincingly demonstrated that two quite different ethical systems were operating side - by - side in the profession: an «old WASP» or «gentlemen's» ethic among small - town and establishment lawyers, and an «old world» ethic among lawyers from communities formed by immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Poland, and Eastern Europe.
All PTI Practitioner Members are required to work within the PTI Ethical System (link to EthicalFramework1) or an equivalent.
You speak as though Christianity is the only ethical system that has ever worked.
Christians sometimes fail to distinguish the new, constructed, allegedly «holistic» ethical system from God's holistic and eternal design of salvation, not realising that the two logics lead in different directions.
Bostrom suggests programming AI with a self - determining ethical system called «coherent extrapolated volition.»
Still, both ethical systems reflected a coherent vision of the virtuous life.
The modern world, he contends, is polytheistic not just in the figurative sense suggested by Weber but also in a more literal sense as well: There are multiple and competing visions of the biblical God as well as nonbiblical gods, nontheistic spiritualities, fully secular ethical systems, and so on, agents and powers far too numerous and too diverse to be assembled into any coherent pantheon.»
Recall that Francis taught that «angelic forms of purity,» «objectives more ideal than real,» and «ethical systems bereft of kindness» were all «means of masking reality.»
That is never the way ethical systems are born or cultural taboos formulated, nor is that the way the Ten Commandments came into being.
Christian ethics has a knowledge of why other ethical systems concentrate on the knowledge of good and evil, but rejects this goal as being a false one.
When other ethical systems set up the goal of a knowledge of good and evil, man immediately becomes the arbiter of that knowledge and assumes the role of God who alone has this knowledge.
On a philosophical level we can use the relationship of the tree and the boy as a way to remind ourselves of the very different judgments produced by utilitarian and deontological ethical systems.
A healthy ethical system removes shame from the picture of God.
Most people live by the ethical rules of their community with minor modifications and infringements, but the vast majority adhere to the norms of their birth or acquired ethical system and community.
Metz shows in this way how Christian practice gains its distinctive character, It is not dependent on determining what is most appropriate from a general ethical system.
If we have a non-religious ethical system, such as rule utilitarianism, it will very likely determine that keeping the elderly alive and happy is in the best interest of the greatest happiness, both for the elderly and for the young who will one day be elderly.
Only humanity, as Darwin emphasized, has developed genuine ethical systems and thus Darwin provided a scientific foundation for ethics.
Our focus therefore is to spot the ethical issues raised by different climate change controversies, declare in some cases that we think there is an overlapping ethical consensus on some issues, or more frequently admit that there is disagreement among ethical systems.
«The Supreme Court said that there was a violation, in that to oblige a Catholic school to disengage from its Catholic faith and its Catholic morals in the teaching of its own religion and its own ethical system is a violation and is not justified.»
It has been long recognized that «ethical system [s] must be framed as to prevent judges from being activists, mavericks, [and] publicity - seekers».
Luckily, talking through problem solving in the context of your family's values is a classic example of two birds / one stone: if you try to encourage your child to practice an abstract ethical system in a theoretical context, you are figuratively throwing a very heavy stone into an endless void.
Instead of retreating into theological and ethical systems which only insulate us from the moral dilemmas of our contemporaries, we Christians must learn how to go to our scriptures and traditions as bearers and representatives of those existential dilemmas.
i challenge any christian to show that Humanism, a modern, atheistic ethical system, doesn't hold better values than the bible, a book written when people thought the earth was flat.
So if lawyers have really mastered the art of recognizing the different ethical systems and adapting appropriately to either one, depending on the task at hand, they ought to be handy people to have around.
Participants are required to work within the PTI Ethical System.
The Schengen system was meant to offer an effective and ethical system of handling migration, but it achieved the reverse (unless anyone believes that the EU deal with President Erdogan is ethical and durable).
They will try and keep AI weapons under human control, help AI systems learn what humans want, and develop an ethical system for AI.
if you are an atheist looking for an ethical system, try Humanism.
This approach violates the first rule of good teaching: Integrate the information into your students» lives and worldviews, including those based in religion or ethical systems, and translate it into something they can connect with and use.
On the ethical system to which I adhere your god is immoral.
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