Sentences with phrase «ethical theory does»

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Whitehead did work out a complex theory of value, but my point here is only to indicate that Whitehead's way of understanding human beings as part of nature both requires that we extend the ethical discussion and gives us clues as to how to do this.
Steven Pinker says when it comes to ethics, ``... ethical theory requires idealizations like free, sentient, rational, equivalent agents * whose behavior is uncaused *, and its conclusions can be sound and useful even though the world, as seen by science, does not really have uncaused events.»
Abortion Matrix used for revision When does life begin debate Personhood debate - potentiality, consciousness, primitive streak, viability, John Lock principle of reciprocity peter singer - pro abortion Judith Thompson - The violinist Mother vs Child debate Feminism and abortion (used as an extra lesson Ethical theories applies - including mindmaps i have made used as revision tools for pupils
For an A-level, I expect students to be bringing in the ethical theories so one extra lessons that does nt require a slide is a debate.
The fact that different ethical theories would reach different conclusion, however, does not mean that anything goes.
We would agree that climate change raises some civilization challenging ethical questions about which different respectable ethical theories might reach different conclusions about what should be done.
I don't believe that any theory of justice can separate questions of fairness and rights from arguments surrounding honor, virtue and moral / ethical orientation.
However, that legal writing centers may in part draw upon positivist theory does not mean that they should be the remedial writing centers that appeared in universities in the 1940s and 1950s.91 Nor should the law school writing center be offered as a proofreading, cite - checking, or line - editing service for students; though tutors can provide generalized feedback and answer questions on issues of small - scale organization such as sentence structure and word choice, legal writers must be responsible for the polishing of their own documents, for both professional and ethical reasons.
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