Sentences with phrase «ethics discussion in»

According to Koehler, one ethics discussion in this line of research has to do with the need to place boundaries on lab - grown organ production.

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NBC's Brian Williams and Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald were caught in misstatements, awakening a discussion about workplace ethics.
I frankly believe while there is plenty of need to introduce and reinforce ethics in human endevours, and to have frank, open discussions of these endevours, religion is at its bottom line a matter of faith and, while it can be an individual's guiding influence, it is not something that should be associated with science.
All the nonsense about marrying one's pets is an absurd diversionary tactic that I can only assume you engage in because you can not win an honest discussion on the ethics of the issue and / or the scriptural case for your view.
In an extended discussion on a matter of practical Christian ethics, it is my contention that the Christian ethic provides the best defense of the poor and needy in societIn an extended discussion on a matter of practical Christian ethics, it is my contention that the Christian ethic provides the best defense of the poor and needy in societin society.
Therefore, I was not surprised that in the current discussions about the ethics of vaccination some claimed that Pope Leo XII (1823 — 1829) prohibited vaccinations.
There is a long - standing discussion in philosophical ethics regarding the relationship between happiness and virtue.
Since he raises the claim of a «living transcendence» in the context of a discussion on nature and ethics, an analysis of Camus» statements on the existence of value in nature may provide us with an understanding of how he conceives this transcendence.
This always happens when we legalize the commandment, when we isolate it, when we try to obey it to the letter, or conversely when we dismiss it easily by saying that it is outmoded, when we make a summary of it (an ethics), when we bring it into our own circuit of good and evil, when we use it in our own lives to justify ourselves (before God) or to condemn ourselves (in God's place), when we harden it into a reality that has been declared once and for all, when we measure it by our own standards, or when we take possession of it in exposition, discussion, or dissection.
Moreover, because of his personal history, Keen has largely ignored matters of social ethics in his discussion of play, despite his desire to become Homo Tempestivus, that timely man who responds appropriately to life around him.
The Four Irrevocable Directives identified in the Declaration Toward A Global Ethic, which was drawn up at the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions, may serve as a guide to this discussion.
I may get more help in deciding how to make ethical decisions as a Christian by reading Pilgrim's Progress or a biography of Dorothy Day or Martin Luther King, Jr. — or by reading the Gospels — than by reading an academic discussion of medical ethics.
Although Hay does not claim to have produced the definitive statement of NT ethics, his insightful distinction of the four tasks should structure the discussion in NT ethics and church life for some time to come.
For that matter, it does not now command great attention in contemporary discussions of theology or ethics.
Too often, in that section of the evangelical community which stems from American revivalism and fundamentalism, discussion of social ethics passes over this foundational matter altogether, discussing instead only specific procedures.
While debate over the understanding of Biblical interpretation lies at the heart of current evangelical discussions concerning women, differences in theological tradition lie at the center of discussions over social ethics, and disagreement over one's approach toward the wider secular culture is surfacing as the focus of controversy regarding homosexuality.
What, therefore, is involved in this discussion is not merely the issue of ethics, but also of hermeneutics.
While Biblical hermeneutics provided the key to an understanding of the role of women in the church and family, dialogue between those whose traditions have heard the Word of God differently in other times and places held the key for the discussion of social ethics, and engagement with the full range of cultural activity (from psychotherapy to radical protest, from personal testimony to scientific statement) was the locus for theological evaluation concerning homosexuality.
Though lacking, of course, the illuminating discussion that fills in the details, this is the basic structure of the political ethics developed by Oliver O'Donovan in The Ways of Judgment.
The meeting began on a Wednesday night at the bucolic campus of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois, and the frank discussion quickly moved into a variety of topics including several difficult ones such as the Council of Trent, which is particularly anti-Protestant but still binding for Catholics, and the Catholic doctrine of the church as the prolongation of the incarnation of Christ (presented by Father Thomas A. Baima, the Catholic co-chair of the event), as well as social issues ranging from care for the poor, abortion, and the recent developments in gender and sexual ethics in the West.
«Scripture's male - female prerequisite for marriage and its attendant rejection of homosexual behavior is pervasive throughout both Testaments of Scripture (i.e. it is everywhere presumed in sexual discussions even when not explicitly mentioned); it is absolute (i.e. no exceptions are ever given, unlike even incest and polyamory); it is strongly proscribed (i.e. every mention of it in Scripture indicates that it is regarded as a foundational violation of sexual ethics); and it is countercultural (i.e. we know of no other culture in the ancient Near East or Greco - Roman Mediterranean basin more consistently and strongly opposed to homosexual practice).
While much of the work in process thought has been carried on by theologians and the field of the author of the book is theological ethics, the sometimes lengthy discussions of a theological nature serve to illustrate the comprehensiveness of the process - relational vision.
Two Protestant theologians have recently given us major discussions of the doctrine of vocation in relation to Protestant ethics.
It seems to me that in discussions of ethics an important distinction needs to be made between the creation of good and the restraint or destruction of evil.
Discussions of sexual ethics are a response to particular situations in different congregations.
In Paul's letter to Christians at Corinth, all discussion of sexual ethics occurs in the context of concern that Christians should not be influenced by the scandalous conduct of the paganIn Paul's letter to Christians at Corinth, all discussion of sexual ethics occurs in the context of concern that Christians should not be influenced by the scandalous conduct of the paganin the context of concern that Christians should not be influenced by the scandalous conduct of the pagans.
Some scholars argue that because the churches were caught up in eschatological expectation, very little of their discussion about social ethics is relevant to modern issues.
He shows that the secularist takes our political institutions for granted while ignoring the logic of theology — that political discussion depends upon justice, that justice depends upon ethics, and that ethics is grounded in theology.
It is the Puritan ethic that runs deep in the American sub-conscious, not Islam and is therefore the worldview most often debated in North American discussions about religion.
That distinction, often neglected in religious ethics, makes possible authentic discussion.
Roger Shinn, who taught ethics for many years at Union Theological Seminary in New York, offers a clearly written essay, «Between Eden and Babel,» in which he explores in brief compass many of the moral issues involved as well as some of the first ethical discussions of cloning more than thirty years ago after tadpoles had been cloned.
In the course of these discussions, you offer some of the clearest descriptions I have seen of your way of «doing» Christian ethics.
In addition to clashes over liberation theology, Vatican authorities have continued to uphold official teaching on sexual ethics in general (as in a 1986 statement on homosexuality by Cardinal Ratzinger) and have withstood calls even for an open discussion of women's ordination or of ending celibacy as a requirement for the priesthooIn addition to clashes over liberation theology, Vatican authorities have continued to uphold official teaching on sexual ethics in general (as in a 1986 statement on homosexuality by Cardinal Ratzinger) and have withstood calls even for an open discussion of women's ordination or of ending celibacy as a requirement for the priesthooin general (as in a 1986 statement on homosexuality by Cardinal Ratzinger) and have withstood calls even for an open discussion of women's ordination or of ending celibacy as a requirement for the priesthooin a 1986 statement on homosexuality by Cardinal Ratzinger) and have withstood calls even for an open discussion of women's ordination or of ending celibacy as a requirement for the priesthood.
10 Certain recent discussions of environmental ethics, dealing with «respect for nature» (where nature is not necessarily limited to the realm of living things), reflect some affinities with Hall's ideas on «deference» and seem to pose a challenge to my suggestion that the pursuit of power over nature should be criticized primarily in terms of its negative effects on human values and experiences.
The publication of Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought by the Catholic Theological Society (Paulist, 1977) is destined to generate a new round of discussion about sexual ethics.
I have encountered more profound and straightforward discussions of ethics in patrol cars than I have heard in university classrooms or at academic religious conferences.
Beverly Harrison (professor of Christian ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York) charges that «much discussion of abortion betrays the heavy hand of the hatred of women.»
By using «empirical» in this way, he lets ethics into the discussion, but he has already applied a more stringent empirical test for the word God.
«So we had a meeting, but very little in the way of actual ethics discussion took place.»
«We have an ongoing discussion in a broad rubric about ethics, but pension forfeiture has come up,» Flanagan said.
They discuss the budget, Tier VI retirement discussions, redistricting, and ethics in the Comptroller's office.
Yet the ethics deal was also conspicuous for its gaps: Despite discussions early in the session about more ambitious reforms that would limit the income legislators could make from other jobs or even transform the Legislature into a full - time institution, lawmakers could ultimately muster agreement only on what many described as a no - brainer.
Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan (R - Suffolk) promised to «engage in whatever discussions are necessary» on ethics but opposed two key measures favored by Democrats and good government groups — public financing of election campaigns and bans on lawmakers» outside income.
«Within 30 days of filing this ethics complaint, Will began actively participating in discussions... concerning the Pike Plan,» the board noted in its findings.
New York state Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan met Thursday with the Syracuse Media Group editorial board to introduce himself and to engage in a wide - ranging discussion of ethics, education, tourism and economic development.
After a lengthy public discussion on the merits of cluing the public and press in on what exactly is being investigating and whether individual votes should be made known, the ethics watchdog emerged to say very little.
Discussion over such «ethics» is always lively and interesting...) I doubt we'd find the corruption found in Silver or Skelos in Kevin Cahill, even if we dug for the next forty years.
In a twist on the typical scientific ethics discussion, the IOM report and companion meeting shifted the spotlight from a negative perspective — preventing scientific misconduct — to the more positive one of encouraging ethical research practices.
For example, in designing workshops for HutchLab, we have incorporated ethics discussions into our curriculum.
Its tasks are to reflect different standpoints in the scientific and public discussion of life science issues, to develop ideas how to involve citizens, and to give policy advice on ethics questions surrounding new developments in the life sciences.
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