Sentences with phrase «ethics questions surrounding»

Its tasks are to reflect different standpoints in the scientific and public discussion of life science issues, to develop ideas how to involve citizens, and to give policy advice on ethics questions surrounding new developments in the life sciences.
That is the conclusion of a report released today from a panel organized by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS), which assesses the ethics questions surrounding the controversial technique called mitochondrial DNA replacement therapy.
In that vein, the Boehner memo sought to highlight the ongoing ethics questions surrounding New York Rep. Charlie Rangel — evidence that Republicans will seek to use Rangel's problems as a cudgel against House Democrats in the coming months.
«There are multiple ethics questions surrounding Gromack, and the Party thinks the public has a right to know about them.

Not exact matches

The poll also asked questions about the governor's Moreland Commission on ethics, and the controversy surrounding it, and found some weaknesses there for Cuomo.
Not content with their efforts to knock a top - tier Democrat out of the Ohio 6th District race, the National Republican Congressional Committee is trying to capitalize on the ethics question currently surrounding Rep. Alan Mollohan (D - W.
The Hinxton Group was formed in 2006 to address questions surrounding stem cells, ethics, and law.
Lea Schönfelder «s work deals with questions surrounding ethics and everyday experiences.
A Dangerous Game looks at the destruction caused by building and maintaining luxury golf courses in areas as diverse as New Jersey, Dubai, Scotland, China, and Croatia (where a World Heritage protected site was green - lighted, even with the passage of a local referendum against it had an 84 % majority), and asks some hard questions about the ethics and appropriateness of continuing to construct super-luxury resorts when they have such negative effects on the surrounding communities.
The scandal surrounding Jian Ghomeshi raises a myriad of legal questions across doctrinal areas: labour and employment; the jurisdiction of the court; criminal law; and legal ethics.
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