Sentences with phrase «ethnic communities]»

A Christian MP has said the there is «serious problem in the criminal justice system» after a report found ethnic minority defendants are more likely to be jailed for some crimes than white people.
As a straight, white, middle - class, Christian male sitting in the seat of privilege, I've had to swallow quite a few sugarcoated critiques from my brothers and sisters from different ethnic and socio - economic classes.
Given my paternal Orthodox roots, I am pleased to read this because I recognize the perils of Christians ascribing to their ethnic nationalisms near canonical status.
Immigration shifts from the 1960s changed the ethnic and religious faces of the country so no tradition dominates today.
«As a double minority, he's ethnic Chinese and Christian, he's a very good advertisement for Indonesia's pluralism.
And it does not matter which ethnic or religious background you come from — at the end you are surrounded by loved family members.
Uighurs, a Turkish minority living in northwest China, are considered a threat to Chinese ethnic hegemony in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region.
Why, asks John Leo in U.S. News & World Report, is his own constituency so willing to bring him down with protests, disrupted basketball games, and boycotts, when Pres. Lawrence worked so hard to make Rutgers a campus that «bristles with the enforcement tools of diversity: a speech code, real courses replaced by «multicultural curricular change,» diversity awareness «training» in lectures and freshman orientation sessions, a tolerance for ethnic and racial segregation in dorms («a self - affirming environment,» as Lawrence puts it), and professors who learn not to raise unapproved ideas about race, gender, and the campus power system built around multiculturalism»?
While the report is right on on religious and ethnic persecution in most Muslim nations, IT's HIGHLY REGRETTABLE THAT PAKISTAN DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE LIST OF WORST OFFENDERS, purely b «coz we BELIEVE Pakistan to be a key ally (ALL - LIE?)
The popular revolts against longtime dictators in the Middle East and North Africa may have given hope to millions of Arabs, but the State Department's annual International Religious Freedom Report found that the uprisings have exposed ethnic and religious minorities to new dangers.
It points less and less to WASPness, and more to persons whose identity comprises some sort of ethnic mixture.
Basuki Purnama is the first ethnic Chinese to be governor of Jakarta and the first Christian to hold the office in half a century.
I think it is really wonderful that the conservatives of this country keep liberalizing their opinions on what other ethnic groups are acceptable.
We can also laugh at how ethnic factors color his approach.
Even then, Images of Jesus tend to show ethnic characteristics similar to those of the culture in which the image has been created.
This is the first nation in the history of the world that's an idea — it's not an ethnic group — and these ideas are vital ideas, and we want to share them, and we have shared them with the whole world.
«We have many different chapels to many different ethnic groups, so depending on the background of the individual group, they tend to like what relates most personally to them,» MacLean says.
Metaxas explains that the US is not bound by ethnic identity or geography, but by a radical idea based on liberty and freedom for all, and that Americans must reconnect with this idea or risk losing the foundation of what made the US exceptional in the first place.
He was an ethnic German who spoke German and was also a German citizen — even a member of the Nazi party — at the time that he saved the lives of 1200 Jews.
And Walt hates them all, as well as any other ethnic group that isn't his own — Polish.
Black men were also found to be over three times more likely to be arrested than white men, and in prisons black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) males are almost five times more likely to be housed in high security for public order offences than white men.
It's not about the ethnic groups, or how we pray, its coming together as people to help one another because we are human!!!
Can we see progress from an ethnic God to a universal God?
Knowing there exist a divine, supernatural God (even if not monotheistic), is something even primitive ethnic groups know that they know.
Likewise it confuses their discussion of rescuers as exhibiting «extensivity» — a breadth of inclusiveness of all persons as deserving respect, equity, and care — and non-rescuers as being characterized by «constriction» — a restriction of equity and respect to one's familial, ethnic, or tribal grouping.
The Church recognizes that Russia is composed of many different ethnic and religious groups, and that individuals should be free in matters of religion.
Some ten million of Ukraine's fifty - two million people are ethnic Russians and many of them, and even many full - blooded Ukrainians, miss the stability of the days when they were known as «Little Russians.»
Without adequate government support, the mass influx of asylum seekers to Athens created a slum where its labyrinth of streets bring together a precarious mix of ethnic rivals, foreign illnesses and abject poverty.
Our educational and political leaders keep suggesting that bringing people together from diverse backgrounds — whether it is racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, or some combination of the above — makes for better schools, more effective workplaces, and even morally superior environments.
ICTY prosecutor Richard Goldstone argued that the international community's failure to prosecute Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, and Somalia's Mohammed Aidid encouraged Serbs to undertake ethnic cleansing in the early 1990s.
What is an ethnic Muslim?
God killed beasts and carried out complete ethnic cleansing of those that were of the darkness.
You wouldn't build a similar report asking about the proclivities of a racial or ethnic group based on the actions of one group member.
Elite institutions seek to maintain an adequate representation of certain ethnic groups, especially blacks.
From 60 % you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:
One way that people have been doing this is by opting to test their DNA to determine their ethnic origins.
Harry killed beasts and carried out complete ethnic cleansing of those that were of the darkness.
Some found a common heritage with ethnic groups they were prejudiced against or had considered enemies for generations.
By the time Ukraine became independent in August 1991, many Ukrainian believers and even some ethnic Russians within the new country had abandoned the Russian church.
He didn't view them as a separate ethnic group.
There is State Run Ethnic Cleansing in Morocco or UAE?
They have not stopped and have in fact picked up the ball right here in the United States (where they are a 15 % ethnic majority).
It was adopted as part of the official party doctrine at the NSDAP congress in 1920 to express a worldview which was Christian, non-confessional, vigorously opposed to the spirit of «Jewish Materialism», and oriented to the principle of voluntary association of those with a common racial - ethnic background.
Racism in the UK is less dramatic, but perhaps no less present, and is revealed in the numbers of people from black and ethnic minority groups in certain jobs and professions.
Muhammad was born a Jew (a religion) AND an Arab (an ethnic / national group).
Meanwhile, he is increasing the number of troops on the Russian - Ukrainian border and sending provocateurs and criminals to incite ethnic tensions in....
The answer is simple, they aren't — it is the white, more Aryan featured Jews in this country who have labeled themselves as «Neocons» who have merged with the 15 % Ethnic German Majority in this country to lead the Genocide against the Iraqi people in the name of land (Palestine), Oil, and ostensibly protecting the Holy land of Israel (this last one is where the Neocon Jews really did some great salesmanship in selling this argument to the dumb Christian Americans who said, Yep!
Sorry, son, but Jefferson supported slavery as an expedient — «holding a wolf by the ears,» as he put it («you don't like it, but you don't dare let go»)-- while Martin Luther wanted to effectively exterminate an entire ethnic group because he believed they were all Christ - killers, right down to the children.
To say that 40 percent of births in America are to unmarried persons masks important differences between ethnic groups and explains little about the roles of education, economics, delayed marriage, and poverty.
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