Sentences with phrase «ethnic differences»

Do social interactions explain ethnic differences in psychological distress and the protective effect of local ethnic density?
Question from chat room: How important are religious and ethnic differences between people on relationships?
This helps to foster trust and mutual understanding of research issues, and ensures that our research strategies and approaches respect the values and cultural and ethnic differences among participants.
There are the usual positive messages about working together, as well as a subtle nod toward seeing past ethnic differences.
The authors added that future studies to determine fetal growth standards should attempt to take racial and ethnic differences into account.
This may in part explain inconsistent findings researchers have noted when studying ethnic differences in the effect of parental control.
They are more likely to respect racial and ethnic differences because they have friendships that cross those racial lines.
But those surveys have generally failed to notice ethnic differences in smoking intensity and duration or how much smokers are smoking.
People have been killing each other over religious and / or ethnic differences forever and are still doing so.
Analysts have also begun to examine the influence of race and ethnicity on juvenile case processing and the ways in which racial and ethnic differences vary with gender.
The assessment will obtain data on environmental and psychosocial factors that may account for socioeconomic, racial and ethnic differences in problem behavior.
There were no other racial or ethnic differences between the sexually active sample and the core sample.
This is by far the largest comparative study of ethnic differences in infant care in the UK to date, and the size of the sample is a major strength.
«Racial, ethnic differences found in psychiatric diagnoses, treatment, according to researchers.»
To examine whether ethnic differences in relationship quality remained after controlling SES, we conducted univariate analyses of covariance on (a) mother and father acceptance (adolescent report) and (b) diabetes conflicts with mothers (adolescent and mother report) and fathers (adolescent report), with SES as the covariate.
Although the paucity of previous research exploring ethnic differences in this type of love made it difficult to construct clear a priori hypotheses about the association between agape and ethnicity at the outset of the investigation, existing research conducted with multicultural samples does suggest a potential explanation for this particular finding.
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to Parents of Children Involved With Child Welfare: A Study of Racial and Ethnic Differences for American Indian Parents Libby, Orton, Barth, Webb, Burns, Wood, et al (2007) Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 32 (2) View Abstract Presents analysis of data from the National Study of Child and Adolescent Well - Being.
And even if some Janjaweed could be identified as perceiving ethnic differences between the two, there was no proof of motive on behalf of the government that would give rise to the mens rea requirement for what is reserved as the «most aggravated crime against humanity.»
This paper examines ethnic differences in the affective meaning of parental control in a sample of 288 adolescents.
In addition, some studies have reported ethnic differences — that for African - American and Chinese - Americans, there is sometimes little or no difference in academic performance between kids from authoritarian and authoritative homes.
However, ethnic differences emerged in both the level of relationship quality variables and in their associations with outcomes even after controlling for SES.
Research on ethnic differences within the US have yielded some interesting findings.
Based on mixed findings of research on differences between Latinos and Caucasians in parenting, we tested ethnic differences in acceptance and conflict but did not have specific hypotheses regarding mean levels.
Back of the Yards managed to set aside ethnic differences between Poles, Lithuanians, Slovaks, Irish and Germans only to use this combined power to keep out blacks.
Moffett is right when he says that the early Christian communities of Asia, though they were themselves Asian and for centuries were planted by Asian missionaries, nevertheless found it difficult to break through the barriers of their own ethnic differences and take root in the other social fabric of other Asian peoples.
Jewish difference, and any other ethnic difference, has become something to be cherished rather than despised.
These differences in remission were not a result of greater weight loss during the follow - up period; racial and ethnic differences persisted even when researchers controlled for the rate of weight loss.
And it is glaringly obvious that the difference between the high performing an low performing districts is the socio - economic differences (not to mention ethnic differences in our increasingly segregated schools) of the students that attend to two types of districts.
The Salt Lake City setting and gracefully embedded ethnic differences add freshness to a story with a message that will stand the test of time: friendship is like magic.
[jounal] Peeples, F / 1994 / Do individual factors and neighborhood context explain ethnic differences in juvenile delinquency?
It is important to consider ethnic differences in family processes and diabetes management in the context of potential disparities in socioeconomic status (SES).
The purpose of the present study was to investigate ethnic differences in trauma - related mental health symptoms among adolescents, and test the mediating and moderating effects of polyvictimization (i.e., number of types of traumas / victimizations experienced by an individual) and household income, respectively.
Learning to Communicate Better Strengthen Your Relationship Anger Management How Marriage Counseling Helps Importance of Contact Time in Your Relationship Pregnancy: Danger Zone for Your Marriage Reconciling Cross Cultural or Ethnic Differences Extramarital Affair Recovery
Sources of ethnic differences between Asian American and White American college students on measures of depression and social anxiety
«Racial, ethnic differences found in fetal growth: Current standards may misclassify certain fetuses as growth - restricted.»
Univariate analyses of covariance tested whether ethnic differences in relationship quality held after controlling for SES.
To explore ethnic differences in the preferences for this specific form of birth center care, and finally;
Black and Hispanic males are approximately 40 % less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than White males, with no racial / ethnic differences for females.
But the other elements of community organizing would come together again and again: the foot - slogging, one - on - one recruitment effort to form an organization of organizations, the struggle to get past ethnic differences, the taking of the public stage, the sequence of conflict - organization - power as the route to negotiation, and the critical relationship to other social movements — which became a guarded relation to the civil rights movement.
Newborns, however, demonstrated no such preference, implying that exposure to people from various races during early development may shape the way in which adults perceive ethnic differences.
Yet the film's more general sense of narrative purpose relates not to these prior films» politics, but contemporary conversations concerned with ethnic difference and cultural migration.
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