Sentences with phrase «ethnographer bengt»

When ethnographer Angela Valenzuela spoke with immigrants in Texas — Mexican - American parents and students — and dug into the meaning of the Spanish word «educacion,» (in English: education) they understood it to mean «caring before learning.»
Susan Janko Summers, Ph.D., is an educational ethnographer who has studied and written about child maltreatment, infant mental health, children with disabilities, and children and families at risk in the contexts of culture, community, and educational settings.
One ethnographer observed the appeal of the street lifestyle this way: «The ghetto street culture can be glamorous and seductive to the adolescent, promising its followers the chance of being «hip» and popular with certain «cool» peers who hang out on the streets or near the neighborhood school....
One ethnographer described the pattern of sibling chaperonage: «[Seventeen - year - old] James Earl [Treppit] has begun visiting his girlfriend weekdays from 6:00 P.M. until the 11:00 P.M. parentally imposed curfew... Since he wants to visit outside the home, Mrs. Treppit had decided to allow him to do it as long as he agrees to take his 16 - year - old brother, Johnny, with him wherever he goes.
The influential Aboriginal organization the Allied Tribes of British Columbia was established in 1916 by several Interior Salish First Nations that were assisted by ethnographer James Teit.
Gopaldas approached the study as an ethnographer, interviewing people who identify themselves as ethical consumers and reading materials from activists and ethical brands.
In both her works, The Fast and The Furious (2011) and Let me be Part of a Narrative (2012), Makhacheva dissects the masculine social rituals using the methodical approach of an ethnographer and exposes their true function — performative plays used to deal with underlying social issues and frustrations of everyday life.
The Spooling the Ethnographic course will take as a starting point Hal Foster's 1996 essay The Artist as Ethnographer, which...
Brought to Europe by the German ethnographer Hans Himmelheber, it was later purchased by the French art dealer Charles Ratton, who is well known for his involvement with the Surrealist movement.
In a review of her most recent album, COIN COIN Chapter Three: river run thee, critic Grayson Haver Currin states: «it's now clear that Roberts isn't just a storyteller, musician, ethnographer, historian, bandleader, arranger, improviser, or activist.
The last large - scale exhibition of his I saw, the 2012 Paris Triennale, was concerned with the spectre of the colonial - era ethnographer.
I'm also teaching a course at the École Régionale des Beaux - arts de Nantes called, «Workshop: I am curious... (The Artist as Ethnographer).»
Using Hal Fosters 1996 essay «The Artist as Ethnographer» as a starting point and engaging with Iniva as a research resource, students examined a turn to ethnography / anthropology within artistic practice.
Much like a historian or an ethnographer, Lynch explores alternative readings of the artefacts and places used in his works.
12.9.15: Michel Auder at Light Industry - «Week in Film: a Berliner Thriller and Rarely Seen Vids Shot By a Downtown «Ethnographer,»» Bedford + Bowery
Queta Beasley Harris, a native of New Orleans, is an applied urban anthropologist, ethnographer, urban design and sustainability curator, visual artist, and movement instructor.
Together we looked at the natural scientists associated with the museum as an ethnographer might approach a distinct society or tribe — a group with particular beliefs and material culture.
McCarthy's new novel, Satin Island, published in February 2015, concerns a corporate ethnographer compiling a «Great Report» on the contemporary moment.
The visibility of the analog film process, the studio, and scheduled Chinatown soundwalks invite the viewer to participate in the artist's experience, thus establishing a relationship between the cultural identity of the observer (the ethnographer) and artist.
Romany's abstract paintings use a color - language developed by 19th - century anthropologist and ethnographer Felix Von Luschan.
For any given project the artist may act as architect, as ethnographer, as archivist, as producer, as curator, as activist, as choreographer, and so on.
Playful in tone and less reliant upon the exploitative construct of the case - study scenario in such large scale video projects as Them, 2007, and Repetition, 2005, Artur Zmijewski's earlier videos stand in contrast to these somewhat over-determined provocations; while recent Zmijewski productions have adopted a nearly formulaic approach to positioning cultural difference and conflict, and thereby seem to codify the subject as «other» a priori — a risk that critic and art historian Hal Foster has insightfully called the «self - othering» of «the artist as ethnographer» — three earlier Zmijewski works engage a simpler, more agile approach.
Much like a historian or ethnographer, Fallah works with a diverse mix of local communities and groups to collect material evidence of their private and public lives and transform them into artworks.
Michel Leiris was a prominent 20th Century intellectual, a poet, an autobiographical writer, professional ethnographer, and close friend of many great artists and writers of his times.
While this selection covers a relatively short period of time, it articulates how as an artist he stands in for other archetypes such as the tour guide, the flâneur and the ethnographer.
The Spooling the Ethnographic course will take as a starting point Hal Foster's 1996 essay The Artist as Ethnographer, which looks at a turn to ethnography / anthropology within artistic practice.
An ethnographer by training, since 2001 Jackie has drawn from her direct experience as head of an independent Montessori school and principal of a large, urban public Montessori school to produce an internationally recognized body of scholarship on Montessori education.
An ethnographer is an anthropologist who studies specific human cultures.
The Ethnographer will... Continue reading We're Hiring an Ethnographer →
We're hiring an Ethnographer for a contract position.
Cindy Cruz, Ph.D., is an urban ethnographer and educational researcher.
It was the ideal time to show up, she says, allowing her to use her ethnographer skills.
Cronbach asserted that the appropriate methods for educational evaluation are those of the historian, journalist, and ethnographer, not the scientist.
Fine turns from Jan Bijvoet as German ethnographer, Theo von Martius, and Nilbio Torres as the young shaman, Karamakate, the last of his tribe.
His first crewman was a fridge salesman (Anders Baasmo Christianseen) his other three more experienced in the field, ethnographer Bengt (Gustav Skarsgard aka Vikings» Floki), navigator Torstein (Jakob Oftbro) and Knut (Tobias Santelmann) who would operate their only concession to their time, 1947, the radio.
Katie Matthews New Orleans, Louisiana Katie Mathews is a filmmaker and ethnographer based in New Orleans.
Perhaps Jerolmack should apply his ethnographer's eye to that.
He is a socio - cultural anthropologist and ethnographer, though I have also been trained in archaeology and have worked as a professional archaeologist and briefly as a museum director.
In this case, the ethnographer studied the implementation of a new unit in the telecom company.
This is especially true in programs like MDEQ's that are «understaffed, underfunded and [have personnel] lack [ing] knowledge and experience,» in the words of Dr. Yanna Lambrinidou, a medical ethnographer and adjunct assistant professor of science and technology studies at Virginia Tech.
Ethnographer Sherry Turkle imagined herself at age 8 as a daring Nancy Drew on roller skates.
Not so at The 106 Group, the private cultural - resource - management company in St. Paul, Minnesota, where the 30 - year - old archaeologist and ethnographer works.
But there was no evidence of romantic kissing in Central America, and no ethnographer working with Sub-Saharan African, New Guinean or Amazonian foragers or horticulturalists reported any evidence of romantic kissing in the populations they studied, according to the research.
I learned that he runs the company along with his food ethnographer wife, June Jo Lee, and that the truly beautiful books they publish are devoted exclusively to teaching children food literacy.
The effort to characterize construals of the Christian thing in the particular cultural and social locations that make them concrete will involve several disciplines: (a) those of the intellectual historian and textual critic (to grasp what the congregation says it is responding to in its worship and why); and (b) those of the cultural anthropologist and the ethnographer [3] and certain kinds of philosophical work [4](to grasp how the congregation shapes its social space by its uses of scripture, by its uses of traditions of worship and patterns of education and mutual nurture, and by the «logic «of its discourse); and (c) those of the sociologist and social historian (to grasp how the congregation's location in its host society and culture helps shape concretely its distinctive construal of the Christian thing).
But ever since he fell in love with Brooks, this trained ethnographer has been a close observer of Mormons.
Geertz in fact likens the work of an ethnographer to that of a literary critic, and Heilman deliberately sets his study in a dramaturgical framework, suggesting that the relation of empirical study to narrative art may be closer than usually believed.
Though members can never achieve the detachment of an ethnographer who comes from the outside, they can become their own best informants, because they already participate in the structures that the outsider has to learn.
Anyway, by the time of his death he had probably already achieved as much as he might reasonably have hoped: He had been a certified naval physician, an explorer, a poet, a novelist, an essayist, an ethnographer, a linguist, a sinologist, an aesthetic theorist, and a few other things besides.
Extolling the trailblazing, renegade spirit of iconic historical figures like Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Wright brothers, ethnographer Simon Sinek dares people be rebels, to «think, act and communicate» in ways that are «the complete opposite of everyone else.»
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