Sentences with word «eubacteria»

RecA protein is essential in eubacteria for homologous recombination and promotes the homologous pairing and strand exchange of DNA molecules in vitro.
He found many varieties of eubacteria species, including some that usually prefer soil or ocean living — all living inside rock salt.
Of the 150 eubacteria species found, nearly a third had not previously been catalogued, likewise for two - thirds of the 90 archaebacteria species in the samples.
It also suggests that cell life could have emerged with a far greater variety of pre-cellular forms than those conventionally considered, as the new giant virus has almost no equivalent among the three recognized domains of cellular life, namely eukaryota (or eukaryotes), eubacteria, and archaea.
In contrast, bacterial ancestors of mitochondria and plastids separated from the eubacteria lineage only after the evolutionary radiation that gave rise to the major eubacterial kingdoms.
«By comparing molecular sequences to infer genealogies, molecular phylogeneticists tell us that the two primary lines of descent lead to the eubacteria (or common bacteria, which include the photosynthetic bacteria) and to a second common lineage that subsequently divided to form the archaea (which like the eubacteria are prokaryotes) and the eukaryotes (which include all higher plants and animals).
But when his team compared DNA sequences from the bacteria in the rock samples with those available in databases, he discovered an entire microbial ecosystem consisting of a wide variety of both archaebacteria and eubacteria, common «modern» bacteria that normally take up residence in lush places such as cheese and humans.
Was the «engulfer» a eubacteria or an archaean - yes - it depends on which of competing theories you choose?
Other theories hold that the prokaryotes that gave rise to early eukaryotes were probably from the Domain Archaea, both because of several key characteristics and because DNA sequence comparison suggest that archaeans are more closely related to the eukaryotes than are eubacteria.
Some bacteria do no harm — the eubacteria — but others give you bad breath and destroy your teeth.
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