Sentences with word «eugenicist»

Perhaps most chilling, though, were the ways in which American eugenicists influenced their German counterparts.
The Cold Spring eugenicists believed that the unfit had to be prevented from passing on their defective genes for blindness, criminality, insanity, and — of course — stupidity.
They butcher it like Like Eugenicists butchered the science of ethnicity in the 1930s.
From around the 1910s through the end of World War II, eugenicists promoted not only involuntary sterilization of the so - called «unfit,» but also infanticide of disabled babies (which was not carried out beyond Germany).
It's completely up to you whether you just want to play Cupid and set up the couples you think are cutest, or go full eugenicist and engineer the most powerful warrior babies.
Standardized tests first entered American public schools in the 1920s, at the urging of eugenicists whose pseudoscience proclaimed that white males were naturally smarter.
Standardized tests first entered the public schools in the 1920s, pushed by eugenicists whose pseudoscience promoted the «natural superiority» of wealthy, white, U.S. - born males.
Consider the «Genomic Revolution» exhibit sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and the American Museum of Natural History, an exhibit based on an infinitely more exact science than the half - lies, untruths and sheer conjectures of old - fangled eugenicists.
That a lot of secular progressives are fierce supporters of the abortion license because they're eugenicists at heart shouldn't come as a surprise; one current member of the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, had a Gruberian moment some years ago when she admitted in an interview that legal activists promoting the abortion license prior to 1973 did so in part because they thought it would cut down the «growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of.»
The Carnegie and all the other major foundations that began modern philanthropy not only thought heredity important, they were, writes William Schambra in The New Atlantis, eugenicists when eugenicism was cool.
Let us imagine Jessie fell under the spell of the coercive eugenicist my wife resisted and agreed to abort her three OI - affected offspring — Lloyd, Mabel, and Cyril — while retaining her firstborn Laura as her sole «genetically pure» child.
In it Black traces the roots of eugenics back to the 19th century, when British scientist Francis Galton and fellow eugenicists latched onto the newly emerging science of genetics as a key to improving the human race through better breeding.
The Rockefeller Foundation and other philanthropic institutions in the United States funded the research of American - trained German eugenicists even after the Nazi Party had made its genocidal intentions clear.
Certainly, American eugenicists gave the Nazis training and funding.
9 In 1981 Shockley and eugenicist Robert Klark Graham cofounded the Repository for Germinal Choice in Southern California, a sperm bank dedicated to selling the seed of Nobel Prize winners and other men with a high I.Q.
Despite Pheramor's vaguely eugenicist vibe and creepily literal take on the concept of «chemistry,» it has still managed to attract some hype.
«The worldview that Palo Alto's early 20th - century IQ testers and eugenicists developed explains part of the basis for the American economy ECOLINE with IQ Module Simple, flexible and reliable.
«We're obviously evil eugenicists with ulterior motives» says the pint - sized chemistry teacher (Jim Broadbent, voicing a character who looks like a «Topsy - Turvy» version of Dr. Robotnik).
• Did you know the Singapore school system, the one widely lauded by some prominent education experts, was crafted on an expressly eugenicist platform?
Would assistant principal and dean of girls Julia Evangeline Brooks be described as a «cultural eugenicist» for mandating particular behavior for students, as KIPP leaders — who appear to ask for similar behavior — have been in the past?
From New York Times» columnist David Brooks and Jason DePerle, to paleo - eugenicist Charles Murray, to Robert Putnam, and even otherwise thoughtful school reformers such as Thomas B. Fordham Institute's Michael Petrilli, there has been plenty of questioning about whether the economic mobility that has allowed America to bend the economic and social arc of history toward progress can continue.
One of these early eugenicists was Carl Brigham, a professor at Princeton University and author of the white supremacist manifesto, A Study of American Intelligence.
These were people, eugenicists argued, who threatened to dilute the White Anglo - Saxon genetic stock of America.
It was sent by Herschel to Francis Galton, a London eugenicist and pioneer of identification technologies.
Professor Happer would make a great pick for a senior scientific post in the Trump administration, perhaps replacing the dismal and somewhat terrifying eugenicist John Holdren as Director of the Office of Science and Technology.
Brown, you'll have gathered, was a keen eugenicist.
Anything with Bill and Melinda's fingerprints on it is suspect — they are eugenicists!!
That's not to say «there's no such thing as climate», but that even scientists are vulnerable to ideology, and go looking to substantiate their prejudices, just as Murray — and countless eugenicists before him — did.
Eugenicists believed that the human race must begin to take control not just of human reproduction, but of ethnic intermingling.
He seems to suggest that were it not for American eugenicists, German plans for a Final Solution would never have been conceived.
It's completely up to you whether you just want to play Cupid and set up the couples you think are cutest, or go full eugenicist and engineer the most powerful warrior babies.
For to surrender, supinely, before the aggressors in the culture wars — including the eugenicists — is a betrayal of the Gospel and a betrayal of the Church's evangelical mission.
Often, these proposals and policies have little to do with the crimes of Hitler and his minions — and a great deal to do with the eugenicist movement that preceded them.
The eugenicist and social Darwinist Margaret Sanger also used the «weeds» metaphor to support the infanticide of «human waste.»
The doctors who committed these crimes had embraced the eugenicist ideology that views some lives as of lower «quality» and, hence, lower value than others.
Like the sugary treats fastened to the witch's cottage, the saccharine assurances from the ER staff that this doctor was keen to help OI patients had obscured his intentions: They had brought us to a eugenicist who wished to push any of my future OI - affected offspring into the oven.
Grantly Dick - Read, the father of the natural childbirth philosophy, was a eugenicist who was quite honest about his goal of convincing women of the «better classes» to have more children and give up those pesky demands for political and economic equality.
Sanger later adopted the views of the eugenicists who promoted the... Continue reading →
Some of the staunchest supporters of the act were eugenicists, who believed that the fecundity of poor people was reducing the overall health and intelligence of the nation.
War on the Weak is filled with tale after tale of arrogance, ignorance, and cruelty — accounts that Black wisely allows the eugenicists to relate in their own words.
Nor were these eugenicists fringe fanatics.
But Fisher himself was a eugenicist who believed that upper - class people, because they are upper class, have a genetic predisposition to superior intelligence and «qualities of the moral character.»
April 23, 2018 • The eugenicists were utopians, convinced that they were doing hard but necessary things.
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