Sentences with phrase «eukaryote hosts»

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At some point, Martin speculates, the bacterium gave the archaean a gene for membrane synthesis, leading to a bubbling up of membrane within the host cell, something like what happens when modern eukaryotes divide and then reform their nucleus from membrane pieces grown inside them.
Excitingly, these proteins are functionally enriched for membrane bending, vesicular biogenesis, and trafficking activities, suggesting that eukaryotes evolved from an archaeal host that contained some key components that governed the emergence of eukaryotic cellular complexity after endosymbiosis.
They live inside their host's cells and have highly specialized features: They are only able to reproduce inside the host's cells, they have the smallest known genome of all organisms with a cell nucleus (eukaryotes) and they posses no mitochondria of their own (the cell's power plant).
Most scientists share the view that a symbiosis in which an archaeal host cell took up a bacterium ultimately gave rise to eukaryotes.
c) The eukaryote then began a mutually beneficial (symbiotic) relationship with it whereby the eukaryote provided protection and nutrients to the prokaryote, and in return, the prokaryotic endosymbiont provided additional energy to its eukaryotic host through its respiratory cellular machinary.
The prokaryotic cells that were too small to be digested continued to live inside the host eukaryote, eventually becoming dependent on the host cell for organic molecules and inorganic compounds.
Many reports have shown that bacteria can interact with the eukaryote nervous system, either for the benefit of the microbe or the benefit of the host.
Formed by the merger of fat - eating mitochondria with glucose - eating bacteria, single - celled eukaryotes had to regulate their various metabolic pathways to keep themselves from becoming too fatty or too lean (and to control the urge of mitochondria to eat their hosts!).
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