Sentences with phrase «eukaryotic cells use»

Eukaryotic cells use energy in the form of a chemical molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
Most eukaryotic cells use autophagy as the primary means to keep everything renewed, fresh, and functionally active.

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Zhang, by contrast, showed specifically how the technique could be used in the more complex (eukaryotic) cells of rhododendrons, rodents, and humans.
Such an autocatalytic system also provides an entirely novel mechanism for the growth of ring - shaped structures, which differs fundamentally from that used for daughter cell segregation in eukaryotic cell division: In eukaryotes, specific motor proteins which attach to the cell membrane and undergo active contraction are essential for this process, Denk points out.
By using new methods to obtain genome data from microbes that can not be grown in the laboratory, we identified a new archaeal group that is related to the host cell from which eukaryotic cells evolved.
The European patent, EP 2 800 811, includes claims covering the widely adopted CRISPR - Cas9 single - guide RNA compositions for use in any non-cellular and cellular setting, including eukaryotic cells, such as mammalian, human and plant cells.
The production and characterization of recombinant proteins using a large panel of different expression systems, including microbial systems, eukaryotic cells, as well as plants and plant suspension cells, is one of the IMEs main areas of expertise.
The Eukaryotic Single - Cell Analysis facility will be placed in Stockholm and will offer single - cell RNA - seq on the Fluidigm C1 platform using the STRT protocol, as well as in a microtiter - plate format using SMART - sCell Analysis facility will be placed in Stockholm and will offer single - cell RNA - seq on the Fluidigm C1 platform using the STRT protocol, as well as in a microtiter - plate format using SMART - scell RNA - seq on the Fluidigm C1 platform using the STRT protocol, as well as in a microtiter - plate format using SMART - seq2.
Claims cover CRISPR - Cas9 compositions for use in any non-cellular and cellular setting, including eukaryotic cells
This eukaryotic cell arose when an anaerobic prokaryote (unable to use oxygen for energy) lost its cell wall.
Genome editing is used to make targeted modifications to the genome of eukaryotic cells.
Lesson 1 - Eukaryotic cells Lesson 2 - Adaptations to functions Lesson 3 - Prokaryotic cells Lesson 4 - Viruses Lesson 5 - Comparisons of microscopes Lesson 6 - Using microscopes to calculate magnification Lesson 7 - Cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation
Starter activities for the entire topic of B1 GCSE Biology (AQA) Sub topics include: The world of the microscope Animal and Plant Cells Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Specialisation in cells Diffusion Osmosis Osmosis in Plants Active Transport Exchanging Materials Resources produced to use the starter as a recap from the previous leCells Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Specialisation in cells Diffusion Osmosis Osmosis in Plants Active Transport Exchanging Materials Resources produced to use the starter as a recap from the previous lecells Diffusion Osmosis Osmosis in Plants Active Transport Exchanging Materials Resources produced to use the starter as a recap from the previous lesson.
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