Sentences with phrase «euphemisms all»

Use euphemisms to turn each other on.
For particular clothing lines, I've been impressed with the cut and style of the Michael Kors «womens» line (egad, I hate all the euphemisms for clothing over size 14!)
Making an effort to do so from birth will serve as reinforcement for your child that the body is normal and doesn't need euphemisms.
Given our cultural reluctance to talk openly about women's periods — even ads for tampons and liners tend to rely on euphemisms and avoid any...
Despite some incredibly misleading euphemisms, human penises are entirely boneless.
In that experiment, the participants who were expected to be offended spent greater time focused on the probe words, and their ability to recall them improved — except in surprising contexts, when they spent more time looking at the taboo words or their euphemisms.
Christianson and his co-authors conducted two experiments in which they used eye - tracking software to monitor people's attention levels and memory while they read sentences containing swear words or the euphemisms for such words.
The English language offers some entertaining euphemisms, and one I've always found amusing is used by parents like me, who will say they need to talk to the kids about the «birds and the bees.»
The euphemisms used to describe this process make me laugh: librarians weed books from their collections or deselect them.
2 Never say die: There are at least 200 euphemisms for death, including «to be in Abraham's bosom,» «just add maggots,» and «sleep with the Tribbles» (a Star Trek favorite).
There were too many euphemisms about efficiency savings, and tosh about saving front - line services.
It is terrorism and sweeping it under the rug with euphemisms isn't leadership.
Following Grant Shapps «over firm» denial, here are some famous examples of political euphemisms.
As with all really serious state encroachments into the private lives of citizens, the powers are buried deep in a legislative document and smoothed out with all sorts of euphemisms.
@mbomb007 Your prisons are overflowing because for - profit prisons mean they have an incentive to keep prisons as full as possible, even if it means lobbying for heavier criminal penalties even for minor offenses (usually under such auspicious euphemisms as «tough on crime», «law and order»).
All are practiced politicians, all are very good at using euphemisms.
It is clearly from lobbying, a term he much prefers to mealy - mouthed euphemisms such as public affairs, that Lionel gets his kicks.
Not only did I never expect to have conversations about it, the last thing I'd ever have believed was that I would be blogging about poo... particularly having been raised in a house where euphemisms were always used instead: a baby was «busy» or was «doing their business», with «poo» referred to as «biz».
Skip all the fancy metaphors and euphemisms, and cut to the chase.
If we whitewash it with euphemisms, our motivation to change will be diminished and our chances of success limited.
Replacing euphemisms like spanking, smacking, hidings, etc. by their definition, hitting, is very uncomfortable.
The thing is, even domestic violence used to have euphemisms such as «reasonable smacking of wives» and «necessary chastisement» in order to make them more palatable.
The usage of adult diapers can be a source of embarrassment, [54] and products are often marketed under euphemisms such as incontinence pads.
We don't have to use euphemisms for genitals, because they don't need euphemisms any more than arms, legs, or toes do.
You might want to stay away from euphemisms for death such as «going to sleep.»
But you can throw all the clichés and euphemisms you like at the Monaco Grand Prix, it doesn't stop it from being... well, underwhelming.
It just wouldn't be late June if we weren't listening to analysts come up with euphemisms for why White Player X fits the Jazz or Pacers system.
Imagine the ego involved in this... I think the spin euphemisms and excuses would have to be the worst part of doing the job cause somewhere along the way you have to reflect and realize that the only reason you have to talk like this is because you are no good at your job
I use them to educate my kids about Euphemisms and Sports Slang.
For years locals had hidden behind euphemisms, saying of an HIV - positive woman, «She has a House in Veeplaas,» a play on the name of a local neighborhood.
There are a lot of euphemisms that fall under the umbrella of grilled cheese recipes.
«Yahweh» is just the word that the Jews refused to pronounce because it was so holy; and they substituted various euphemisms.
«4Assist death» or «stop life» sound better, but euphemisms are dishonest evasions; the issue is killing.
Using «God» and no pronouns can make for a heavy, artificial style, but until a convention emerges that is not overly distracting, perhaps this is the best recourse, supplemented with euphemisms like «divinity.»
Convenient euphemisms don't change our hearts.
Manly made Gods in name onliness euphemisms have become false - cherishing Jew - based sublimations not to be subliminally outdone by anothers» naming of God such as Elohim or Jehovah or Yahweh etc etc..
While Lifeway certainly has every right to choose its own inventory, I think the notion that Christians should dance carefully around reality, that we should speak in euphemisms and only tell comfortable, sanitized stories, is a destructive one that has profoundly affected the evangelical culture as a whole.
The fact that slavery, like polygamy, was taken for granted is disguised in our English Versions by the euphemisms «man - servant» and «maid - servant,» but in the Hebrew there is no mistaking the established institution of slavery with its characteristic customs and consequences.
The brutality and inhumanity of our policies and practices are hidden behind euphemisms.
Functioning as euphemisms, they make unpleasant or embarrassing things appear tolerable.
Our language is filled with euphemisms about death: somebody passed away, or «we lost Uncle Ned»; if a husband and wife discuss life insurance, one typically hears, «If something should happen to me...,» not, «When I die...» Graveyards became cemeteries and then memorial gardens, the corpse has become the remains (and a cremated corpse the cremains), burial has become interment, and the death certificate the «vital statistics form.»
The euphemisms of war must be exposed for what they are — words and phrases that fool us into accepting the unacceptable.
• The whole debate on torture has been soaked in euphemisms and word games.
The assisted suicide movement certainly isn't alone in deploying euphemisms as a political tactic.
Pro-choice euphemisms like «pre-embryo,» «foetal tissue,» and «ball of cells» are materialistic and reflect fully the diminishment of human life as chance — easy come, easy go.
It's not that we skip over such stories, but that we tend to use euphemisms when telling them.
I have avoided all euphemisms.
Your basis for your rather perverted stance upon atheistical euphemisms is but a rather contrite relativism of circular reasonings.
It also has a range of similar euphemisms.
The Bible virtually lacks terms for the sexual organs, being content with such euphemisms as «foot» or «thigh» for the genitals, and using other euphemisms to describe coitus, such as «he knew her.»
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