Sentences with phrase «eureka moment»

For any veterans of the genre who plays for the satisfying eureka moments when a wonderfully devious puzzle finally comes together The Darkside Detective is going to be child's play.
Kelly says the idea of a tow launch never hit him as any kind of eureka moment.
Erwin Wurm has a knack for finding eureka moments in the most mundane circumstances.
Initially frustrated, Weidman's eureka moment came when he found a long - overlooked memo written by Eiffel in 1885.
One that challenges but never frustrates, one that will give you that eureka moment after minutes of fretting.
The unique approach she has developed provides people with the tools to experience Eureka moments in their career exploration process and then take steps toward reaching exciting, new professional goals.
The puzzling isn't going to amaze you with inventive situations that you've never seen before, either, nor does it have those fantastic eureka moments where everything comes together and you feel like you're just bursting with pride because of your intellectual brilliance, but they're almost always enjoyable to complete.
Technology development from eureka moment to working prototype to mass - produced commercially system can not be done in just a few years.
The idea of a single eureka moment is a dangerous lie.
One of my biggest eureka moments from the chapter was how debt consolidation is not a good idea, especially when done with the objective of reducing the EMIs.
But our brief one lap race on a tech demo version of DriveClub for the PlayStation VR was a real eureka moment.
The right distraction (often considered a dirty word in the world of work) might just provide the important break you need, before your next eureka moment.
So don't wait for the next Einstein, or a magic Eureka moment, to get you into the game.
Even eureka moments like these are the fruits of the slow build of progress: Fossil by fossil, paleoanthropologists draw a picture of Homo sapiens» earliest days.
During his inconspicuous eureka moment, he recalls, he kept asking himself, ««Why not go this way?
Fifty years ago, two unknown molecular biologists at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University had one of the great eureka moments in the history of science: They discovered that DNA is organized in the shape of a double helix — two intertwining strands of nucleotides on a superstructure of sugar.
Dan Vergano, a science reporter for BuzzFeed, called the piece «just tremendous fun, a great story of passion in science that pays off with a remarkable eureka moment
It carries the full burden of command without the promise of any interim eureka moments.
In February the world was treated to a transcontinental eureka moment: Scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia announced they had discovered two new chemical elements.
But there aren't many eureka moments in geophysics.
To Bustamante, it's those (admittedly) rare eureka moments that «make science worth it.»
«It was a true eureka moment,» says Assistant Professor Thomas Lavstsen.
It was the most bizarre eureka moment you could imagine: E... U...
As with any top - whatever list, picking the best eureka moments is a judgment call; from where we're sitting it seems that Fleming's discovery was truly a momentous event, that Newton probably didn't get pelted in the head with an apple, and that Descartes most likely did lie in bed and watch flies (it was, after all, the 17th century).
1 In 1928, Alexander Fleming had the archetypal eureka moment — and unlike the tale of Archimedes, this one's true.
... This really may have the possibility for a unique eureka moment
So he wiped it with his hand and just a few seconds later the window was foggy again and that was his swipe eureka moment.
So while we try in vain to join the dots, hoping for that all important eureka moment, where everything falls into place, it sadly never comes.
«When we finally hit on «Learn to Change the World,» it was a genuine eureka moment
Up2d8 maths looks at the 70th anniversary of the introduction of food rationing — which gives a chance to explore the use of proportional reasoning - and our editor considers Eureka moments.
The approach PS 172 takes with its special education students started with a proverbial Eureka moment.
There are very few eureka moments in teaching, at least ones that eventually lead to a new curriculum in 43 out of 50 American states.
Forget the narcissistic connotations of the name (if you can) because in practice the Ego setting finally allows a driver to alter the parameters of the steering, powertrain and suspension separately from one another, which is a minor eureka moment for the Aventador.
It's found in Lehrer's new book, Imagine: How Creativity Works, just given a strong welcome by Michiko Kakutani in the Times, a review headlined How To Cultivate Eureka Moments.
There was no sudden eureka moment; much like the process of evolution itself, the development of the hypothesis was gradual and incremental.
I got immense satisfaction from solving the puzzles and had several eureka moments that kept driving me forward.
Figuring out how you transfer ships to a military outpost so they can patrol your territory, for example, isn't a brilliant eureka moment and an enjoyable experience, it's irritating and something that should just be explained from the very start.
Every puzzle game hinges on the precarious balance between Eureka moments and new challenges, and on this front, GNOG gets it right.
There wasn't any magical eureka moment that I can remember.
In Woods Hole both the dramatic, headline grabbing Eureka moments and the slow drip of science are a way of life.
He was very impressed with the agroforestry side of things, and I suspect that many people also watched it and found themselves similarly having Eureka moments as regards some of the insights about soil, ecosystems and the idea that food production need not necessarily involve huge tractors and lashings of diesel.
Yet the crude setup inspired a string of eureka moments.
Justin's eureka moment came while working with a client who has a seven - figure fixed - income portfolio, mostly in non-registered accounts.
The fragmentary character of the story and its unpretentious gameplay join in a tight knot of fun and eureka moments when you send the brain of another pixelized villain to a flight onto the next wall.
Don't get me wrong, there were some occasions where they felt a little bit overly obtuse, but that eureka moment where you solve them always satisfied.
But when it comes to figuring out what the dark matter actually is, there will probably be no single eureka moment.
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