Sentences with phrase «euthanized an animal simply»

He was a loving and caring man who never once euthanized an animal simply because the pet parent could not afford the required treatment.
Shelters should never use the expiration of applicable holding periods or owner relinquishment as license to immediately euthanize animals simply because, at least legally, their «time is up».

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Regardless of whether Landrigan's legal team was simply using the drug shortage as stalling tactic, their legal maneuvering brings to the fore a contentious dispute over the science (or some would say lack thereof) behind lethal injection executions in the U.S.. For more than two decades, it has been argued that the FDA should be required to certify the safety and effectiveness of drugs used to carry out executions (as it does for drugs used to euthanize animals).
Fifty - six percent of dogs and seventy - six percent of cats in shelters are euthanized... many of them healthy, well - behaved animals whose owners simply didn't have time for them anymore.
Our vision is a world where no animal with a quality of life remaining must be euthanized simply because of the length of time they've spent in a shelter, their age, or any special needs they may have.
More than 30,000,000 animals are euthanized each year, because there simply are not enough homes for all of them.
Cultural reluctance to euthanize even severely suffering animals, intertwined with the Buddhist faith of about a third of the Taiwan population, led in the 1980s and 1990s to some government shelters simply allowing impounded dogs to cannibalize each other or starve to death.
As a result, animals are euthanized every day simply because they can not find a home.
Millions of wonderful cats enter animal shelters each year, but tragically, 71 percent are euthanized because there are simply not enough homes for them.2 A wide variety of cat breeds, sizes, colors and personalities can be found at any animal shelter, which gives you a lot of options to choose from.
At least half of these animals - that's 4 to 5 MILLION - are euthanized (killed) because there is simply nowhere for them to go.
I think now that President Obama missed an opportunity not only to save a life, but also to draw national attention to the tragedy of the millions of shelter animals, dogs, cats and other pets, that are euthanized every year simply because they are homeless, unwanted, or declared «unadoptable» for some arbitrary reason. If you have ever loved an animal, you know how heartbreaking, how gut wrenching this tragedy is.Â
«Lastly, Wilkes County euthanizes 3,000 healthy, adoptable animals a year simply because there are not enough good homes opening their doors to these needy animals. I find it disturbing that the groups clamoring for media attention over these 127 dogs raise no fuss, and offer no assistance, for the other 3,000 dogs put down in that county each year.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), five out of 10 shelter dogs and seven out of 10 shelter cats are euthanized each year simply because no one will adopt them.
In Memory of Magic (IMOM) is dedicated to insuring that no companion animal has to be euthanized simply because his or her caretaker is financially challenged.
About half of the animals in shelters will be euthanized because there simply aren't enough homes.
These animals are being killed (not euthanized) simply because they have no place to call home.
Dogs, cats, puppies and kittens who are not adopted most often live terrible, short lives in shelter kennels, or are often euthanized because they become scared, unhappy and aggressive living in the shelter — and there is simply no more space for them as more animals are brought in.
Lastly, animals in well - run shelters are NOT simply «marking time» until they are euthanized.
Millions of unwanted animals are euthanized each year because good homes are limited and most pets simply can not be adopted out.
There are so many adoptable animals in shelters that are being euthanized simply because there isn't enough space.
Every day across the United States, 9,000 animals are euthanized simply because they don't have a place to call home.
For the first time since February 2011, the Austin Animal Center (AAC) faces euthanizing dogs simply because there is not enough room to house them, as the City of Austin has seen a dramatic increase in the number of adult... Continue reading →
With animals arriving at the shelters every day, most of these animals are euthanized simply because the shelter has run out of space.
While some animals are euthanized due to serious health problems, many animals are simply unwanted and pet shelters are just unable to house and feed them.
Before, the owner simply had to check a box if they wanted MAS to euthanize that animal.
Way too many amazing animals are euthanized every single day simply because they are homeless.
Through these four initiatives, we have a proven solution to transform the Midlands into a no - kill community, meaning no healthy adoptable animal is euthanized simply because it is homeless.
They are euthanized simply to make room for another animal.
National estimates indicate that approximately 3 million to 4 million of the animals who enter shelters nationwide every year are euthanized (60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats) simply because there is no one to adopt them.
Every hour of every day 50 companion animals are euthanized in US animal shelters simply because their human companions died and made no arrangements for their continuous care.
As I struggle to make ends meet, get my Non-Profit cat rescue off the ground and simply find my way in the world; I extend my hand out and ask you to join me in my dream of finding a home for every cat and to stop the insanity of euthanizing adoptable animals as a way of population control.
Our mission is three-fold: STEP ONE: Save adoptable animals from Kern County shelters who are in danger of being euthanized simply because of overcrowded facilities.
Despite our efforts, many great dogs had to be euthanized simply to make room for the dozens more brought in every week by animal control.
We work towards a day when there is a home for every pet and domestic animals are no longer euthanized simply because they have no home.
Every year approximately six MILLION shelter animals are euthanized simply because there is no room for them.
Our dream is to live a community where every adoptable pet has a home and where no animal is euthanized, simply because it is homeless.
Therefore, we can not honor provisions in wills that ask us to euthanize an animal in good health and temperament simply because an owner has passed away.
As the petition explains, most of these animals are not so sick or injured that euthanasia seems like the only humane option; the majority of these animals are deemed healthy and are euthanized simply because there is not enough room at the shelter to house them all.
In our operating area, counties spend from two to three times the cost of a spay / neuter to euthanize a companion animal because there are simply not enough adoption options to address the increasingly large numbers of animals surrendered to animal control agencies.
IMOM — Formed «to insure that no companion animal has to be euthanized simply because their caretaker is financially challenged.»
(1) Additionally, unless the cat is making an unusual pest out of itself, why should a wild animal be euthanized simply for not having a human address?
It is also a humane policy, whereby no healthy animal is euthanized for living in the wrong location, or for simply living.
As Mark Kumpf, 2010 president of the National Animal Control Association, told Animal Sheltering in 2008, «The cost for picking up and simply euthanizing and disposing of animals is horrendous, in both the philosophical and the economic sense.»
Many of these animals are simply out of time and would otherwise be euthanized if we did not intervene.
While several thousand animals are adopted each year, the reality is that there are simply more pets than homes, and thousands more are euthanized.
Astoundingly, «approximately 75,000 healthy, adoptable animals are euthanized in Los Angeles County each year simply because there are too many animals and too few homes.»
6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. shelters every year and while many are adopted, nearly 2 million are still being euthanized simply because they don't have a home.
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