Sentences with phrase «eutrophication on»

The effects of eutrophication on carbonate chemistry can exceed that of OA from anthropogenic CO2 by either increasing pH, when enhanced CO2 uptake by primary producers prevails (Borges and Gypens 2010), or by decreasing pH, where enhanced respiratory CO2 release prevails (Cai et al. 2011), a condition often associated with coastal hypoxia (Feely et al. 2010).

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The LCA examined the effects of a 1 kilogram industry - average corrugated product manufactured in 2014 on seven environmental impact indicators: global warming potential (greenhouse gas emissions), eutrophication, acidification, smog, ozone depletion, respiratory effects, fossil fuel depletion; and four inventory indicators: water use, water consumption, renewable energy demand, and non-renewable energy demand.
This has consequences for climate models, since more loss of carbon dioxide and mineral nitrogen would have a direct bearing on the soil's contribution to greenhouse gases and eutrophication.
He's presented research findings based on several analyses he's done that suggest once sucralose levels in a body of water rise above 57 parts per trillion, it's an indicator that the water is experiencing some level of human impact and the onset of eutrophication — nutrient loading that can encourage plant growth and suffocate animal life.
Eutrophication: Rain can carry and deposit the Nitrogen in some pollutants on rivers and soils.
Although ocean acidification and eutrophication states had an impact on physiological performance, chlorophyll fluorescence was not affected by those conditions.
As with air pollution, evidence suggests that human - driven climate change will, on average, worsen eutrophication in freshwater and marine systems.
Beyond the effects on climate discussed below, these include air pollution, acid rain, marine and freshwater eutrophication, biodiversity loss, and the stimulation of some invasive species.
Impacts of climate warming upon coastal and marine ecosystems are also likely to intensify the problems of eutrophication and stress on these biological systems (EEA, 2004b; Robinson et al., 2005; SEPA, 2005; SEEG, 2006).
d) the necessity to assure that the current focus on mitigation does not lead to neglect of other factors influencing the sustainability of agriculture, such as pesticide loads, eutrophication, acidification or soil erosion; and
Oceanic pH is never constant and various continually in accordance with a host of environmental parameters, such as eutrophication, salinity and land - based - effluents, etc, and so you can not lay the blame on CO2 without first eliminating the possibility that a change in pH was not due to some other factor.
However, there are numerous other phenomena that we need a synthesized information on, such as extent of hypoxia, nutrients availability, eutrophication and pollution, organic carbon dynamics, and more.
In southern Europe, to compensate for increased climate - related risks (lowering of the water table, salinisation, eutrophication, species loss)(Williams, 2001; Zalidas et al., 2002), a lessening of the overall human burden on water resources is needed.
«Scientist» seems to agree with Gavin on this, because, despite these ugly numbers, despite the graph that's level for centuries before going hyperbolic in the 20th Century, despite the obvious impossibility of meaningful calibration 1850 - 1995, despite the chapter - and - verse description in Tiljander03 of roadbuilding, peat cutting, farming, bridge reconstruction, and eutrophication — I used the word «absolutely.»
1850 - 1995, the major influences on the varve series were nearby agricultural activities, roadbuilding and bridge reconstruction, and lake eutrophication.
On the other hand, organic eutrophication (without fertilizers) does tend to cause an increase in respiration, increasing the carbon dioxide concentration and lowering the pH again.
And you're going with Gavin on this, because, despite these ugly numbers, despite the graph that's level for centuries before going hyperbolic in the 20th Century, despite the obvious impossibility of meaningful calibration 1850 - 1995, despite the chapter - and - verse of roadbuilding, peat cutting, farming, bridge reconstruction, and eutrophication — I used the word «absolutely.»
This guidance document examines the main commercially available renewable and non-renewable power generation technologies, analysing their GHG emissions, but also trade - offs in terms of: 1) environmental impacts (impacts on ecosystems, eutrophication and acidification, etc.), 2) impacts on human health (particulates, toxicity) and 3) resource use implications (concrete, metals, energy intensity, water use and land use).
These warming spikes could be due to methane hydrate releases, or to global eutrophication caused by a hyperactive hydrological cycle, which might cause algal blooms on a global scale.
In addition, ocean acidification is co-occurring with other drivers of environmental change (including warming, eutrophication, hypoxia, eutrophication, pollution [12]-RRB-, yet the interactive effects and relative importance of multiple stressors on species physiology, life history and ecology, as well as species — environment interactions and ecosystem function remain poorly understood [13 — 17].
Here's a quick video on eutrophication from SUNY via WRI: Follow Jaymi on Twitter for more stories like this More on Dead Zones Dead Pigs: Scientists» Latest Tool in Understanding Ocean Dead Zones Everest Death Zone (Video News) First - Ever Animals Found Living Without Oxygen in Marine Dead Zone BP Oil Spill Causing More Gulf Dead Zones as Methane Levels Increase
In the long run, the excess algal growth can have devastating impacts on the health and age of a fresh water lake or river, causing eutrophication to speed up, where lakes and other water bodies fill in with dead algae and other organic matter and eventually turn into dry land.
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