Sentences with phrase «eutrophication potential»

The relative environmental impacts of broad food categories were generally consistent across five impact categories: greenhouse gases, land use, energy use, acidification potential, and eutrophication potential.

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The LCA examined the effects of a 1 kilogram industry - average corrugated product manufactured in 2014 on seven environmental impact indicators: global warming potential (greenhouse gas emissions), eutrophication, acidification, smog, ozone depletion, respiratory effects, fossil fuel depletion; and four inventory indicators: water use, water consumption, renewable energy demand, and non-renewable energy demand.
They report in Environmental Research Letters that they examined 740 different production systems for 90 different foods, to calculate levels of land use, greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), fossil fuel energy use, the nutrient runoff that leads to eutrophication or «dead zones» in lakes and rivers, and the potential for acidification of the waters.
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