Sentences with phrase «evangelical leaders seem»

The reformation for which David calls is thus not one which requires a mere shift in doctrinal belief, something with which Evangelical leaders seem too often too easily satisfied; it also involves the transformation of a whole form of church life, one which he sees as starting in what happens in gathered worship on a Sunday and leads to a reorientation of thinking and living throughout the week.
Most evangelical leaders seem to agree.
The search for the type of power that aligning with political candidates promises — and that some evangelical leaders seem to be seeking — is the same temptation that caused Christianity to be co-opted for political gains in the third century by the Roman emperor Constantine.

Not exact matches

It sounds rather evangelical, though Avakian is, as you may have guessed, a leftist, and in fact the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party» which seems, if we understand Revolution, the broadsheet on whose back page that quote appears, to think Mao too conservative.
Setting aside my personal — and legally irrelevant — disgust at the idea (the «yuck factor,» as one evangelical leader infamously dubbed it, is really no sound basis for building our sexual ethics), it seems that the typical objection to such relationships is that they might lead to congenital problems in any offspring that result from the union.
They found that despite recent efforts by the movement's leaders to address the problem of racial discrimination, evangelicals themselves seem to be preserving America's racial chasm.»
Christian Post: Iowa Evangelical Leaders Call on Santorum or Bachmann to Exit GOP Race «If you can't beat»em, then join»em,» seems to be the strategy of an Iowa pastor who only weeks ago asked former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum to withdraw from the Republican presidential primary before deciding later to endorse his candidacy.
She also seems to go out of her way to pick on evangelical leaders, which is too bad because I really think evangelicals need to hear what she has to say, especially on page 10: «I'm tired of watching those who are supposed to care about the Bible reduce its stories and its teachings to slogans.
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