Sentences with phrase «evangelical world»

The phrase "evangelical world" refers to a community or group of people who belong to or are associated with the evangelical Christian movement. These individuals typically adhere to a conservative interpretation of the Bible and prioritize sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others. Full definition
Without hearing a single speaker, I realize that I am in a familiar evangelical world.
This, plus the fact that the book is published by an evangelical publishing house, might limit the book's readership outside of the lay evangelical world.
I say quiet because it has just recently begun to receive the attention it deserves in the broader evangelical world.
This is the kind of influential ecumenical evangelicalism forged by the Young, Restless, and Reformed which profoundly shaped the conservative evangelical world from circa 2005 until it fell apart in 2012 and which still lives on today in a more fractured form at the various big evangelical conferences.
Part of my reasoning has to do with taking notice of a small, but growing embrace of Mercersburg in the Reformed evangelical world.
In their early days, when the Emergent Church was vying with the new Calvinism for pole position in the American evangelical world, they launched regular, and often very thorough, critiques of the Emergent leaders.
Much of the American Christian Evangelical world would say «Amen» to your theology, so I guess that can be comforting too.
Sadly, the most common response I run into with regard to naming and addressing a colonial legacy in the white Evangelical world is that it's no longer relevant — «that was a bygone era.»
Or will the magazine find a way to bridge the ever - broadening evangelical world and by implication repudiate Lindsell's position — which depends at its very heart on its exclusiveness?
In Hilary Taylor's book A Toolbox for Small Churches, Patricia Took writes: «The wider evangelical world has for many decades been shaped by larger congregations.
Also, in the Protestant Evangelical world we put a great degree of authority on Scripture and, therefore, those who abuse often distort Scripture in order to gain access, control, and silence over victims and their families.
They interpret Lecrae's and Tisby's moves as cultural compromise just as Lecrae and Tisby have concluded that the white and Reformed evangelical world have sold out to American religion.
Just look, Perkins said, at the way the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, a major figure within the evangelical world, used a popular golf euphemism for a «do - over» — a «mulligan» — to imply that Trump's alleged affair with Stormy Daniels should be ignored.
When I showed one of those memos to an evangelical friend, he said: «I sure hope this doesn't get circulated in the evangelical world
But there are clear signs that things are improving, in at least some parts of the evangelical world.
It's the flagship publication of its sort in the Evangelical world and the major magazine in which Evangelicalism's peculiar genius is applied to cultural matters.
In the evangelical world, divorce = shunned.
Though I have made this point before, it bears repeating that the evangelical world is divided into various constituencies that overlap one another.
Of course, any portrait depends on how the lines are drawn, and the lines of the evangelical world are more like clouds than clocks.
Success often lies within the extremes: an author may succeed in the evangelical world by erring on the side of propaganda.
And while there may not be a single ecclesial body to correct the Rob Bells of the evangelical world, Christianity Today and a legion of websites have surely offered correction.
Should open confession, traditionally regarded as a Roman Catholic practice, have more of a place in the evangelical world, or is sin something private... More
Having taught a number of years at an undergraduate institution within the evangelical world, I observed on more than one occasion students who wrestled with the particular brand of Christianity in which they had been raised.
Having said that, her discussion of presuppositionalism within the evangelical world does not get at the full range of positions.
Within the evangelical world, the legacy of the Reformation unfolds in different ways depending on whether one identifies primarily with the confessional or the pietistic wing.
It may be easy to recognize that the New Testament contains no such insistence on a seminary education for those who would serve the Lord as we see throughout much of the evangelical world today.
««Mike and Katey Morris» was how we were known in the evangelical world.
Nash trained a lot of students in the evangelical world.
On this basis, he fought tooth and nail against the moderates in the Southern Baptist Convention or any other part of the evangelical world who rejected the idea that the Bible was the Word of God in favor of the idea that the Bible became the Word of God in encounter or contained the Word of God in some way.
Worthen rightly associates presuppositionalism as a stated method within the Reformed - Baptist arc of the evangelical world.
Everything from submission to pornography to finances and date nights are discussed here, with a candidness that will, says the publisher, «send shock waves throughout the evangelical world,» vowing it will be among «the most talked - about Christian marriage releases in years.»
In an evangelical world tempted to rely on proof texts and emotive stories, Stott drilled down deep into Scripture to display its power.
Immutability, impassibility, and doctrines such as the eternal generation of the Son have been abandoned or reduced in importance by large sections of the evangelical world.
While I certainly don't think we should throw it all away, my soul can't find rest in the evangelical world anymore.
Thus did Newman's view of development pose one final, necessary challenge: the need to take seriously the institutional Church, a notion alien to my evangelical world, where a «high» view of the Church typically meant little more than attending morning and evening services on a Sunday.
As the wider church subculture increasingly embraced Bell's brand of «hipster Christianity», there were rumblings of discontent from some quarters of the evangelical world.
The evangelical world loves to throw around catch - phrases because it showed up in the Bible, «family,» «brother,» and «sister».
But there is also lively theological conversation in the evangelical world, and it has reminded me how much gold is to be found in the classic Christian tradition and how it still enriches all of us, including liberals.
Why is it, that the evangelical world just goes nuts, if someone is trying to not condemn homosexuals?
I stumbled into the evangelical world by a kind of accident 15 years ago when some colleagues and I wanted to understand how the culture of a seminary shapes the ministers who are formed there.
I had definite expectations for what I would find in the evangelical world.
All ecumenical statements issued by groups of evangelicals should be viewed as speaking from parts of evangelicalism to the evangelical world.
In Felix Holt (1866) the evangelical world makes something of a return, but with notably less success.
Lindsell's analysis at this point reveals an ironic weakness in underestimating the extent to which biblical criticism has penetrated the evangelical world.
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