Sentences with phrase «evangelists report»

All the evangelists report facts, and the facts in John's Gospel are just as reliable as those in Matthew's, Mark's, and Luke's.
The evangelists report them with considerable variation.
All three evangelists report that when the disciples looked up they saw Jesus alone.
Consequently Simpson deplored the crudely materialistic view of resurrection that has often dominated the Western Christian tradition, and went so far as to say that «If the Body of Christ had been cremated, His Resurrection - Appearances must have assumed much the same characteristics of physical identity as those which the Evangelists report.
This time all three evangelists report the miracle.
But then the evangelist reports a strange comment that Jesus himself makes, namely, that a prophet has no honor in his own country (4:44).
The evangelist reports that the title was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, here again, without Pilate's realizing it or the Jews» accepting it, indicating the universality of Jesus» kingship.

Not exact matches

But's chief digital evangelist, Vala Afshar, tweeted his personal views about Twitter after the report.
Also read: Industry Report: India's Druggies Turning to Bitcoin CHARLIE SHREM Bitcoin evangelist Charlie Shrem has been released from prison after serving one year of what was originally set to be a two - year sentence.
With smart - guns still a theoretical idea rather than an actual product the Wall Street Journal reports that «smart - gun evangelists» failed to note that Silicon Valley was not buying into the technology.
The evangelists, however, especially Matthew, probably colored their reports too highly, betraying their own resentment toward Jewish leaders of their day who rejected aid persecuted Christians.
«An unfortunate mistake»... Get Religion: TV station mistakenly reports Bill Graham's death Evangelist Billy Graham was admitted to the hospital last week and was diagnosed with pneumonia.
From reporting in The Texas Observer and The Texas Monthly, I learned about the Dominionist supporters of Rick Perry, including a number of evangelists to whom Perry gave leading roles in his huge public prayer service, called the Response, early this month.
Another statement not reported by the other evangelists follows in Luke (22:31 - 34).
What compels this priority of evangelism is the same motive that compelled the first proclaimers; that compelled Archbishop William Temple's great report in 1945, «Towards the conversion of England»; that compelled evangelist Billy Graham, and that compelled the decade of evangelism.
Reflecting the basic orientation of its namesake, the late nineteenth - century evangelist Dwight L. Moody, as well as that of the school he established, Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, the journal has as its main concern the task of evangelism — that is, the preparation for, understanding of, reporting about, and inciting interest in the proclamation of the gospel.
Such honest reporting shows that the synoptic evangelists and their sources did attach some value to history.
Following a storm of criticism about the lack of financial accountability on the part of many of the TV evangelists, the groups in the l970s established the Evangelical Council for Financial Acountability to develop financial accounting and reporting principles to which all members must adhere — a kind of Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.
The Synoptic Evangelists furnish us, by and large, with a unanimous report.
It is useless to try to explain away Jesus» fear as reported by the Evangelists.
Over the past year, multiple Christian leaders in Turkey faced deportation or were denied re-entry, including American street evangelist David Byle, as CT reported last year.
The evangelists now report another important saying with perplexing differences (Mk 9:1; Mt 16:28; Lk 9:27).
«A report of the Seminar on the Relationship of the Church to Non-baptised believers in Christ» is particularly illuminating because it took up issues raised by the unbaptised Christ - bhaktas some of whom were present along with evangelists who were alive to these issues in their evangelistic work.
However, actual audience size has been more modest than reported by most TV evangelists.
Even the otherwise astute Wall Street Journal dropped its guard on July II, 1980, and reported that the television evangelists were reaching an estimated 128 million viewers every week, a figure which we will come to see is grossly overestimated.
Though the Evangelist was briefly ill, there is not an iota of truth in the Wednesday reports that he had died after a short battle with stomach pain.
for a spell: on the geographic region, signal caller Evangelist Stafford's dazzling 5 yards per - and twenty - second complete rate among all NFL quarterbacks, reported to Baudricourt on chirrup, #betterkeepdreaming ilk the geographical region prospect.
James Montier, one of our favourite thinkers and fellow evangelist for behavioural economics and evidence based investing, published a great report last year entitled, «I Want to Break Free, or, Strategic Asset Allocation ≠ Static Asset Allocation ``.
The biggest difference between a climate evangelist (read: Al Gore) and a scientist is the presence of uncertainty in reporting the state of the climate.
«At Lex Machina, we're excited about improvements to Legal Analytics for PTAB, and this report confirms the value of those innovations, offering unique insights into what is happening at PTAB with unprecedented levels of detail — and in a highly intuitive visual format,» said Owen Byrd, Chief Evangelist and GC, Lex Machina.
«The report suggests that Android devices are becoming a bigger target for the bad guys and more profitable than in previous years,» said Andy Hayter, security evangelist for G Data.
Also read: Industry Report: India's Druggies Turning to Bitcoin CHARLIE SHREM Bitcoin evangelist Charlie Shrem has been released from prison after serving one year of what was originally set to be a two - year sentence.
With Africa's most prominent Bitcoin evangelist Alakanani Itireleng's foreword stating, the report will be most beneficial to Blockchain entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and enthusiasts.
Analyzed and prepared reports on distribution trends for Chief Evangelist's deliverables including web distribution of eBook
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