Sentences with phrase «evangelization did»

The point missiologists would add is that evangelization did not succeed by assimilating local cultures but by converting them.
Moreover, evangelization does not mean Christianization.

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Also, while he is no doubt right to set himself against «entertainment worship» and other atrocities of the church - growth phenomenon, his suspicion of anything popular poses problems for evangelization and does not jibe with the enduring popularity through the centuries of the very liturgy that he champions.
Grudgingly he set himself to the evangelization of Parthia and undertook difficult missionary journeys that brought him almost to India, «there», he said, «when he smelt the smell of the apostle Thomas», he felt at last he had done his duty and had gone far enough.
Most of our missionaries are recent college graduates who return to the college campus and invite students into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church and inspire and equip them for a lifetime of Christ - centered evangelization, discipleship, and friendships in which they teach other to do the same.
Why not do both What if we stopped praying for revivals and the «evangelization of the lost» and actually went across the street and served somebody?
They were discussing Paul's claims and his ways of doing «evangelization» so to speak.
The urgency of the group was expressed by Mott when he said: «Every reason for doing this work of evangelization at all demands that it be done not only thoroughly but also as speedily as possible.
This plain diocesan priest did enjoy the foreword to the new edition by Member of Parliament David Alton in which he underscores the importance of ECT for sectarian strife in Northern Ireland and for evangelization in England, where less than 10 percent of the population attends church.
He wants to see them do five things: «Initiate a focused approach to the claims of Islam; make a political and cultural analysis of the unique impact of the Islamic evangelization of black males; approach Islam on theological and evangelical levels; assess the geopolitical and strategic implications of Islam in Africa and South Asia, since the fortunes of black people in the U.S. are informed by what happens to blacks elsewhere In the world; and, mount a major effort to investigate the success of Islam in prisons.
Peter Faber, SJ, one of the great figures of the Catholic Reformation; and by doing so, gave us a key to understanding his own approach to the new evangelization, and a model for spreading the faith in modern times.
Yet, under the most trying circumstances, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk and his colleagues, both clergy and laity, have gotten on with the New Evangelization in their war - torn country, providing a model of spiritual vitality and effective public engagement that a lot of Latin - rite Catholicism would do well to study and then emulate.
From HQ: How do you view or balance the idea of evangelization or otherwise spreading the Good News with the colonial / imperialist history that has accompanied such efforts in the past and is still an influence today?
In such a situation, Beato pointed out, evangelization that does not make a preferential option for the poor will have no future.
It might be that the deepest issue at stake in the new evangelization has to do with the Church's attempt at a reconciliation with the Jews.
He's a bishop of the New Evangelization who does a lot of his evangelical work retail: like treating potential seminarians to early morning pancakes at a greasy spoon — «but it's a good greasy spoon» — a couple of blocks from his residence.
Why can't their be ministries that involve not evangelizing by word — but helping the actual poor (evangelization by deed) for the sake of «it's the best thing to do»?
Its acknowledgement of evangelization as a colonialist weapon did not diminish its belief in the power of faith.
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