Sentences with phrase «evaporation increases»

The phrase "evaporation increases" means that the process of turning a liquid into a gas happens at a higher rate or becomes more intense. Full definition
They should find that the temperature gradient between the two points actually increases if the rate of evaporation increases.
When temperatures rise, ocean water evaporation increases, denser clouds stop solar rays and surface temperatures decline.»
atmospheric absorption by CO2 and water vapor increases, reducing the solar heating at the surface, and surface evaporation increases faster with temperature than the transfer of sensible heat (due to the Clausius - Clapeyron relation), both of which tend to reduce the diurnal cycle.
The excessive evaporation increase under warming with prescribed SST leads to an over-moistened MBL and distorted low - cloud responses to warming (e.g. Webb and Lock 2013).
in response to the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the excess of precipitation over evaporation increases, and surface salinity is reduced in high latitudes as noted in section 8.
The main message of the figure below is that the precipitation and evaporation increase at a much lower rate than Clausius — Clapeyron would predict, about 2 - 4 % per degree K.
They predicted the response of the water cycle for the two cases and found that, in the former, evaporation increases by 2 percent per degree of warming while in the latter this number reaches 3 percent.
For example, one can not increase evaporation / precipitation arbitrarily since energetic limitations come into play - this comes up in discussions of the hydrologic cycle in global warming experiments, where global mean precipitation / evaporation increase rather slowly, certainly more slowly than the column water vapor amount.
In fact, research has shown that pan evaporation can decrease because surrounding evaporation increases, making the pan evaporation more an effect of atmospheric water budgets and contents than irradiance.
Water evaporation increases the humidity of the air surrounding Fido, and because humid air is able to adopt a higher concentration of smelly molecules, the effect is intensified — making your pooch seem like he hasn't showered for months.
Evaporation increases with rising surface temperature, decreasing relative humidity, and increasing surface wind speed.
Several factors influenced the change — as temperatures rise, evaporation increases, and rainfall isn't keeping pace.
When humidity is low, evaporation increases, when humidity is high, evaporation decreases and less cooling occurs.
Incidentally, even in «greenhouse gas only» simulations when you have an increase in rainfall and evaporation this increase is not as great as you'd expect from Clausius Clapeyron because of the fairly constant rel.
The idea of an evaporation thermostat was proposed in the 1970's by Newell, and was based on erroneous reasoning confusing correlation with causation; when one does the physics, one finds that evaporation increases the air - sea coupling, but can't prevent a warming if the atmosphere itself warms.
Like we mentioned above, as temperatures rise, evaporation increases and soils dry out.
If it gets too hot, the oceans heat up, evaporation increases, high altitude clouds form, and they reflect back sunlight and shade the surface more, compensating and regulating temperatures so that life survives.
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