Sentences with phrase «eve less»

I prefer my new year's eve less hectic than most people.

Not exact matches

When CTO Mike Schroepfer showed off the Oculus game «EVE: Valkyrie» on stage, he didn't even mention the name of the game, much less the developer.
The pope's encyclical, putting the issue of work in a modern context, states, «We are on the eve of new developments in technological, economic and political conditions... which will influence the world of work and production no less than the industrial revolution of the last century.»
Noll and Nystrom seem less perturbed than they might be by the ways in which the individualism endemic to Protestantism may have contributed to the contemporary «dictatorship of relativism» castigated by Joseph Ratzinger on the eve of his election as Pope Benedict XVI.
The South was less industrialized than the North on the eve of the U.S. Civil War.
In fact, you could eve boil two quarts of water in less than three minutes!
His ole buddy — and Feldon's hubby Nicholas Pryor — is less than enchanted with her nonstop pageant trip, which condemns him to evenings of TV dinners and booze, and with the initiatory ordeal approaching him: on the eve of turning 35, he must kiss a dead chicken's ass while his brother, over-the-hill business pals cheer.
After an ominous intro in which a nameless young woman is abducted from a nightclub and chained up in a flatbed truck, the film zeroes in on Sacramento newspaper reporter Brea (Paula Patton) on the eve of what seems a less than promising birthday weekend.
This film plays as a pale imitation of that one, with less characters the love geometry is less complicated, and the film lacks all the social commentary of the other, with it's intersecting relationships between the various French classes on the eve of World War II and it's complex nostalgia for a more civilized time.
Believe it or not its a good ending of a year when u see new years eve with 1 debt less in your life Now only that dang 100.000 mortgage with 4 % interest and 6000 student debt is left.
I offered them a while ago, to give $ 100 and get over with it, because my SS was less than $ 900, they not eve answer me.
The features of the game could have been described better, but the gist of the thing is this: Evolution is trying to provide a space combat MMO that is accessible to more casual gamers, and people who found certain features of EVE off putting (and also scales to less powerful PCs).
When CCP announced they were shutting down their VR game - producing studios, the fate of EVE: Valkyrie and Sparc (2017) were less than certain.
By election eve, the two candidates were polling at a standoff, and now the results are in: the GOP candidate won by 5 points, yet spent some $ 20 million less than Ossoff.
In a comment made in a speech on the eve of the 2017 General Election and less than a week after the London Bridge attack, she vowed to beef up counter-terror powers by restricting «the freedom and the movements of terrorist suspects when we have enough evidence to know they present a threat, but not enough evidence to prosecute them in full in court... And if human rights laws stop us from doing it, we will change those laws so we can do it.»
On the eve of Equal Pay Day, London law firm Hodge Jones & Allen reminds women of the steps they can take if they believe they are being paid less than their male colleagues.
Some early reports pegged the Huawei Watch as high as $ 1,200, but w» eve now come back down to Earth a bit, with one retailer confirming it will cost much less.
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