Sentences with phrase «even as the mother»

Her remark was not merely a political misstep, but a generational declaration: a reflection of gut - level struggles women had made for workplace opportunity, even as mothers.
It has been difficult, lonely, and taken a lot from me as a woman, wife, and sometimes even as a mother to meet my daughter's nutritional needs, but even with her pediatric feeding disorder she is a picture of health, thanks to my milk.

Not exact matches

As he tells it, when he was 13, his mother sent him to a fortune teller who described the first restaurant he worked at in Paris exactly the way it was before he even knew he'd be working there.
«They even make a point of getting my 96 year old mother a shopping cart in the parking lot to use as a walker,» Mudhall wrote.
The new EEOC guidelines are intended to bring to bear the weight of anti-discrimination law to prevent such practices, even when the actions are based on benevolent reasons, such as assuming that a working mother wouldn't want to move to another city, even if it would mean a promotion.
As we spend the evening sampling new flavors of Jon's beer in my mother's living room, I expect that his quarterly financials — no matter what they are — will start to look just fine.
She may attract attention as her mother's mini-me, but if her mother's accomplishments are anything to go by, then Princess Iman is destined for even bigger things.
If you have the opportunity to go as a mother / daughter duo, or with your best friend, it is even more worth it.
Police records about emergency calls to his home describe fights at home — and a mother's concern about a son out of her control even as an adolescent.
And while I'm not particularly phased by death (people die, it happens), even I am not so callous as to make the day someone loses their mother more difficult than it already is.
Safe abortions will never go away as they are still needed to save life (even in the early 1900s doctors had to abort babies so at least the mother could live when tuberculosis was the leading cause of death and it was terminal for a pregnant mother).
And then hear him pray through the excruciating pain for those who are killing him, «Father, forgive them, they don't know what they are doing,» and say to his disciple about his mother Mary, «behold thy mother,» (i.e., he was looking out for her and entrusting her into the car of his close friend, even as he suffered).
If his stepfather even really was a Muslim (hard to know in Indonesia, because atheism wasn't an option for registration) he sure as heck didn't take it seriously enough to prevent Obama's mother from placing the kid in Catholic school.
As his mother, watching the children's leaders treat my family this way was disheartening — even heartbreaking.
Jarvis had envisioned Mother's Day as «a holy day,» even - in a truly grandiloquent moment - as «a divine gift,» a Sabbath celebration of maternal affection and perseverance, «not as a holiday» at the disposal of various «trade vandals» and «trade pirates.»
The mother can abort the fetus, as the uterus does of its own accord many, many times, without the mother even being aware of it, or the mother can nurture the fetus, and that fetus becomes a child.
Sadly, I've also noticed that even at church most bullies learned their craft, as they say, «at their mothers knee», meaning that they watched their parents bully others.
The fact that Paul could describe himself in 1 Thessalonians 2 - 3, in relation to his converts, as a brother, father, nursing mother, and even an orphaned child is no indication that he approved transgendering.
I learned this not from a class in feminist studies, but from Jesus — who was brought into the world by a woman whose obedience changed everything; who revealed his identity to a scorned woman at a well; who defended Mary of Bethany as his true disciple, even though women were prohibited from studying under rabbis at the time; who obeyed his mother; who refused to condemn the woman caught in adultery to death; who looked to women for financial and moral support, even after the male disciples abandoned him; who said of the woman who anointed his feet with perfume that «wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her»; who bantered with a Syrophoenician woman, talked theology with a Samaritan woman, and healed a bleeding woman; who appeared first before women after his resurrection, despite the fact that their culture deemed them unreliable witnesses; who charged Mary Magdalene with the great responsibility of announcing the start of a new creation, of becoming the Apostle to the Apostles.
And as we listen we realize that we have seen the coming of the very first gentiles, kneeling and worshiping before this God in human flesh, a God not yet even weaned by his mother.
The well known Mother Theresa was even recently exposed as a very cruel person, in regard to the poor; she caused a lot of needless suffering.
That you have a love for these people you can't even compare to the love as a mother you have for your children.
What availed as the common wisdom of mankind until the day before yesterday — for example, that man, woman, mother, and father name natural realities as well as social roles, that children issue naturally from their union, that the marital union of man and woman is the foundation of human society and provides the optimal home for the flourishing of children — all this is now regarded by many as obsolete and even hopelessly bigoted, as court after court, demonstrating that this revolution has profoundly transformed even the meaning of reason itself, has declared that this bygone wisdom now fails even to pass the minimum legal threshold of rational cogency.
I'm not an expert, but I have been involved in many of them over the past 20 years, even doing my time as a heavily - made - up «model» for the fashion shows in the 90s (I hope to heaven my mother has lost those photographs...).
Even if someone was as good as Mother Theresa or Gandhi, they could not earn their eternal life by their good works any more than could Hitler or Pol Pot by their evil works.
Even in the early days, Hannah, the mother of Samuel, came to the shrine of Yahweh to pray concerning a personal and family matter, (I Samuel 1:9 ff) and in the second temple, as the Psalter reveals, the individual, as such, had part in the sacrifices, not simply as a member of the nation but in the light and right of his own private needs.
Even while acknowledging some lat.itude in these early chapters, it appears that science is increasingly able to corroborate what we have held in faith based upon biblical texts, including bases for such matters as an ancient deluge, genetic linking back to one mother and possible on father, and the possibility of extended life - spans prior to the deluge.
The same one that I would refer that stole much of its materials from my holy Bible not of original thought at all even going as far as to acknowledge Jesus Christ, Mother Mary and Moses and claiming bolsterously to be the true church of the world?
Somehow I could get on the internet, make phone calls, and even order room service, while a mother watched helplessly as her baby's respirator failed, just blocks away.
Even as someone who is not yet a mother, I see the wisdom of this approach.
He called Muggeridge — one of the most acclaimed journalists of the twentieth century — an «old fraud and mountebank,» mocked his belief in the supernatural, and even referred to Mother Teresa as a «presumable virgin.»
«As originally proposed, the 2003 state bill, SB 1082, sought to define the term «born - alive infant» as any infant, even one born as the result of an unsuccessful abortion, that shows vital signs separate from its motheAs originally proposed, the 2003 state bill, SB 1082, sought to define the term «born - alive infant» as any infant, even one born as the result of an unsuccessful abortion, that shows vital signs separate from its motheas any infant, even one born as the result of an unsuccessful abortion, that shows vital signs separate from its motheas the result of an unsuccessful abortion, that shows vital signs separate from its mother.
What a ridiculous article written to sway disgruntled democrats who have had enough of Obama... Portraying Barry as the next coming, even being more spiritual or influential than Dr. King is outrageous... His mother being «the most spiritually awakened than anyone he knows» yet acknowledging her as an atheist?
Kelsey even charges that Warfield got his notion of authority from his mother's milk and not, as he thinks, from Jesus Christ and the Apostles.
In the season finale, the justices delivered split opinions in two cases that had not even been fully briefed and argued on the merits — one about President Trump's limits on immigration from six majority - Muslim nations, the other about the right of a female same - sex spouse to be listed as a parent on a birth certificate alongside the birth mother.
Women do not receive the priesthood, though at the age of 12 they also begin learning skills to become wives and mothers (at appropriate ages, not as teenagers — not to be confused with the FLDS, devout mormons aren't even allowed to date or wear makeup until the age of 16) There is a hierarchy, though it isn't as rigid as you are describing.
Even though theology can recognize this as an inaccurate and inappropriate understanding of God, it may be necessary to give the mother the freedom to back off, to distance herself for a while from direct, active engagement with God.
Despite the withering contempt of experts and allies alike — even the architectural critic Lewis Mumford, letting his unfortunate susceptibility to vanity get the better of him, could not resist dismissing Death and Life as a «preposterous mass of historic misinformation and contemporary misinterpretation» assembled by «a sloppy novice» — this unaccredited journalist - mother, with no college education, no training in planning, and no institutional support, wrote a book that would change the way the world thinks about cities.
The grandparents of today who accepted this consent with relief became in some cases the «condoning generation» with regard to abortion in difficult cases with the result that many mothers today, even within our own community, carry the burden of a decision that was sold to them as a solution to their problem pregnancy.
To put the point another way, if 9/11 drove to church for weeks on end millions of Americans who had not darkened that doorstep in years — as it did — imagine the even deeper impact on ordinary mothers and fathers of a sick child or the similarly powerful desire of a devoted spouse on the brink of losing the other.
A non-citizen man who can not voice a single opinion that is not fed to him by his controllers, a man who disdains this country, who is NOT a christian, whose mother's history was rewritten after he ran for office (she was a known wh * re not a «good citizen» as she is now portrayed, a man who is a racist against whites even though he is half - white, a man whose wife is disbarred....
gave me a chance to rediscover Jane Austen, not least because she is my mother's favorite author: For not only does the Oakesian matriarch own all six of the Austen novels in the elegant Oxford edition, but Park Honan's marvelous biography, Jane Austen: Her Life, occupies a prominent place on her bookshelf as well ¯ which I gobbled up (naturally) even more avidly than I did the novels.
Please explain why a mother might not get confused when listening to your religious poison and decide to guarantee her childrens future even though she might understand she's throwing away her own, as you say, she's not God so it would be wrong for her to take her childrens lives.
I think most of the Americans are in lost... as most of them do not know who their father is and it is very unfortunate... even if they know who their father is, the mom has children from diff men outside of marriage... and while a child is being raised, watching what his / her parents do to enjoy their life... so things become normal when they grow up... like if you go back early nineteen century, women were not allowed to go to beach without being covered... and now it totally opposite... if you do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend before 15, the parents worries that their teenage has some problem... and lot more can be listed... And then you go to Church, what our children learn from there... they see in front of the Church an old man's statue with long beard standing with extending of both hand... some of the status are blank, white, Spanish and so on... so they are being taught God as an old dude... then you learn from Catholic that you pray to Jesus, Mother Marry, Saints, Death spirit and all these... the poll shows a huge number of young American turns to Atheism or believing there is no God and so on... Its hard to assume where these nations are going with the name of modernization... nothing wrong having scientists discovered the cure of aids or the pics from mars but... we should all think and learn from our previous generations and correct ourselves... also ppl are becoming so much slave of material things...
It's almost impossible to convey the intensity of the scene: the vivid blue sky, the daughter's baptism as her mother lay dying, the white towel that was placed around Elise as she emerged from the water, the combination of dread, sadness, hope, and even joy that we all felt as witnesses to the event.
Just as the ground is not growth itself nor the bridegroom a mother, so God is not History, even if he is the source of time.
I used to think it was the old European women from three or four generations back that had religion and superst.ition fed to them in equal amounts — even some as recent as my mother's generation with the nuns» stories about lying before communion and having their tongue fall out of their mouths, or having the stone lions in front of the protestant church come to life and eat them or having the earth open up and swallow them because they didn't go to confession.
«If [justice] must be accorded to the unborn child, as it must,» the editors write, «it must also be accorded to the mother, and, yes, even to the Catholic politician who tries to balance competing rights and claims in a pluralistic society.
Even though huge numbers of us are exhausted and isolated as our mothers never were, feminists, corporate leaders, and the child - care lobby are effectively forcing us to remain in the workforce against our deepest wishes, our lives made just bearable by scant leave and scanter subsidy.
when i spoke out like that calling the holy spirit as a comfort a lie, i was really upset with god because i thought he had betrayed me by letting my mother keep hurting me... i even asked him am i now condemned do you hate, me too?
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