Sentences with phrase «even avoid eye contact»

Not exact matches

For many, the morning and evening rush hours are characterized by cramped carriages, traffic jams and doing their best to avoid eye contact with fellow commuters.
: 0 Because they are so hot, it is advised you avoid skin and eye contact (just say you don't want juice getting into your eyes, nose or skin while cutting them), Even while cooking them you don't want to directly breathe it in.
You could drink it and avoid eye contact all night... or even go so far as to send it back... But that goes against my manners, and just adds to the overall awkwardness of it all.
Some things people do when they are lying is avoid eye contact, their body language contradicts what they are saying (kind of like someone saying «I'm fine» when they look upset), how they react to what you're saying, they shift their stance often, they fidget, they cover parts of their face with their hands (like they are trying to hide), they could sweat or even move away from you slowly.
I mean, even more than one already avoids eye contact with every person on the subway.
Every observant dog owner can see for himself that his dog gets greater satisfaction from the praise rewarding a well - executed command or good behavior than he does from the momentary excitement of disobeying, which is usually followed by the evident guilt feelings, (ears back and avoiding eye contact), even when he has not been punished.
Other submissive body language will also be displayed such as cowering low, ears pinned back, turning their body sideways and avoiding eye contact, maybe even rolling over to expose their belly.
, and what makes them even more than cool is they maintain this attitude amidst the increasing amount of rude, bad mannered, disrespectful, snaking, dropping in, stinky eyed tourist who try to avoid eye contact with others in the surf (or Zombies as Slim calls them)...,
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